December 29, 2006, - 11:21 am

So Sad, Too Bad: Celeb Attacks America, Gets Burned

By Debbie Schlussel
G-d works in mysterious ways.
Remember Maggie Gyllenhaal, the hideous movie star who said America is to blame for 9/11 and deserved it?:

Because I think America has done reprehensible things and is responsible in some way.

Well, her holiday vacation went up in flames, literally. She and brother Jake Gyllenhaal were burned out of their vacation at Northern California’s Manka’s Inverness Lodge when a fire started there, early Wednesday Morning, after a tree fell and hit a water heater. Call that “Brokeback Burned Vacation.”


Strange Love: Gyllenhaal Sibs’ Weirdness Rivals Angelina Jolie & Bro

I feel sorry for the lodge’s co-owner, Daniel DeLong. But silly reporters feel more sorry for the Gyllenhaal brats, who had “to brave the wind and cold.”
So sad, too bad.
. . . Because I think Maggie Gyllenhaal has done reprehensible things and is responsible in some way.

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5 Responses

Debbie, don’t waste your time on these hollywood maggots….

lonewolf on December 29, 2006 at 11:41 am

>>America is to blame for 9/11 and deserved it.<<
That’s the official banner and slogan of the Liberals-Democrats-Communists-Socialists-“Environmentalists”-Fags-Dykes.
Wherever they are, in Washington D.C., in Hollywood, in whorehouses, in Alaska trying to protect a frozen fish, or in the Gulf of Mexico crying because the Groupers can’t swim, they all share one thing: Blaming America for the miseries of the World and wishing her harm, or in other words: HATING America.
Talking about the 21st Century Benedict Arnolds…

Independent Conservative on December 29, 2006 at 11:55 am

“So sad, too bad.
. . . Because I think Maggie Gyllenhaal has done reprehensible things and is responsible in some way.”
LMAO… Agreed!

Freudianslippers on December 29, 2006 at 12:12 pm

KARMA Baby!!

MarySJ on December 29, 2006 at 12:45 pm

To get some context as to how nauseatting…whoops..boring,”witty celebrities”
are these days,take another look at ‘Lenny’,with Dustin Hoffman as Lenny Bruce;regardless as to what you might think of Bruce or his comedy,he paid for it “with his life” and I doubt he ever said the illiterate crap deese foo’s say,routinely
“and should” somehow pay for.

jaywilton on December 29, 2006 at 1:32 pm

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