October 19, 2010, - 11:42 am

Slut Nation: The Decline of America (VIDEO)

By Debbie Schlussel

If I were Osama Bin Laden, trying to recruit new terrorists to go to America to blow the place up, I’d use this report–from last night’s ABC News “Nightline”–as my key recruiting tool. It would show the escalating debauchery of American kids . . . and it would make my potential recruits think that they, too, can get in on the action with these moronic sluts. And they probably could. If I only had a dime for every slutty, stupid White woman who slept with (and was green card bait for) a Muslim alien (how exotic and rebellious) . . . . Particularly, I’d tell the recruits that they don’t even need to wait for the 72 virgins because they can be the new Tucker Max, sleep (or, more likely, claim he slept) with thousands of women, make millions, and get a New York Times Best Seller out of it. His “Assholes Finish First“–detailing his alleged conquests–is selling thousands of copies to these morons on campus.

That sex sells, isn’t new. That American college students and our coming generations are sex-obsessed imbeciles and ignoramuses, sadly, isn’t new either. It’s that it’s getting worse by the minute. And we wonder why America is declining economically and particularly in math and science. If you’re gonna sleep with everything that moves (or doesn’t move), what makes you any different than an animal in the jungle? Not much . . . especially if you are the typical airhead coming out of the new high school a/k/a “college” these days. Pay special attention to Max in the video, as not only is he particularly loathsome (and as believable as Wilt Chamberlain in his sexual exploit stories), but even more loathsome are the crowds of airheaded American college students going to his appearances. I guarantee you they can detail his every claimed exploit but most haven’t a clue what Hezbollah is or why Ahmadinejad–or even Obama–is a bad guy. Yup, more evidence of the decline of America is the success of this Max sleazebag.


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33 Responses

Ever see the movie “Idiocracy”?

interestin on October 19, 2010 at 11:54 am

    So true re: “Idiocracy.” Hey, does anybody remember AIDS??!!

    Docer on October 19, 2010 at 12:04 pm

In an earlier time, people kept discreet about their sex lives. I’ve always been of the view what you do with your partner behind closed doors is no one else’s business.

Today, people can’t stop to regale complete strangers with the tales of their latest sexual conquest. What’s died in America is a sense of shame.

In a way Debbie’s right. Al Qaeda won’t have to blow us up to destroy us. We’re doing a good job of destroying ourselves.

NormanF on October 19, 2010 at 12:11 pm


As a biologist, I object to you comparing students to animals in a jungle.

There are a number of animals that mate for life. They do not have multiple partners.

In some other animal species, the males fight for dominance, or assume dominance. It is that animal that has a selection of females. Lions have prides (groups of females). No other male lion may copulate with those females.

Many varieties of chimps and monkees are similar, although “cheating” has been observed (I kid you not).

So, please, next time you write a column, do not insult the entire animal kingdom by comparing them to a pack of wild college students.

Jonathan Grant on October 19, 2010 at 12:16 pm

    Jon makes a good point. Animals mate only to reproduce their species.

    The only creature on earth that has successfully decoupled sex from procreation is man.

    And man is obsessed with sex for reasons that have nothing to do with bringing about the next generation.

    Please don’t him compare to nature. Even the wildest beasts display more modesty in their affairs than college students on the prowl for sexual booty.

    NormanF on October 19, 2010 at 12:25 pm

      Not all animals copulate only for procreation. It is a known fact that many mammals have sex for “Fun”. Dolphins for one off the top of my head. And for the guy that objects to the jungle comparison, I’ve been watching our youth’s moral compass decline for 35 years now and if the shoe fits…

      Keith in Seattle on October 19, 2010 at 5:23 pm


Don’t get discouraged. This Tucker Max guy, after his 5th divorce, will realize he’s not so cool. And he’ll be broke, because divorce costs bigtime money. Hopefully no kids will be involved.

Truth on October 19, 2010 at 12:28 pm

    Yeah, but so what. I could care less what happens to him. It’s the absolute destruction he leaves behind.

    Sure, one could argue that college kids will have sex with or without him, but he worked himself into a position of influence, only to add gallons of fuel to the fire.

    Docer on October 19, 2010 at 12:33 pm

    Well… he has the looks and charisma for it.

    I’ve never been blessed with them.

    I should consider myself fortunate a woman will like me for my character rather than for what I can do for her in bed.

    I’d rather be a good man than a you know what they call a guy like Max Tucker!

    NormanF on October 19, 2010 at 12:46 pm


Docer on October 19, 2010 at 12:29 pm

Has everyone forgotten about AIDS, Herpes, Chlamydia, Syphilis, etc?

I am tired of the government spending tens of billions of dollars on a disease that could be cured by condoms and monogamy.

I am sure that this guy and these women did not always practice safe sex.

Jonathan Grant on October 19, 2010 at 2:18 pm

    Teaching young people self-control is hard today. Even harder in today’s oversexualized culture.

    As if we don’t have enough of it!

    Go figure.

    NormanF on October 19, 2010 at 8:26 pm

Cracks me up how the Libs and Progressive in Hollywood point a finger to Bush when the product of their efforts is just as likely to influence the Muslim world against the US.

Should Sharia become the law of the land, Hollywood would become a ghost town.

Sam Adams on October 19, 2010 at 3:45 pm

This is nothing new to 2010. Tucker Max is a talented writer with an Econ Degree from University of Chicago and a Law Degree from Duke who decided to become a writer and not a “suit”. The guy gave up a lot and took a big chance (by publishing this information about himself – many of us have the same stories but don’t share them with the world- he had the balls to do it) to become an author/entertainer. Congratulations to him for his success.

It is just sex between some healthy and good looking people – what is the big deal. That is a part of life. Enjoy it. The consequences of a young marriage are far worse than “hook up sex” to young and soon to be successful people. You only live once don’t be a prude. None of these College students are hurting anyone by hooking up. It is the high school dropouts that are getting pregnant that are ruining America. Smart, educated, good looking, healthy and young adults should let loose from time to time. Live a little.

Randal P on October 19, 2010 at 4:21 pm

Having been a part of the generation who read “Our Bodies, Our Selves” and such stuff, I take some responsibility for what has happened. We wanted to end shame and ignorance about sex because it made sexuality so painful for people.

We ended up making people ashamed of love and tenderness, commitment and waiting.

Of course, the advertising industry has done a lot to promote sex as a central focus of every minute. It’s easier to sell products to those who treat everything like a joke and live for the moment.

Very Sad on October 19, 2010 at 5:29 pm

Syphilis – have not hear of that disease in years except in a ghetto. AIDS??? I have not heard about the AIDS epidemic spreading around Duke University or any other top colleges. Face the facts AIDS does not infect non needle using hetro sexuals- PERIOD. No one is getting AIDS from hooking up at college. Herpes- look before you put. The Clap – not a big deal. I think the chick and tucker also did talk about using protection. STDs were never the issue here.

Randal P on October 19, 2010 at 5:54 pm

Okay, I have to address two people, one intelligent and one and uninformed idiot.

Yes, it is true that dolphins, some chimps and some monkees do mate for fun. In fact, dolphins are aggressive. But the important point is that there is generally in the animal kingdom a social order that limits random rampant sex with a disregard for food gathering.

In the comparison to humans, I still say it is an insult to the animal kingdom to compare these students to animals.

Now, to the idiot part. AIDS does pass between heterosexuals, particularly those that frequently switch partners. Syphilis is on the rise not just in the ghetto, but in the suburbs, too. Herpes is a big problem and growing. Syphilis and gonorrhea are becoming increasingly resistant to anti-biotics.

Finally, condoms are a great means of protection, but only if you use them. Not everyone uses them, which is why abortions and out of wedlock pregnancies are still around. Condoms are 98% effective, and they do slip or break.

Jonathan Grant on October 19, 2010 at 6:27 pm

The previous post should have read “an uninformed idiot.”

Jonathan Grant on October 19, 2010 at 6:28 pm

Note that two Presidents since 1960 have contracted venereal diseases. Take a guess which two.

Jonathan Grant on October 19, 2010 at 6:30 pm

When I was in school, a good night kiss was something special and usually the only contact that you had with a woman. They were place on a pedistal and considered something specially. Then they wanted equality. Now these girls are nothing more than whores and considered meat by the men. I wonder if the day will ever come when they are something special again. That was something I still remember and was far better than the sex of today.

As to heterosexual AIDS, that is the number one method of transmission of the disease in Africa and is responsible for a significant amount of death.

David7134 on October 19, 2010 at 6:55 pm

How come I have never met a hetrosexual who has died of AIDS but everyone that dies from it that is not an IV drug user was gay? Joe normal college educated hetro sexual hooking up with chicks dude is not dying of AIDS. I will gladly take my chances that some hottie on Duke’s campus does not have AIDS.

Randal P on October 19, 2010 at 6:59 pm

    “How come I have never met a hetrosexual who has died of AIDS…”

    Just wow…where exactly would you hang out in order to meet anyone who has died? What does Debbie often say? RIF. Well, so is writing.

    I agree the problem is drop-outs who actually reproduce and continue the cycle. Boinking at the collegiate level is a damn good time. I remember attending University as the best drinking and screwing years of my life – and I managed to develop career skills anyway. Imagine that!

    Richard on October 20, 2010 at 4:44 pm

A best seller? About a frat boy’s campus conquests? Now that’s got to be a page turner. Tucker Max is certainly no idiot, it’s the people that buy his book.

spiffo on October 19, 2010 at 9:09 pm

Debbie, back in my younger days I had a fair number of mostly Jewish women, but nothing that would impress anyone. Sometimes I like to think I have an unknown child out there (I don’t). It turns out my old friend birth control, along with governmental policies, has led to the degradation of America, as we have long had a skewed and regrettable reproduction demographic. America will probably continue to decline, which I can live with so long as the Muslims don’t step in.

A1 on October 20, 2010 at 12:35 am

Dear Mary Jo:


Wow!!! Did you ever hit the nail on the head with your article!!! It is about time that someone wrote what you did. Hats off to you! I couldn’t agree with you more.

Every guy I have ever known (I am 53), whether they slept with a multitude of women or have only been very faithful to the woman they are in a healthy, wholesome and committed relationship with would also agree with you. However it is sad, very sad, that most women run away from a man who desires and or feels that emotional connection towards them. Many women are downright rude, disrespectful and try their hardest to without good cause hurt a guy like that. I guess that, that is a feather in their cap. I have a lot more to say about that. If you would like to know more, please feel free to get in touch with me as you please.

Another thing that you may want to write about, is that every guy I have ever known, whether they slept with a multitude of women or have only been very faithful to a woman they are in a healthy, wholesome and committed relationship with, they all want to marry a nice girl. No guy I have ever known has ever made disparaging remarks about or looked down on a woman who refuses to have a casual sexual encounter with them. However, even in this age of “casual/recreational sex apparently being OK” the words, slut, whore, sleaze bag……..etc still apply to women who will sleep with any Tom, Dick or Harry who comes along. No guy I know, will ever want to have any kind of serious or meaningful relationship with a woman like that!! However, a “nice girl” is still a nice girl who in a wholesome, loving, caring and committed relationship who without inhibitions really enjoys lovemaking, yes lovemaking not sex, both physically and emotionally to the fullest. Also, a woman is still a “nice girl” if she likes to have a lot of fun, joy, romance, excitement, friendship, caring, sharing and all that other great stuff with a man who are very special for each other. Sex without love, no matter how good it may be physically, or how beautiful, rich or famous a woman may be leaves one feeling very empty and used. Most unfortunately, I had a few of those and always regretted having them after the “deed” was done and I wanted the woman to go home and I would never want to see them again. If I could go back in time I would never do that again. Any decent guy I know feels the same way.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Please feel free to comment. I would be interested in hearing what you have to say.

I4got on October 20, 2010 at 7:33 am

I have been fortunate that my sons have decided to court instead of date.

mominwisconsin on October 20, 2010 at 9:02 am

Dinesh D’souza has a great book relating to this topic called The Enemy at Home. Its our cultural rot from within (that we export) that causes more America hatred than 1000 George Bushes. The left likes to blame our foreign problems on the right and conservatives, but it is really the left’s own Frankenstein’s monster lumbering back to us.

M: Dinesh D’Souza is a piece of crap who wrote a book defending Islam and attacking America–could have been written by Bin Laden, as it says the same things as he does. D’Souza was a fixture on the CAIR lecture circuit. And anything else he says should be taken the same way–as total bullcrap unworthy of a second, or even first, thought. DS

Mike on October 20, 2010 at 9:06 am

David7134 hits the nail on the head in his comment.
I do not think men’s attitudes have changed that much over time but on the other hand women have lost their self respect and have turned into slutty and easy to get sexual objects in their rush to prove every body that they are liberated and in charge, not realizing that the only ones to gain from it are the men who can now take advantage of the situation, enjoying unlimited one night stands without having to commit to more serious relations.

RG on October 21, 2010 at 2:02 am

“How come I have never met a hetrosexual who has died of AIDS…”

Just wow…where exactly would you hang out in order to meet anyone who has died? What does Debbie often say? RIF. Well, so is writing.

Just wow … that is my point, I hang out in a normal college educate society with healthy non IV drug using hetrosexual people who do tend to hook up. No one I know has ever contracted AIDS or HIV or died from it. There is no place to “hang out” in order to meet “anyone” (normal hetro people) who has died. Those people do not exist.

look at this list-
everyone (for the most part) is gay or a IV drug user

I am not worried about catching AIDS from hooking up with a college chick.

Randal P on October 21, 2010 at 1:27 pm

Its not surprising that when a society begins to decline its norms of morals and social values decline as well. Hence its not surprising that more young people are becoming more promiscuous and engaging in degenerate behavior. But why is this happening? What is the root cause of this? I think its when people have nothing to look forward to, their reason and judgment slips, I have seen it many times, when you have nothing more to lose, what does it matter what you do next? It does not change your situation for the better. The coming years for America do not paint a pretty picture. I was recently over there, I reside in Australia for now, and America felt more “foreign” than an actualy foreign country.

Mark on October 24, 2010 at 2:47 pm

debbie, you are a complete moron. keep filling your face filled with shit and talking as much shit about decency and that’s what your talk is – shit.

mae victoria on January 2, 2011 at 4:02 am

This article is a toxic stew. In these days of karnal confusion, I find it more difficult then ever to hook up. This is coming from a guy who dates women more the average. People are very detached and difficult and particular today. People are depressed, stressed, worried, hurried, hungry, overloaded with info, dehydrated… generally, healthy people are now a medical oddity. If that makes any sense. Women are losing their sexual appetites, and the pool of men getting any is shrinking. Sure I get dates and get laid, and it is a lot of work anymore. Sometimes it seems childishly difficult trudging through the dating scene. I don’t want to sort through partners constantly and most men I think need steady commitment – it’s the females do not want to commit anymore! They are “independent”. People are lying more then ever, hyper-superficial, unobtainable attitudes, unbalanced, more selfish and prude then ever.

NYC-man on June 24, 2011 at 7:02 pm

Add: I am 100% certain that Bin Laden did not arrange 9/11. Bin Laden was just the Scapegoat. It is Proven that 9/11 was done by our own government. Demolition experts all agree the buildings at WTC were detonated professionally, the planes did not make them fall. It is proven that the Pentagon was shot with a missle, because no plane debris were found at the Pentagon site. Bin Laden simply never had the resources to pull such a intricate and grand evil plan. Bin Laden was the scapegoat, Bin Laden was the actual truth teller! His response to the attacks was that he did not do it, and that there excises a government inside of the American government that needs to be remove for the people of the world, and that’s true. Our government is currently high-jacked, the edvidence is all there, and most people just don’t care.

NYC-man on June 24, 2011 at 7:19 pm

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