October 7, 2010, - 12:04 pm

My Facebook Account was Reinstated, THANKS to You & the JIDF

By Debbie Schlussel

As I wrote yesterday, my account was deactivated from Facebook.  But after alerting you, my faithful readers and friends and our friends at the JIDF, my account was finally reinstated, with the excuse that it was disabled “by mistake.”  I don’t believe that for a second because, as I told you, yesterday, Facebook has been deleting groups and people who tell the truth about the Islamic threat, including a Facebook page calling for Muslim men to be profiled at airports, and Facebook deleted the page calling for everyone to draw a cartoon of Mohammed.  Your many e-mails of protest and my phone calls and e-mails, with the help of the JIDF, helped get me back on Facebook.


I received the following email from Facebook, after several hours of complaining, which consumed a good part of the day:

From: The Facebook Team
Date: Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: My Personal Profile was Disabled
To: writedebbie@gmail.com

Hi Debbie,

I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced. Your account was disabled in error. Your account has been reactivated and you will now be able to log in.

Thanks for contacting Facebook,

User Operations

Okay, “Liam,” or whatever your name really is. But we know why my account was reactivated:  you and our friends at the JIDF and all of our complaints. I would like to thank all of you who wrote to help get the account reinstated. Like I said, especially in light of what they have done to many other fellow Jews, conservatives, pro-Israel activist and counter-jihadists, I doubt this was an “accident.” This is the same excuse they used after they, um, “accidentally” deactivated Sarah Palin’s Facebook account, just after she condemned the Ground Zero mosque.

Again, I would especially like to thank David Appletree (founder of the Jewish Internet Defense Force) for his help. As he has done with many others, he took immediate action, wrote to his contacts at Facebook, and helped get the word out to his network of 270,000+ strong. I believe the massive, immediate response that he and the JIDF helped foster and your many e-mails are the real reasons my account was reinstated, and reinstated so quickly.  We both know Facebook is watching, as yesterday, Facebook staffers were monitoring both of our sites on the topic:

David Appletree has been a great help to me and my site. He has served as a technical consultant, helped me to seamlessly transfer my site over to new servers, has helped save my site from going down after extreme spikes in traffic, and he has helped me increase my social media presence and general internet savvy many, many times over.

Beyond all this, he and the JIDF do great work that no one else is doing in “the good fight.” I urge you to support them, however you can, just as he always encourages his network to support me and my work. The JIDF also have advertising and consultation services for anyone looking to improve their online presence or get the word out about anything. (Just be sure to let them know that I sent you!)

I would also like to thank Fred Taub of Boycott Watch, who also contacted Facebook and tried to intervene and who has also been of help to me and this site in many such situations.

But again, I, above all, thank you, my loyal readers who have been with me for so many years and who sent so many e-mails and copied me on them. Thanks!!!!!! I really appreciate your help and continued support, friendship, and readership.

You are the best!  Thanks again.

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21 Responses

In a sick and twisted way, I suppose it is a little flattering.

Tanstaafl on October 7, 2010 at 12:24 pm

Thanks for the mention Debbie. I have not yet heard back from Facebook, and my invite for them to be on my radio show to discuss this situation as well as anti-Semitic groups which have been proliferated on FB.

Fred Taub on October 7, 2010 at 12:34 pm

Debbie —i think you are interesting & fabulous —i used to love listening to you on Howard Sters’s show & didn’t know i could read your things on this.—-keep up the great work

Barbara Lauria on October 7, 2010 at 12:41 pm

Hi Debbie,

I’m always happy to help however I can. Thank you very much for appreciating and acknowledging it. And thank you for you own stellar work in “the good fight” – keep it up!


David on October 7, 2010 at 12:48 pm

Hello Debbie, Could you help us, our group Russian jews (almost 11000 fans) was deactivated by Facebook for being ProIsrael and Projewish, you were an administrator there as well. Can you pass the word around so everyone can write to Facebook team to put us back. Thanks.

B: Already working on it. Thanks. DS

Boris on October 7, 2010 at 12:57 pm

    Also the profiling Ialmic Males in Airports group needs to be reinstated.

    I am going to deactivate the group I set up (Didn’t accomplish anything anyway).

    David Makowsky on October 7, 2010 at 1:58 pm

I’m glad to hear this good news Debbie. Keep your work to tell the truth. the muslim always feel insecured if they facing you that’s why they try to close you facebook account. I’m very disapointed to Facebook, why all facebook accounts about islam exposed always under treat to suspended. meanwhile all anti-jews accounts increasingly days after days. I was wondering with Mark Zurkerberg, what happened to him? whether he was influenced by muslim lobbies? I hope not.

Obbie Afri Gultom on October 7, 2010 at 2:10 pm

As I wrote yesterday, your profile was still up and it was possible to send mail, so indeed, I think that it was an error, as I think your profile an e-mail would have been gone if you were banned.

MH: My profile was gone for several hours while I was deactivated. Then it was back up. It was not an error. My account and those of every founder and administrator of the Russian Jews groups were taken down. Only mine has been put back up and the Russian Jews group–which is a pro-Israel group–is still down. DS

MH on October 7, 2010 at 2:44 pm

I think facebook needs to come clean on this issue. Explain exactly how these accounts are being Locked out. Could it be a Muslim worker at facebook? Are Muslim ‘hate sites” being locked out too, or just non muslim sites? I hope some Big mainstream media site picks up on this.

Jorge on October 7, 2010 at 2:49 pm

Jorge: Doubtful. I think Facebook is awful, but there are plenty of reports of them taking down the accounts of secular Arabs too. What it seems to be is an automated system that either a) relies on keywords or b) allows users to target other users they don’t like by reporting them.

Glad you got your account back, Debbie.

to jorge on October 7, 2010 at 3:16 pm

I’m glad your facebook account is back up, Debbie. Thank you for doing what you do and keep up the good work. 🙂

JeffE on October 7, 2010 at 3:24 pm

I went on Facebook today and did a search for groups using the keywords “hate jews”. Unbelievable how many results. I reported a bunch of them. The “Report this Group” link is near the bottom left side of the page. So, obviously Facebook does not use a filter, or if they are they are very lame at using them.

Please report any hate groups you see on Facebook, and if you have the time, search by offensive keywords like I did.

Zsuzsi on October 7, 2010 at 5:12 pm

who were they kidding?

esther on October 7, 2010 at 8:58 pm

Very interesting. You were obviously targeted for your views not an error. I had a similar action on a website called bloody elbow. It’s a mixed martial arts site that has some how attracted an inordinate amount of extra left leaning fans. I got into disagreements with people on that site almost every time I logged in especially if one of the college kids engaged on politics. Lo and behold I got banned for having used two names. Total b.s. and I emailed SB nation which was the parent site for a bunch of sports blogs. They apologized and gave me my access back. Then I got into it with a very anti American brit and was banned again with a smart aleck comment to boot. I gave up at that whole thing and have been a lot happier with all the extra time I have discovered not arguing with with jack —. It got to be almost torture, just stupid.
Good to see you’re exposing the liberal nazi hordes.

Samurai on October 7, 2010 at 8:59 pm

Took the wife to see the Social Network today. Did not read DS review until tonight. I give the movie one star and DS five stars for her review. After seeing the movie and doing a couple of hours of online research, I regret that I opened a Facebook account. Millions of us have been suckered into participating in “social networks”. Facebook is worth billions of dollars because the site mines personal data of millions and sells it to the highest bidders. Bonzer Wolf is happy to take advantage of the exposure. I should have listened to my wife though, and not created a personal page. Sure, it’s an easy way to keep in touch with friends and family. But at what price? I helped a greedy scumbag become the world’s youngest billionaire and now he knows as much about me as my closest friends and family. Big mistake!

Bonzer Wolf on October 7, 2010 at 11:13 pm

Wow! I didn’t know about about your FB account being deactivated by Facebook until this morning! That sucks! But I’m glad your FB account and profile got reinstated. Haters probably reported you to Facebook or Facebook employed few Muslims who hate Israel and bloggers like Debbie.

Bobby'sBrain on October 8, 2010 at 12:13 pm

Good to hear.

Christopher Logan on October 9, 2010 at 4:48 pm

Don’t flatter yourself my account has been deactivated twice in the last year due to error, and I’m a nobody. It’s not a conspiracy. Gotta love the current American generation that thinks just because you have a blog on the internet the world is out to get you. Hehe.

Jenny on October 9, 2010 at 10:34 pm

Hola, ayer me bloquearon mi cuenta de facebook y no puedo entrar, me dice que esta inabilitada y realmente no hice nada para que esto me sucediera. Podrias ayudarme a saber como recuperarla? Porfavor!!!!

Florencia on November 25, 2010 at 8:10 pm

can you help me get my account back? 🙁 where did you send your appeal? please do reply..

camille on September 1, 2014 at 11:00 pm

My facebook account was suspended with an excuse that my name is NOT my real name. My parents named me Princess, it is the ONLY name that I have EVER had it is on my drivers license, birth certificate, ss card, all legal documents, credit cards, government work id, etc so am I to make up a false name like I have seen alll through FB to opne up an account? This is completely unfair its not like I have a ghetto baby name and was a hoodrat or anything so why am I being discriminated against!!!!!

Princess P on November 26, 2014 at 11:32 am

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