January 4, 2007, - 6:59 pm
Real-Life Superman on Letterman, Tonight; Is Navy AND Vietnam Vet
By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE, 01/05/07: Final Word–Wesley Autrey is a proud Vietnam Vet, after all.
Real-life Superman, Wesley Autrey, about whom I wrote, yesterday morning, will be on David Letterman on CBS, late night, tonight.
Yesterday, we noted a discrepancy in AP reporting on Autrey’s military service. AP initially reported Autrey is a Vietnam Vet, but then deleted it from its later stories. But it turns out he is, indeed, a proud U.S. Navy Veteran of Vietnam.
Navy men can be proud of this true American hero.

Tags: CBS, Debbie Schlussel, United States Navy, Vietnam, Wesley Autrey
John Kerry was also a Navy vet.
This is a good step, but the Navy still has a lot to make up for.
feralcat9 on January 4, 2007 at 7:37 pm