January 2, 2007, - 1:50 pm

Cowed: Celeb Bows To PETA Pressure

By Debbie Schlussel
Jeers to actress Christina Ricci for bowing to PETA a/k/a PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans) pressure.
After PUTAh put her on its Worst Dressed Celebrity of 2006 list for posing in reindeer fur on the cover of W magazine, Ricci says she got complaints from “fans” (an illustration of why fan is short for fanatic).
Suddenly, she’s out to please the hypocritical PUTAh animal rights crowd:

After being named on the PETA worst dressed list for wearing fur, I have been deluged with angry and disappointed fans. I never meant to hurt nor anger anyone with my insensitivity. For what it is worth I have received the message loud and clear and will not be wearing fur in the future. I apologize for my offensive actions.


Spineless: Christina Ricci Apologizes for Crime of Wearing Fur

The owner of her biggest online fansite shut it down because she wore fur, and she immediately capitulates.
Girl, get some backbone. That’s what appeasing domestic terrorists (PETA funded terrorist groups Animal Liberation Front and Environmental Liberation Front) is like. And it’s not pretty.
For the record, fur is not murder. It’s the wrapper on what’s for dinner.
Oh, and by the way, Ricci is one of this summer’s Louis Vuitton models. Guess what, Christina? Vuitton bags are made of leather. And that comes from . . . animals.
Fur, leather–no difference. Both made to serve man.

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6 Responses

I liked her better when she was in the Addams Family movie.

Dan on January 2, 2007 at 7:28 pm

Christina Ricci had breast reduction surgery. Maybe she had brain reduction surgery, too. She’s become a true lobotomized Liberal.

FreethinkerNY on January 2, 2007 at 8:35 pm

Fur, Leather and Pets! PETA thinks pets should be illegal too.

sandy on January 2, 2007 at 8:50 pm

Breast reduction????? That’s a criminal act right there.
“Girl, get some backbone.”
C’mon, Le Deb. You have to be joking. She’s a typical Hollywood actress pinko.
Plus, she is extra weird. She has tattoos all over in pics I’ve seen. She’s just a weird, weird chick.

The_Man on January 3, 2007 at 12:34 am

Breast reduction surgery? Seems weird to me, but then again, I haven’t seen her in any movies since she was a kid, so I guess I kind of have that image stuck in my head.

Dan on January 3, 2007 at 12:51 am

NO ANIMAL IN THIS EARTH IS HERE TO SERVE YOU Stupid bitch! People like you make this world a worse (and idiotic) place to live! FUCK YOU AND YOU LOUIS VUITTON BAGS!

Nicole Bustamante on March 10, 2013 at 1:36 pm

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