October 11, 2010, - 1:33 pm

NYTimes Cites Schlussel, Picks Up Wilcox “CHiPs” Undercover Informant Story

By Debbie Schlussel

When I reported, early this morning, that it appeared former “CHiPs” star Larry Wilcox played real-life undercover informant for the feds as part of his plea deal, I meant to end with, “How long until the mainstream media picks up my exclusive reporting? 3-2-1- . . . .”  (But since it was the middle of the night, I forgot that part.)



Well, it didn’t take long.  Just an hour ago, the New York Times picked up my entire story, citing me.  DebbieSchlussel.com . . . we do the reporting and legwork that some Americans–mainstream media reporters–won’t do:

Larry Wilcox, who became famous for his role as Officer Jon Baker on the hit television series “CHiPs” decades ago, may have recently reprised his role of working in the world of law enforcement. . . .

[W]hat federal prosecutors did not say was that in regard to the criminal charges against him, Mr. Wilcox, 63, pleaded guilty months ago – and agreed to go undercover to assist federal law enforcement officials with their investigation.

On July 2, according to a court filing made public last week, Mr. Wilcox pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit security fraud, for which he now faces up to five years in prison.

But even more interestingly, as part of that plea agreement, Mr. Wilcox agreed that – if asked by prosecutors – he would work “in an undercover role to contact and negotiate with other individuals under the supervision of, and in compliance with, law enforcement officers and agents.” (While Mr. Wilcox’s plea was reported last week, that passage was pointed out Monday by Debbie Schlussel, a conservative blogger and lawyer.)

The Times even lifted the plea agreement I posted here and proceeded to post it on Scribd. (No worries, NYT, I won’t ask you to repay me the $1.20 I spent to get the document.)  I can’t complain, though, since the NYTimes did the right thing–unlike many in the mainstream conservative media–and gave me proper credit for my scoop. And I appreciate that, so thanks to reporter Thomas Kaplan. And it’s not the first time, either. It’s the latest of many.  The New York Times almost always cites me when they use my scoops and/or ideas.  Earlier this year, I was cited by the New York Times with approval for my commentary on the movie with “Dinner For Schmucks,” and the proper usage of the latter word.  And unlike Sean Vannity, Hanan Tudor, and other such ganifs who flat-out ripped me off, the Times also quoted me for breaking the story about the University of Michigan-Dearborn Muslim footbaths.

Read it here first. Or read it in the New York Times, later.

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5 Responses


Mark on October 11, 2010 at 4:21 pm

I think the Times may hate your politics but respects your journalism. The Fox News crowd has it out for you in the worst way, but they got nothing on you. You are always fully locked and loaded when it comes to the facts. It would make my day to see a fool like O’reilly try to ambush you like he does these other fools. That would be one tree he wouldn’t want to bark up.

CaliforniaScreaming on October 11, 2010 at 4:22 pm

Congrats, Debbie, for your great reporting on this. The Indianapolis Star’s reporters rip off what blogs write in our area all the time and never attribute their work to us. On the Wilcox case, Debbie, we have a Ponzi scheme operator here in Indianapolis, Timothy Durham, who ripped off the Amish and other working class rural people in Ohio through a finance company to the tune of $200 million. I’ve worked with a whistle blower who has been telling the SEC, the FBI and our U.S. Attorney’s office in Indianapolis for years that this guy was not only operating that Ponzi scheme, but was also engaged in stock pumping schemes with several publicly-traded companies, such as National Lampoon, Redrock, Brightpoint and CLST, just to name a few. This guy has donated about a $1 million to GOP candidates, including at least $200,000 to Gov. Daniels. Despite a raid on his business a year ago, there has still not be one single charge brought against him or his multiple co-conspirators. It is our belief the government is deliberately covering it up to protect all of the big-time players with whom he conspired and allowing the statute of limitations to run on a number of the SEC violations. I’m happy to see Wilcox agreed to work undercover for the government. The Indianapolis Ponzi scheme operator’s co-conspirator, Dan Laikin, in the National Lampoon case refused to cooperate in helping the feds nail Durham and the other co-conpirators in a stock manipulation scheme. Durham is living the good life out in L.A. now in a palatial home where he continue to throw lavish parties.

Gary Welsh on October 11, 2010 at 8:31 pm

The Ponzi Gary Welsh refers to is Fair Finance. The victims are mainly elderly Amish and Mennonites and entire communities have literally been destroyed by Tim Durham, who was featured on CNBC, “The Rise of the SuperRich.” Funny how CNBC doesn’t follow up with the way these guys like Stanford, Trevor Cook, Bruce Friedman, Tim Durham and Jim Cochran and their other partner Daniel Laikin, et al–the Rise of the Ponzi King is what the edition should be called.

Kudos to Mr. Welsh who runs a fabulous blog and thank you Debbie, for continuing to run your legally accurate and easy to read newsbits.

Jackie L on October 11, 2010 at 9:03 pm

Congratulations on your mention in the NY Times, Debbie.

I also agree with California Screaming @ 4:22 pm.

JeffE on October 11, 2010 at 9:26 pm

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