December 27, 2006, - 3:01 pm
ABSURD to the Nth: TSA Undergoes Hajj Sensitivity Training
By Debbie Schlussel
Are we running a country . . . or a Muslim etiquette shop? Sometimes, it’s hard to tell.
Take the latest machinations the TSA has gone through: Hajj Sensitivity Training. (FYI, the Hajj is the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, at which, each year, hundreds of Muslims get trampled to death. Because, hey, it’s the “Religion of Peace.”)
No lie–the TSA went through Hajj Sensitivity Training! They really went through this, as reported by someone’s State Department (it couldn’t possibly be ours, given its history and this kind of crapulous article):
The U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has provided special training to sensitize the 45,000 security officers working in the nation’s airports to the cultural traditions of American Muslims traveling to Saudi Arabia to participate in the hajj.

“We put out information telling everyone that hajj is coming; this is the time frame; individuals are going to be traveling with these types of items; just to be aware that they may also be praying,” TSA spokesman Darrin Kayser told USINFO December 26. “I guess you would call it cultural sensitivity training.”
I’d call it bending over. Forward, backwards, whatever way pleases the Religion of Hijackers.
The training comes just one month after Department of Homeland Security personnel came under criticism for removing six imams from a domestic flight for what one passenger considered suspicious behavior.
HUH?!!! ONE passenger? No. A whole country, you idiots. A WHOLE COUNTRY found their behavior suspicious. The flight crew, the captain, most of the passengers. And MOST OF AMERICA! Hello? Hello? Hello . . . ?

Kayser said the training included reminders about procedures for screening individuals with head coverings and TSA policies regarding the transport of holy water. According to TSA guidelines, any container larger than 88 milliters must be carried in a passenger’s checked baggage.
The TSA began its training sessions in mid-December and expects to see hajj travelers through early January 2007.
The real test will be what happens when a Muslim woman in a hijab sets of the security system and she also happens to be carrying arsenic-laced ZamZam water (holy water) that’s more than 3 ounces. My bet is she gets through with it all, no problem.
After all, why should they? She’s not Steve Feld. She’s a member of the “RoP.”
Tags: America, Captain, Darrin Kayser, Debbie Schlussel Are, Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, spokesman, Steve Feld, TSA, U.S. Transportation Security Administration
My nieces flew from Richmond to NY for their Christmas break. They witnessed a woman who did not clear security because she had in her possession a… snow globe!!
lexi on December 27, 2006 at 6:27 pm