August 26, 2005, - 11:51 am

New U.S. Envoy To Israel Named Dog after Saudi Arabia

By Debbie Schlussel
President Bush’s new envoy to Israel, Richard H. Jones, is an Arabist who spent years in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia (not to mention, France). He’s praised by Israel-haters like Nebraska’s U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel (Republican) and Martin Indyk, a formerly mustachioed and still-cheesy looking, arrogant former Clintonista from the State Dept.
Most telling of all is that, according to the Washington Post, Jones named his beloved Greyhound dog, “Kisa,” after “Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”
Question: Is the dog a bitch?

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3 Responses

This comment is unrelated to this story.
Debbie, I think you need to take a look at the Google adverts that sometimes pop up on your site. A minute ago I clicked on the comments link on one of your stories and a big ad on the left showed up for an online Islamic clothing store for I’m guessing that’s not something you’d like to associate with your site.
Ann Coulter’s site often has similar issues.

Clompo on August 26, 2005 at 12:28 pm

We have tried to ban these types of ads, but the minute we do, more pop up. We are getting a new set of ads, soon, so we will not have to deal with this problem.

Debbie Schlussel on August 26, 2005 at 12:33 pm

the problem is basically that nice jewish girls like you are relatively childless while the islamist women have 10 kids each plus two more just to blow up us aging jews. love the blog, but i’d really like to see you with child.

shleppy on August 28, 2005 at 9:37 pm

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