January 5, 2007, - 3:13 pm

Rocky Betrayed: Stallone Supports Illegal Aliens

By Debbie Schlussel
I am getting e-mails by the boatload from readers angry with me for promoting the “Rocky Balboa” film because Sylvester Stallone just basically came out in favor of illegal aliens and against buiding a fence to help secure our borders:

“I support Mexicans who work in my country,” he said, adding that the United States depends on the hard work of Latinos to keep running.
In comments to Mexican media later, Stallone criticized plans to build 700 miles of fence along the border as an immigration-control measure.
Such a fence was “crazy” and “ridiculous,” he said, arguing that nations should be able to interact without being divided by walls.

Sounds like “Rocky 7: The Italian Stallion Gets Reprogrammed at the Ashram.”


Illegal Aliens Are Laughing at Their New Rube, Sly Stallone

I agree with those readers who are angry, knowing what we know now. Stallone has exposed himself as yet another Hollywood dolt out of touch with reality.
That said, on this site, I have reviewed many movies, many of which star those whose politics I detest. Usually, their films either reflect their politics, the movie just plain stinks, or both. But occasionally, far-left actors (there rarely are any other kind) star in good movies, despite their idiotic politics.
One is “The Departed,” which stars lefty enviro-hypocrite Leonardo DiCrapio and lefty U.S. military-hater Matt Damon, and co-stars all-around political scumbag, Alec Baldwin. DiCrapio’s great in the movie (which is apolitical). I usually try to mention their detestable politics but also give my honest assessment of the movie and their performances therein, politics aside, as I did with “The Departed.”
I draw the line at criminals and thugs. Mark Wahlberg, for example, also co-stars in that movie. But, in real life, he’s a criminal thug who robbed Vietnamese immigrants and took one of their eyes out with a meathook. Once a reader of this site, “bhmildy,” drew my attention to that, I felt I could never again fully promote anything he does or stars in, and, at the very least, I’d have to mention his crime again, along with my strong reservations.
As for Stallone, it disgusts me that he’s turned out to be yet another Hollywood dummy. Knowing his views now (I didn’t know them then–the article quoting his pro-illegal alien views wasn’t out until today), I’m sorry I helped him promote his film and make him money. But it still is a good movie. And I gave my honest assessment. And I always decry the violent, obscene, and just plain crappy movies with crappy messages out there. “Rocky Balboa” did not fit those descriptions. It’s better than that and, in general, a good movie.
I’m sorry to hear that in real life Sylvester Stallone is simply no Rocky.
He may have a lot of money. But he has no heart or mind. You can’t possibly have those and, at the same time, support the takeover of our country and our way of life by those who don’t deserve to be here and are lawbreakers.
So, I’m no longer a fan of Sylvester Stallone. I thought he was different. And he turned out not to be.
But I’m still a fan of “Rocky.” The average working class American, which Rocky represents (and with whom Stallone is out of touch), strongly supports the fence on our border and a crackdown on the millions of illegal alien lawbreakers who remain on our soil illegally.
Yo, Adrian. Your husband’s lost his mind.

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35 Responses

Let me tell you how I always saw it:
I watch the movie I choose and I don’t think about what’s behind the scene.
A movie ends by the word “END” or the credits.
Movies and actors are just a projection of light on a screen, a sequence of moving pictures, who perform a fictive scripted story for profit.
Once the light is gone, the actors are gone.
That’s why I see Hollywood actors not as human beings, but as useful projections of light created to entertain me, if I chose to, when I chose to and where I chose to.
And that’s why I don’t give a damn about what these projections of light -called “actors”- think, say or do outside the movies or the TV shows.
For me, Hollywood actors do not exist outside the show.

Independent Conservative on January 5, 2007 at 4:04 pm

I don’t know, IC. I’m with Debbie on this one. It’s all about money. I work very hard for mine, and the thought of giving it to someone who is so full of him/her self as to think they can pontificate, and influence those who worship them is abhorrent. When you buy tickets to their movies, rent their DVD’s, buy their CD’s or books, you are monetarily supporting an individual whose world view and value system is destructive to the way of life we so cherish. I cannot seperate the two. The entire time I’m watching or listening, I can’t help but think about what twisted value systems this idiot holds dear. I want his or her career to stall or fail, as punishment for having opened their mouth. I would expect no less from liberal audiences trying to enjoy one of my films after having public and well documented right wing rants. I say, if I don’t know your politics, I can enjoy your craft, and support you. Open your pie hole and say things that I’m diametrically opposed to, and I’ll kick ya to the curb. As you can guess, I don’t watch many movies.

Skippy on January 5, 2007 at 4:51 pm

Skippy, I rarely go to the theaters to watch a movie. The last one was “Borat.” It was the first since about 4 years ago.
If I want to watch a show, I flip channels, in the comfort of my home. I don’t even rent movies.
Rarely when I pay for Hollywood.
In general, I have no respect for Hollywood.
When the actors start speaking, usually garbage comes out of their pie hole.

Independent Conservative on January 5, 2007 at 5:24 pm

Debbie, a day without that picture of the Mexican guy grabbing his crotch on your site is like a day without sunshine. You need to put that picture in more of your posts! I’ve been missing it for the past few days.

Dan on January 5, 2007 at 7:37 pm

Our founding fathers must be spinning in their graves!
They declared and died for independence from the British and now this twit is declaring dependence on Mexico!
If we are really dependent on illegals (which I do not believe for a minute) we need to end it and stand on our own!
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, REAL men of the Colonial Army, I am so sorry for what we have become and for letting you down.
We hang our heads in shame.
BTW Debbie, I knew we could count on you.

feralcat9 on January 5, 2007 at 8:15 pm

Debbie, I dig you but you’re off your rocker when it comes to immigration, kind of like a pretty Jewish Don Quixote. The Mexicans aren’t going anywhere, so you might as well enjoy them. The ones I see are hard working, family oriented and humble. The guy in your picture is no more representative of them than Noam Chamsky is of us.

Anonymous1 on January 5, 2007 at 8:26 pm

Do not you Gringos be a picking on my wonderful patroon Mr Sly.
He pay me and my brother and my sister and uncle Garcia and cousin Juan and his 8 childrens ages from 2 to 10 years old very mucho good moneys. He be very mucho generios to us. He pay us all a big new twenty dollar bill a day for only 15 hours of working and we even get two 5 minute peepee breaks. We love our serf master mucho much.

JoseNoBordersGonzales on January 5, 2007 at 8:36 pm

We aren’t exactly talking about a brain surgeon here. If he went into Mexico City and said “Wall Bueno” the natives would have kidnapped him for ransom and then worse- not pay their pesos (sent by the illegal immigrants in the U.S.) to see his movie. When my husband and I went to Mexico- we would lie through our teeth when he was asked what he did for a living. Self preservation is an instinct. See how loving Rocky would be if they moved into his neighborhood. I doubt he’d invite them for a screening of “Stop Or my Mom will shoot!!”

MarySJ on January 5, 2007 at 9:21 pm

To be honest, I’m not really sure what difference it makes. By most polls, more than 40% of the country disagrees with the fence. Can we really think that 40% of the country is crazy? This means you can’t pay money to see any movie without supporting someone that opposes the fence. Suddenly when an actor disagrees with you he’s a Hollywood dolt? They’re actors. It’s a bit silly how much attention what they think about an issue gets— whether you agree with it or not. Giving attention to what they think, positive or negative, just feeds the cycle. I guess you have to write about something, though.
For the record, I think immigration should be strictly regulated, and the fence may have to be part of that, but I still think illegals aren’t really taking jobs that most Americans want. I also think illegals should be deported rather than imprisoned — in prison we have to pay for them more than if they were roaming the streets.

SunnyK on January 5, 2007 at 10:37 pm

I know it must be a chick thing that you had this infatuation with Sly because I don’t know anyone as gaga over this old warhorse as you seemed to be. I just didn’t get it–but to each his own. Your evaluations of his looks and on it went–(loved your comments–“you had to be there–he really looks better in person–etc”
Soooooo, with you writing this today–I can breathe easier–ahhh. I’m so glad that your infatuations have limits–thanks for setting the record straight on a guy that I pegged as just another vain Hollywood egotist. and….Save your affections for those who are “heartworthy”–proven by standing up for what he/she/we must stand for-and I really couldn’t imagine any true DS who would do otherwise.
I still haven’t forgiven Mel Gibson for his showing his true colors either while in a drunken stupor last summer. I had really put that bro on a pedestal too–the movies he made, and the themes all had “fighting for freedom, truth, honor, etc” as themes–e. g. Braveheart. I used to tell my Jewish friends that they should view “The Passion of the Christ,” perhaps for many–the most powerful film of all time. One said, “I won’t because he is anti-Jewish.” “No way I said–that was his dad. No real Christian can be anti-Jewish.” Well–here again I saw what I wanted to be true.
Damn Hollywood!!!

BB on January 5, 2007 at 11:21 pm

I mentioned on a previous thread about “Rocky Balboa” that I was disappointed when I saw that Rocky employed a bunch of illegal aliens in his restaurant. I should’ve known.
Sly is your typical, Hollywood LIBERAL!
No more watching any of his movies. I’m sick and tired of my local taxes going up EVERY year to:
pay for these illegal spawn in my schools;
to pay for their medical care that they get at hospital emergency rooms (none of them carry medical insurance;
to pay to incarcerate them for constantly driving drunk, without licenses, ad without car insurance;
to pay to incarcerate them for committing crimes like murder, drug dealing, theft, etc.;
to pay for every welfare program that they sign up for.
Sly can afford it and that’s nice – but don’t force ME to pay for his LIBERAL agenda!
As Mickey used to say to Rocky in the first Rocky movie; “You’re a BUM!”

Thee_Bruno on January 6, 2007 at 8:26 am

Seriously, I think there should be some confirmation of what he said to the Mexican media from either Sly’s rep or Sly himself before people go apesh*t on him. Look at how Gwyneth Paltrow gets misquoted in the foreign press.
And Sly was nice enough to let his picture be taken with a conservative commentator, hugging him no less. Doesn’t he deserve some benefit of the doubt?

Norman Blitzer on January 6, 2007 at 8:44 am

AbNormal Blizer;
Read my response to you on the following thread.
What a weasel muzlum, you are.

Thee_Bruno on January 6, 2007 at 9:06 am

Yo Stallone, are you punchy, greedy, or both? “Good fences make Good neighbors!

Happiness Pursuer on January 6, 2007 at 10:34 am

>Read my response to you on the following >thread.
Posted by: Thee_Bruno
Nah, I’d rather not read anything more from an idiot like you who doesn’t have any reading comprehension skills, and who’s so stupid, can’t even post ON TOPIC!!!

Norman Blitzer on January 6, 2007 at 10:46 am

Ah, remember when them damn micks, Jews, pollacks, WOPS, etc. were the sub-humans???
Seig Heil y’all

EminemsRevenge on January 6, 2007 at 12:15 pm

C’mon, Debbie, let’s be realistic, especially in light of Sly’s comments saying that he believes illegals are here doing good, and that putting up a fence is a bad thing.
Those Mehicans in Rocky’s restaurant spoke very few words so how can you say they spoke perfect English? If they spoke 5 words, they spoke a lot.
Do you think Rocky went out of his way looking for documented Mehicans to work in his restaurant? He’s just cashing-in on the cheap labor that other money-grubbing business owners do – even as giant food processing corporations do.

Thee_Bruno on January 7, 2007 at 8:14 am

AbNormal Blitzed,
Been reading your koran lately?

Thee_Bruno on January 7, 2007 at 8:19 am

“Ah, remember when them damn micks, Jews, pollacks, WOPS, etc. were the sub-humans???”
Yep. The difference IS, we “Micks” (0f which I am a very proud one), WOPS, Chinks (ya left out that one) etc. worked VERY hard despite the blatant bogotry we faced. We demanded that our children speak only English in the home, attended school faithfully, and ASSIMILATED all ’round.
Speaking of the “sub-human” emminem, you might want to read the “bibles” of sociological analysis re: immigration of 100+ years ago or so written by Messrs. Park and Mead. You just might learn something. Pay special attention to The Theory of Concentric Rings – Detroit, Chicago, NYC are excellent examples.
Dr. Rock

Rocketman on January 7, 2007 at 10:45 am

It was of course easy for Irish immigrants to demand that “English only” be spoken at home since THEY ALREADY SPOKE ENGLISH. The Italians and Chinese spoke their native tongue at home in America. For instance, even a hundred years ago, a Chinese person could live in any Chinatown in America and speak only Chinese to get by. The German immigrants to the NE of America only spoke German for about 100 yrs. before they “assimilated”. And let’s not forget about Creole and Cajun in Louisiana.
Of course immigrants should assimilate, but let’s get rid of the ignorance and self-righteousness before we ask them to do so.

Norman Blitzer on January 7, 2007 at 11:13 am

It’s not nice to make us jealous, Debbie!…LOL.
As for JoseNoBordersGonzales, excellent post.
Just me, but I can’t see a movie these days with overly political extremists. I just can’t watch any movie with Sean Penn, Susan Saranwrap, Babw Streisand, and others of that ilk. I know, I know, they are just actors, but I can’t divorce them from their politics and I just hate to help support their careers.
I can see Debbie’s initial positive review of Stallone and the movie. It’s not like Stallone has made a career of speaking on politics like many Hollyweird lefties.

The_Man on January 7, 2007 at 12:50 pm

There goes AbNormal Blitzed again with his own version of history.
How about this little gem of his;
“The German immigrants to the NE of America only spoke German for about 100 yrs. before they “assimilated”.”
Think about it – if they spoke German for 100 years, then how did they make a living? What giant German conglomerates existed in the Northeast for 100 years that could employ all those non-English speaking Germans? Where did their kids go to school for 100 years? Were there only German-speaking schools in the Northeast for 100 years? Did they not even offer English-as-a-second-language curriculum in all those German schools? LMFAO!
Blitzed has diarrhea of the mind and mouth.
Too bad his favorite group – muzlumz – NEVER assimilate anywhere, anyhow, at anytime. All his favorite group wants to do is take over and eradicate through murder and conversion.
What a sad fucktard!

Thee_Bruno on January 7, 2007 at 2:07 pm

BTW, BLITZED, you’re posting OFF-TOPIC, fucktard!
You criticize other people for doing the same thing you do.
What a complete FOOL!

Thee_Bruno on January 7, 2007 at 2:09 pm

Thanks Debbie for the clarification on Sly. hmmmm — are you sure about that???? Me thinks I wasn’t so far off–but at your word I stand corrected. Anyway, I’m glad you are dissing the old Italian Stallyone.

BB on January 7, 2007 at 3:00 pm

The FOOL is you, Thee_Bruno (BTW, you post exactly like Independent Conservative) proving that you can’t even read what’s available on the internet. The Germans and the Chinese created their own communites where many could work and live without learning English:
“… as late as 1910 an estimated nine million people in the United States still spoke German as their mother tongue.”
“…while Pennsylvania and Ohio in 1839 were first in allowing German as an official alternative, even requiring it on parental demand. Some public and many private parochial schools taught exclusively in German throughout many decades, mostly in rural areas.”
“While four out of five children of German-American families were enrolled in a private (meaning German-language) school in 1860, in 1880 four out of five such children were enrolled in a public bilingual school.”
…”Nevertheless the use of Pennsylvania’s German — better known as Pennsylvania Dutch — “reached its climax between 1870 and 1880; it was the everyday language of about 750,000 people, about 600,000 of whom lived in Pennsylvania” [Jurgen Eichhoff and Marion Lois Huffines, in Trommler (1985), 224ff., 241ff.].”
“German was a very significant minority language in the USA until the First World War. It is estimated that up to 6% of the American schoolchildren were educated IN GERMAN until 1918, and a larger percentage may have spoken it at home. However, the anti-German tendency after the outbreak of the War changed everything, and German-speaking Americans were regarded suspiciously as possible traitors, which led to an attempt to dissimulate German ancestry and a decay in the language use. This tendency was greatly accentuated in the time of the Second World War, resulting in its replacement by English in most families.”
There’s more stuff if you care to look. Perhaps I exaggerated when I stated “The German immigrants to the NE of America only spoke German for about 100 yrs. before they “assimilated”.” ; but the part about German assimilation into American culture is correct.
Now stop high-jacking the topic, Thee_Bruno, you dumbass. You are nothing but a NAZI and an utter FOOL.
LMAO!!! What a complete IDIOT you are Thee_Bruno!

Norman Blitzer on January 7, 2007 at 4:25 pm

You guys are so far off topic I forgot what it was. Wasn’t it “Rocky Betrayed?” So, if Stallone betrayed Rocky, maybe he also stretched the truth about Rocky? Maybe Rocky isn’t so pure? Maybe Rocky wasn’t so faithful to Adrian? Maybe Mick knew Rocky best when he called him a bum? After all, Mick did not care so much for Rocky until Mick could make a buck off him. Maybe the real Philly champ is the guy from Invinsible, Vince Papale? He worked as hard a Rocky, probably harder; and he did not need to use stunt men or movie scripts to make it happen. So here is a real Philly cheer for Stallone- B000000. For now, let’s still call Rocky a friend.

Happiness Pursuer on January 7, 2007 at 10:19 pm

Blitzed got blitzed, AGAIN!
Blitzed lied AGAIN!
This, AGAIN, is Blitzed’s original quote;
“The German immigrants to the NE of America only spoke German for about 100 yrs….”
Now, he cuts and pastes the following;
“”… as late as 1910 an estimated nine million people in the United States still spoke German as their mother tongue.””
Blitzed now is trying to cover up his ignorance. He NOW says that the Germans still spoke German as their mother tongue. Of course they did – BUT THEY ALSO SPOKE ENGLISH! “Mother tongue” means that they also spoke another language (English) when they came to America, just as you converse in your mother tongue at home (Arabic), yet you can speak English here in America when you’re trying to deceive the infidel.
Blitzed also pasted;
“”While four out of five children of German-American families were enrolled in a private (meaning German-language) school in 1860, in 1880 four out of five such children were enrolled in a public bilingual school.””
Thank you for proving MY point in my post about you on this thread. I sarcastically made THAT very same point (their kids were taught English in schools).
He further pasted;
“”…”Nevertheless the use of Pennsylvania’s German — better known as Pennsylvania Dutch — “reached its climax between 1870 and 1880; it was the everyday language of about 750,000 people, about 600,000 of whom lived in Pennsylvania””
The Pennsylvania Dutch (Amish) speak German to this day. BUT THEY ALSO SPEAK ENGLISH.
You see folks, whenever Blitzed opens his mouth, nothing but lies and stupidity spew out. THEN, when you catch him in his lies, what does he do? He comes back with a post that contradicts what he initially said, but he’s counting on you not to notice. Every point he cut and pasted bolstered everything I said, and contradicted his re-visionist history.
Blitzed, you’re nothing but a complete, duplicitous shithead.
I also find it very peculiar that a guy with a Jewish pseudonym (Norman Blitzer), posts on a blog run by a Jewish woman, yet exclusively sides with muzlums and their agenda.
Very strange. 😉
Blitzed, you’re just too stoooopid to breathe.

Thee_Bruno on January 8, 2007 at 8:30 am

Thee_Bruno, you are an illiterate buffoon.
Can you not understand what “still spoke” means as in “still spoke German as their mother tongue”?
And learn what the word “exclusively” means as in “exclusively in German”.
And also you posted:
“The Pennsylvania Dutch (Amish) speak German to this day. BUT THEY ALSO SPEAK ENGLISH.”
But we weren’t talking about TODAY. We were talking about over 100 yrs. ago.
And one more thing to prove that you are an illiterate buffoon:
“I also find it very peculiar that a guy with a Jewish pseudonym (Norman Blitzer), posts on a blog run by a Jewish woman, yet “exclusively” sides with muzlums and their agenda.”
HAHAHAHAHA!!! See, you don’t know what “exclusively” means.
“The burqa is just another silly custom from a backward religion.”
Posted by: Norman Blitzer at January 3, 2007 08:29 PM
You are a very stupid FOOL, Thee_Bruno!
Now get lost, and STOP HIGH-JACKING THE TOPIC!!!

Norman Blitzer on January 8, 2007 at 12:35 pm

There you go again.
You originally posted; “The German immigrants to the NE of America only spoke German for about 100 yrs….”
Do you see the word; “ONLY”? Do you know what “ONLY” means? You should…you used it.
Now you’re trying to wriggle out of what you said by posting this tripe; “Can you not understand what “still spoke” means as in “still spoke German as their mother tongue”?”
But, yet again, you said that they ONLY spoke German for 100 years.
In regards to the Amish…you posted; “But we weren’t talking about TODAY. We were talking about over 100 yrs. ago.”
Hey, fucktard, YOU WERE the one who brought up the Penn Dutch and language…NOT I! AND, they speak both German AND English. You brought up this utterly ridiculous post….NOT I. YOU are the one who can’t get his facts straight…NOT I.
Hey, Blizted….your posts are EXCLUSIVELY PRO-ISLAMIC. Posting one comment about a burqa doesn’t change the content of ALL YOUR OTHER PRO-ISLAMIC POSTS.
Nice try, Ahmed!
Keep posting off-topic, too.
You’re a weasel. You keep trying to change what you initially posted, however, it’s still all there for everyone to see what an incompetent, lying cretin you are.
You can’t change what you posted….so stop trying to blow smoke. You’re so obvious. You stoooooopid bastard!

Thee_Bruno on January 8, 2007 at 1:15 pm

Thee_Bruno, the illiterate buffoon posted:
>You originally posted; “The German immigrants to the NE of America only spoke German for about 100 yrs….”
But in my post after that I stated:
“There’s more stuff if you care to look. Perhaps I exaggerated when I stated “The German immigrants to the NE of America only spoke German for about 100 yrs. before they “assimilated”.” ; but the part about German assimilation into American culture is correct.”
Posted by: Norman Blitzer at January 7, 2007 04:25 PM
Learn how to read you idiot.
“YOU WERE the one who brought up the Penn Dutch and language…NOT I! AND, they speak both German AND English.”
Please learn how to read English correctly, you idiot:
“…while Pennsylvania and Ohio in 1839 were first in ALLOWING GERMAN AS AN OFFICIAL ALTERNATIVE, even requiring it on parental demand. Some public and many private parochial schools taught EXCLUSIVELY IN GERMAN throughout many decades, mostly in rural areas.”
Thee_Bruno, the illiterate buffoon posted:
“Hey, Blizted….your posts are EXCLUSIVELY PRO-ISLAMIC. Posting one comment about a burqa doesn’t change the content of ALL YOUR OTHER PRO-ISLAMIC POSTS.”
Just because you don’t understand what “exclusive” means doesn’t mean you can change its definition.
Keep posting though, you’re only humiliating yourself.

Norman Blitzer on January 8, 2007 at 2:00 pm

I think Norman was correct about Bruno and Independent Conservative being the same poster. Nice try Bruno!

DudeSteak on January 8, 2007 at 8:57 pm

To Blitzed and TubeSteak;
Two absolutely hopeless LIBERALS who have no clue, who have no real intellect except to blow smoke, and twist everything they say once they get caught in their own lies.
These two stooooopid bastards, who hate Conservatives, feel compelled to continually post on this blog. That’s like two mice that feel compelled to play around in cages filled with cats.
You two idiots are really too stooooooooopid to live.
What twits.
What fucktards!

Thee_Bruno on January 9, 2007 at 9:21 am

Oh I like conservatives just fine Bruno.

DudeSteak on January 9, 2007 at 11:53 pm

TubeSteak has always shown his disdain for Conservatives AND America through his posts here and on all of the other Left-Wing blogs he’s infamous for, yet he ALWAYS sympathizes with islamic murderers.
TubeSteak is your typical, America-hating LIBERAL.
TubeSteak Hates America, yet always sides with its enemies.
TubeSteak Hates Religion, yet he loves islam.
TubeSteak Hates America, yet he won’t live in any of the Communist countries that he defends.
TubeSteak is your typical, duplicitous, hypocritical, America-hating LIBERAL.
Time to pack it in, TubeSteak.
BTW, Noam Chomsky left a message for you on this blog earlier….he needs you to wipe his ass, again.

Thee_Bruno on January 10, 2007 at 12:52 am

“Time to pack it in, TubeSteak”
This is the only thing you got right Bruno. (wink).
All joking aside, I most definitely love America and I don’t love islam.

TubeSteak on January 10, 2007 at 8:29 pm

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