December 27, 2006, - 11:27 am

Not Again!: Much-Hyped Fiction Novel Equates Catholic “Extremists” w/ Muslim Terrorists

By Debbie Schlussel
Yet another corner of pop culture continues its sympathy with Muslm extremists and terrorists. We’ve written about fiction novelists and thriller writers engaging in this silly agenda. Well, apparently, like a rich bean soup, it keeps repeating. And it’s malodorous.
Yesterday, USA Today hyped Brit Robert Wilson’s new fiction thriller, “The Hidden Assassins.” But it hardly sounds “thrilling.”
Frankly, moral equivocation of religious Christians–in this case Catholics–with Islamic terrorists is getting as boring as it is absurd. YAAAAAWN.
In this one, the imbecillic author, Wilson, questions why American lives in 9/11 are “worth more” than Iraqi civilians who died in the pre-invasion “assault.” He also features a plot in which it’s unclear whether terrorists who blow up an apartment complex are Muslims . . . or “Catholic extremists who hate Muslim immigrants.”


After all the victims include Muslims praying at a basement Mosque. And Muslims would never bomb Muslims, right? Remember Iraq’s Golden Mosque, anyone? Catholics did that one, huh? Sunni Catholics?
Uh, since when have Catholics bombed Muslims? Has that ever happened in contemporary history? NO.

Dear Mr. Wilson:
Please keep your politics to yourself and out of “international thriller” novels. If you can’t do that, then at least be honest, and label your sorry book what it is: political propaganda.
The American Reading Public

More from USA Today’s fawning “review”:

He has written a challenging, engaging novel about the terror of religious zealotry, both the Muslim and Christian varieties. . . .
The novel opens as a police procedural, triggered by the discovery of a mutilated body. The hands have been severed, the face disfigured with acid, and he has been scalped for good measure. . . .
Quickly, the terror escalates when a bomb goes off in an apartment complex, then collapses on a preschool. Among the victims are Muslims at early-morning prayers in a mosque in the basement. As Falcon begins unraveling layer upon layer of what may have happened, he questions whether the terrorists are Muslim extremists or Catholic extremists who hate Muslim immigrants. . . .
Some of his characters make speeches rather than talk, but they offer alternative views:
“Muslim life is regarded rather cheaply in the West,” says an Arab character. “Think how valuable each of the 3,000 lives was in the Twin Towers, how much was invested in the 191 commuters in Madrid or the 50-odd people who died in the London bombings, and then look at the value of the 100,000 Iraqi civilians who lost their lives in the pre-invasion assault.”
The Hidden Assassins is a complicated, disturbing novel for complicated, disturbing times.

No, that USA Today and others would gush over this absurd, agenda-laden novel with such vigor is disturbing.

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4 Responses

How absurd.
While attempting to paint some kind of moral equivalency, the idiot author conveniently overlooks the fact that the Catholic Church, Catholic Charities, AND Catholic Social Services are all VERY liberal to say the LEAST! As the ORIGINAL “Christian” Church, Catholics have been putting up with this garbage for centuries thanks to the abuses of the Spanish Inquisition and Spain’s conquest of the Western Hemishpere. I, for one, am sick of it.
And don’t get me started on The Crusades. The Euros should have finished it when they had the chance!
And don’t we all now wish they had!

Rocketman on December 27, 2006 at 1:02 pm

“Muslim life is regarded rather cheaply in the West,” says an Arab character. “Think how valuable each of the 3,000 lives was in the Twin Towers, how much was invested in the 191 commuters in Madrid or the 50-odd people who died in the London bombings, and then look at the value of the 100,000 Iraqi civilians who lost their lives in the pre-invasion assault.”
This is the same line used by Bin Laden and other Muslim warriors to justify their jihad. They claim to be the victims of injustice. The author also uses the cheap Lefty trick of inflating the numbers of Iraqis killed in the pre-invasion assault. They used to lie about the “half million Iraqi children” who starved to death as a result of sanctions against Saddam’s regime in the 1990’s. This author is further proof that the Left has formed an alliance with the Islamic Jihadists. They’re both our mortal enemies.

FreethinkerNY on December 27, 2006 at 1:32 pm

Reading a book on Islam written by such an idiot is the same like going to a marriage therapist that had 3 divorces in less than 2 years.
I’m originally from Lebanon and I’m a Maronite/Catholic and I found it outrageous for any person with a bit of brain to compare Catholics to Muslims.
For someone from my background, I speak of 30+ (Considering the fact that I’m 36 years old now) years of experience about Islam and Muslims and not just relying on some researches that I made in some public libraries or using my internet connected PC at home (My guess is that this is how this author managed to become an expert about Islam!!!)
What Muslims/Arabs don’t understand is that the Arabs/Muslims life is not regarded as cheaper than the Israeli life. The Western world (or at least any civilized person per say) find it very hard to consider the act of blowing up yourself in a bus full of school children as a heroic act regardless of the reasons or justifications.
What Arabs/Muslims don’t understand is that sending a death squad to kill an Olympic team (as it happened in Munich) is not a justified act in a fight for freedom as the Arabs/Muslims would like to title it.

George Abouzeid on December 30, 2006 at 1:06 am

That sounds like it would be a hard read, however, I find international thrillers fascinating, so I’ll probably keep reading them.

Lilia on January 13, 2011 at 5:41 pm

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