December 18, 2006, - 4:01 pm

Barack Hussein Obama: Once a Muslim, Always A Muslim

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE, 01/30/08: EXCLUSIVE – Obama’s Nation of Islam Staffers, Edward Said & “Inflexible Jews” Causing Mid-East Conflict: An Obama Insider Reveals the Real Barack
**** UPDATE, 01/25/07: Barack Hussein Obama’s alleged debunking of Islamic background raises even MORE questions. ****
**** UPDATE, 01/19/07: Looks like Hillary Clinton’s camp agrees with me and has dug up more info that confirms my suspicions about Obama and his Muslim background, including his attendance at a Wahabbi (ie., extremist Sunni) Madrassa (Islamic religious academy). Hillary’s camp says Obama is covering up his Muslim past. Why? ****
Many months ago, readers began asking me whether Barack Obama is Muslim. Since he identifies as a Christian, I said, “no,” and responded that he was not raised by his Kenyan father.
But, then, I decided to look further into Obama’s background. His full name–as by now you have probably heard–is Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Hussein is a Muslim name, which comes from the name of Ali’s son–Hussein Ibn Ali. And Obama is named after his late Kenyan father, the late Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., apparently a Muslim.
And while Obama may not identify as a Muslim, that’s not how the Arab and Muslim Streets see it. In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim. He may think he’s a Christian, but they do not.


Then, there are the other items in his background. As best-selling author Scott Turow wrote in Salon, Obama went to a Muslim school for two years in Indonesia. His mother, Anna, married an Indonesian man (likely another Muslim, as Indonesia is Muslim-dominated and has the largest Islamic population in the world).
And Obama has a “born-again” affinity for the nation of his Muslim father, Kenya, and his Kenyan sister. (Although Kenya is largely Christian, it has a fast-growing Muslim population that has engaged in a good deal of religious violence and riots against Christians. And Kenyan courts will apply Sharia law, when the participants are Muslim.) Wrote Turow:

Obama’s father died in a traffic accident in Nairobi in 1982, but while Obama was working in Chicago, he met his Kenyan sister, Auma, a linguist educated in Germany who was visiting the United States. When she returned to Kenya in 1986 to teach for a year at the University of Nairobi, Obama finally made the trip to his father’s homeland he had long promised himself. There, he managed to fully embrace a heritage and a family he’d never fully known and come to terms with his father, whom he’d long regarded as an august foreign prince, but now realized was a human being burdened by his own illusions and vulnerabilities.

So, even if he identifies strongly as a Christian, and even if he despised the behavior of his father (as Obama said on Oprah); is a man who Muslims think is a Muslim, who feels some sort of psychological need to prove himself to his absent Muslim father, and who is now moving in the direction of his father’s heritage, a man we want as President when we are fighting the war of our lives against Islam? Where will his loyalties be?
Is that even the man we’d want to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, if Hillary Clinton offers him the Vice Presidential candidacy on her ticket (which he certainly wouldn’t turn down)?
NO WAY, JOSE . . . Or, is that, HUSSEIN?

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566 Responses

Who are you? an obviously misinformed, racist, non logical, rather stupid and mean spirited publicity seeker. Your post was shocking and I wonder who backs you.
That anyone takes you seriously is pathetic and frightening.

ruth lilian on January 16, 2010 at 10:23 am

    That anyone would assume to know the contents of a book based solely by it’s cover is even more seriously pathetic and frightening.

    kathymm on January 20, 2010 at 4:13 pm

    I can’t believe all the incredibly stupid, blind, ignorant, pathetic loser Liberals can only resort to name calling and put downs (You need counseling)when someone speaks the truth about the most worthless acting President in the history of this nation. I heard the stories and now see they are true by all the Liberal posts here and everywhere else. Its very surreal and unbelievable. These idiots think BO is the Messiah. Absolutely incredible. Liberals are Ignorant hypocritical BIGOTS! What so liberal about the modern day liberal anyway? They want to take away all your rights and free speech if you don’t agree with them. Thats Fascism. Liberals are the new NAZI’s

    Flusher on March 3, 2010 at 2:06 pm

      LOL. Now I’m not one for Liberal Extremism, but I also don’t care too much for Right-Wing Extremism either – and I’m ALSO not a big fan of religious extremism either – but with some careful deduction, I can tell that you are one of those three (try and guess which), and that sir, makes you a hypocrite aswell. The fact that you would compare a Liberal to a Nazi is the most appalling thing I think any ignorant, racist fuck could say, think before you post such inane hate.

      Also, is calling someone an ‘idiot’ not also name calling? LOLOLOLOL HYPOCRITE, LOLOLOLOLOL.

      It’s people like you that make me glad I didn’t have to fall victim to the hate that I’m sure your father brainwashed you with. You make me truly sick to my stomach and you are a disgrace to your country. If I had a gun with one bullet, and I had to choose between killing you or Hitler, I’d probably choose you.

      Bingle on March 24, 2010 at 11:46 pm

      Flusher, I guess by your name its apparent you are Joe the Plumber type of guy. First of all, liberals are not bigots, otherwise they aren’t liberal, they would be talibaggers like yourself. I find it hypocritical that you call liberals bigots while you insult Obama for being a Muslim, which he is not, and even if he was, this is a free country, not a Christian Dictatorship, so people in the US are free to worship as they see fit regadless of whether you are insulted by their freedom or not. Liberals do not worship any human, which is why you Talibaggers hate us, because we objectively analyze people’s actions instead of tell ourselves lies to support our imaginationland view of reality, like how you Talibaggers still say Bush found WMD in Iraq that could have wiped out the USA, that Saddam was best buddies with Osama that social conservatives are actually for smaller government, until it comes time to tell you who to worship, who to love, what you can put in or take out of your bodies. Obama has good and bad just like every other human being in existence, and I for one am not too happy with his Bush-Lite performance.

      I can be critical of Obama and not be called traitor and threatened by my own party compared to when I was Republican and criticized Bush, after which my childrens lives were threatened and some of my property destroyed.

      You Talibaggers are the supreme projectionists, with every snivel, whine, red-faced tantrum you spout is based on character flaws within your own group. Palin complaining about Obama pallin around with terrorists, while Palin married an AIP terrorist member, and the AIP freely admits they want to see the destruction of the USA exactly like Al Qaeda does. OR howabout Palin whining about socialist healthcare while Trig, born because Palin could abstain with a 1 in 12 chance of retardation at her age, proudly exclaims that Trig is cared for by federal Tribe health insurance, ie socialist healthcare that Palin said was designed to kill kids like Trig. SO, enough of the projecting, stop your hypcoritical phoney outrage and shaking an accusing finger at other people for YOUR beam that you claim is in everyone else’s eye used as an excuse for you to forgive your own moral shortcomings.

      Bill on June 6, 2010 at 12:32 pm

      does anyone here enjoy irony? Read this one. [flusher] starts out saying liberals have to resort to name calling to make a point, ends with calling liberals Nazis.

      I voted for him [Obama] since 1) Harvard law degree (and made Harvard Review (top 10%), 2) he believes in counter cyclical economics (which save US and UK after great depression), 3) he tried to include Republican ideas in bills (even knowing none would vote for the bills)[which actually makes strong democrats mad as hell], 4) Sarah Palin is not qualified, no matter how much one likes her. [should your favorite uncle or aunt be made president just ’cause you like them?] 5) and he was always thoughtful in answers during the debates.

      PS people are not born Muslim just because their father is. The mother was a PhD in anthropology and raised him as atheist, from which he became a Christian. Read up and maybe elsewhere.

      JPC on August 24, 2010 at 9:14 am

      If you really think Obama is a secret muslim, you are retarded.

      scottxcbad on August 28, 2010 at 5:46 am

    The question is who are you Ruth the Dike lesbian dumbass bitch. Get a life and a dildo.

    Flusher on March 3, 2010 at 2:11 pm

      You are an assclown! I hope someone puts a bullet in your head so we can purge your type of thinking. Get back into the doublewide!

      MikeTN on August 22, 2010 at 11:10 am

    No, who are you Rude ROOOTH! Because of Obummer the Demorat party is all but history along with your sorry kind. Real soon you will be deported to a muslim controlled country and we will see just how much you like them then. Ha!

    Flusher on March 3, 2010 at 2:15 pm

    Oh Ruth, you poor thing. Here I’ll help you do your homework since you don’t like to learn for yourself.

    Michael on May 3, 2010 at 1:58 am

    I was never really prejudice. I certainly Abhor what the white (caucasion) people did to the Native Americans, which was no less then genocide! Yet they are a proud people. Do you hear them on the TV crying racist all the time? NO!
    Do you hear the Jews on the TV crying I was wronged everyone owes me? NO! They are a proud people.
    The Chinese who were brought here and worked to death on the railways and no one would feed them. Do you see them on TV crying I was enslaved? NO! They are a proud people.
    The white poor who were sold into bond service/slavery just to get here, do you EVER hear them cry I was raped, ate pig swill, and treated less then a dog, and yes whipped? NO! They are too proud.
    The black people it’s a never ending, pity me, I was a slave, and everyone OWES ME! All I can think is why don’t they just go back to Africa, and get over it!
    I am not black, I’m Indian,Caucasion, and Jewish by adoption.
    African Americans have more rights in the U.S.A. then I do, still they are not satisfied.
    I do think Barak Obama is Muslim,I do think he has a lot of emotional and Spiritual problems with the Jews, and Isreal. I think he has sold this Country out. He has strategically started the biggest downfall of Capitalism in History. It’s a much bigger prob. then people even want to know.

    Renetta on July 3, 2010 at 4:02 pm

    I most certainly am not a white Republican, or ultra-conservative. I am an American Vet. Registered Democrat. I have been a Democrat for over 30 yrs. However I see my party doing undemocratical Business daily, and it sickens me.

    I am a STRONG believer in the CONSTITUTIONAL rights. Today the Left wing has departed ways from our founding father wise council, and just make it up as they go, and TTHAT my dear, is Political Suicide! Our so wise Leader has sold out our Childrens future for hundreds of years to come, yet you want to label me? What a joke the entire bunch are, and all you who support them! Remember GOD is watching. Remember the story of Sodom and Gamorrah? It could happen again, but on a much larger scale!

    Renetta on July 3, 2010 at 4:21 pm


NATHON on January 31, 2010 at 10:24 am

obama are you a muslim person muslim person is good.

kinij on February 13, 2010 at 4:00 am

And what if he is a muslim..

S on February 23, 2010 at 12:16 pm

Dat shudnt make a differnce….

Sugra on February 23, 2010 at 12:17 pm

“War of our lives against Islam”… It is truly shocking to see a woman who is intelligent enough to know the origin of the name “Hussein” say something so incredibly, unbelievably stupid. But I am happy to see that others who have read this article seem to be more thoughtful people, based on other comments.

Alex on February 27, 2010 at 5:55 pm

    You must be a HOMO. You think and act like a HOMO and where I come from HOMOS are still the lowest forms of life there is. Remember don’t ask and don’t tell queerboy.

    Flusher on March 3, 2010 at 2:10 pm

Many Muslims are terrorists, that is a fact! Those that are terrorists hate the white man and hate christians, in fact they would love to kill them. Those of you that are stuck in your moms basement or are sitting at home because you are to lazy to get a job- GO TO HELL, you have no say in this matter!!!!!!!!!!! This Country is going to be destroyed by the boy prince, the messiah, I hope all of you losers that voted for this man – pay for your mistakes!

MASTER SGT on March 19, 2010 at 3:04 pm

I think that many people are discriminatig against Muslims. They are Humans, just like us. Just because you think many Muslims are terrorists doesn’t mean they ARE. If most white people hate books, does that mean ALL white people hate books? If most African Americans hate the smell of gasoline does that mean they all do? No! Absolutely not! One person shouldn’t be judged upon the actions of others. In fact, I am positive that all Muslims do NOT hate Christians or “white man”, as you so rudely put it. If you hate Muslims so much, then thats your problem! Why don’t you go and kill every Muslim you see, if your so strong on your beliefs? AND, President Barack Obama isn’t even Muslim! He’s Christian and Muslims do NOT beleive he is Muslim. So, if you have something to say about this comment keep it to yourself because I’m not going to see it anyway. I stumbled upon this Article by accident and I now regret it. I hope you ignorant people who think this is unwise and stupid know that compared to you, this is the most beautiful thing to ever be written.

Wise on March 24, 2010 at 7:21 pm

If Obama were a Muslim, we wouldn’t be out here discussing it, we would know. It just shows if you’re a Muslim, actions show all.He was just brought up in a Muslim culture and one tends to remember the culture they were brought up in. Besides, he is the President of the United States, he has a lot more to do than plot and try to be a secret Muslim, he wouldn’t be president if he was that reckless.
And I’m a Muslim, I hate terrorists to the very core because they dont kill for noble reasons, they use Islam as an excuse whereas actually ‘Islam’ means peace. Killing is permitted nowhere, not in any religion. Not only are educated Muslims ashamed and hurt by the disgrace terrorists have brought to the name of Islam, but we are just as much as victims as Christians and white people. Terrorists kill anyone who disagree with them.
I hope I have made my point clear.

Sefora on March 25, 2010 at 7:16 pm

    No, Sefora, you know, and I know you know, that ‘Islam’ does NOT mean ‘peace’. ‘Islam’ means ‘submission’. Anyone who does not believe me in this – just go online and find a good dictionary and check it out for yourselves. Please, give opinions, but not LIES!

    patty on July 11, 2010 at 6:04 am

I grew up in a Muslim country, but that does not mean I’m Muslim. I have some friends who studied in Muslim schools, but that does not make them Muslims. A lot of things are being said out of context. Also, I disagree with what some people said here on this thread. Seriously, if you have an argument, state your point. Don’t simply take the point from a defendant, and trample it and call it an argument! Just because you swear your ass off doesn’t mean you’re right. Heck, your argument’s not even legitimate! Yeah I’m lookin at you Bingle/MASTER SGT

Just Passing By on March 26, 2010 at 2:28 am

I think he is preparing the way 4 the antichrist JESUS IS coming soon we need to have our mind focused on god .

a mom on April 4, 2010 at 3:23 pm

attention all christian dogs and assorted other degenerates –

really it is clear Obama is not a Muslim. truly he does not resemble one, based on his obscene bootlicking of the terrorist Jews in Palestine; his continuation of imperial aggression against the Umma in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan; and the continued maintenance of kafir soldiers in the land of the Holy City, Saudi Arabia. no true Muslim could tolerate these acts; his conscience would be as the voice of the millions his actions (or inaction) condemned. so, you who think your president is a “secret Muslim” are ignorant American fools. truly, such a concept as being a secret Muslim is so bizarre and idiotic that ONLY twisted, fatuous Americans could conceive it. don’t you realise being Muslim is a source of pride to those blessed enough to have been revealed the truth by Allah (Most Compassionate and Merciful)?

as for this “once a Muslim, always a Muslim” nonsense, I can only ask if Christians have no concept of apostasy? of course you have; your religion hives off in different directions so frequently the sects cannot be reliably tallied. well, Muslims have this concept too, and I can point to many apostate Muslims who are in thrall to darkness as sure surely as is any christian: Salman Rushdie, Saddam Hussein, Barack Obama Sr (who turned to atheism), Hosni Mubarak. your president is not an apostate; he never was sufficiently blessed to be Muslim. he is just kafir.

you people would benefit from a Muslim president; you WISH you could get someone to clean up the sea of filth in which you paddle. homosexuals, abortion, transvestites, congress with animals and children, all manner of warped and horrific pornography, regular blasphemies and obscenities wrought on your evening TV, to say nothing of the imperial violence unleashed by your greed and disregard – and who has put a mop to this cesspool? not the christians; you are an effete, atavistic, ineffectual throwback. if Obama were a Muslim, I can assure you that no obscene cartoons would mock Jesus (May Allah honour him and grant him peace) or Muhammed (Peace be upon him) openly in your rabid media. perhaps your nation might be restored a small measure of morals, of which at this time it has none.

allahuakbar on April 5, 2010 at 3:46 am

    It’s interesting you talk about having a muslim president. We live in a free society with the good and the bad. You cannot force people’s behavior by law. You will turn the people into slaves controlled by tyrants. Look at Muslim women. They are referred to as “plow fields” and possessions for men. And what about “honor killings.” If anyone speaks out against Muslims, they are severely attacked. There is no freedom of speech. You must change their hearts before you can change their heads.

    ilyich on April 19, 2010 at 1:37 pm

    You are why people hate Islam. You disgust me. You have no right to call yourself a Muslim. You bring shame on all of us!

    Proud Muslim on May 27, 2010 at 1:43 am

I truly feel sorry for all those who exercise vitriol and, yes, bigotry as expressed, regardless of faith, allegiance, gender, race or any other segment of the population. It would be nice if the people who respond to the articles published would exercise Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist, love, rather than the hate that comes across. One needs to remember America is not in prophesy, in the scriptures of the Bible. Whether it is Barack Obama or any other source of potential destruction to America, it is clear we are destined to become of little import to the future of politics and governance in the world.

Norman on April 7, 2010 at 1:22 pm

InsyaAlah obama is muslim, Allahu Akbar

tohulito on April 17, 2010 at 4:47 pm are an absolute moron. There is no war or are fighting IIslamic insurgents who make up less than a quarter of a percent of Muslims. We are normal people like you who have the same rights to do the same things in this country that is gifted to any other american. If obama is a muslim who cares. Worry about your own faith and don’t judge others. So funny and so hypocritical aren’t your priests molesting little boys??? “Oh but I’m not catholic!” Yeah but you’re a cChristian so let’s just lump u right in there with the child moslesting clergy man. Can’t stand you morons! Peaceeeeeeeee. And blessings upon you always let’s prayGod opens your eyes!!!

Ade El-Amin on April 22, 2010 at 11:40 am

So i dont trust Barrack obama for a second. I really cant believe he is our president gives me chills just because his name. I think its rediculous. but nothing we can do now but ride it out. Stock up on guns n ammo in at your crib 🙂

Shawn aka not muslim lol.. on April 23, 2010 at 5:26 pm

One day you will all be big and when you look back, you will laugh at how silly you all have been.

wayne on April 28, 2010 at 1:33 am

No one can tell whether Obama is a Muslim but Obama himself, and this is something we won’t be certain of. But my point is this: what if he is a Muslim really? How does that make a difference to him being a President? Who says that a Muslim should not become President of the United States? We must move on guys, and judge the man on what he does for the country and the world. Let’s grow up.

Maher Bizreh on May 9, 2010 at 1:03 pm

    I agree with what you’re saying. Obama is holding the most supreme power in his hands, and can do a lot to make the world a better place to be. Why should anyone care whether Obama is of this faith or that if he does his job perfectly well?

    Maher Bizreh on May 9, 2010 at 1:19 pm

You are fantastic! WOW! aMAZING! WAY TO GO! I respect your enthusiasm. 🙂

ANGEL J. on May 9, 2010 at 5:12 pm

As a Muslim I apologise to all readers as I find some
foolish people used abusive language against our fellow chritian Brothers & sisters.
Islam teaches us to love & respect all & live in peace with all. I as a Muslim love all ,no hate towards any Hindu ,Jews or
Chritians thats the teaching of Holy Prophet of Islam.
Thank you

Independent Thinker on May 13, 2010 at 6:20 pm

,I correct the words” Christians” misspelt above.
sorry for unchecked wrong spelling
Independent Thinker,

Independent Thinker on May 13, 2010 at 6:23 pm

Obama is a muslim and he will destroy the USA. The ignorant masses will all figure this out ONLY after Sharia Law is instituted. Welcome to the party, folks!

Lisa Blockowicz on May 27, 2010 at 2:37 am

“We must move on guys, and judge the man on what he does for the country and the world.”

I agree. With this guy in the Oval Office, his future and calculated staging of his so-called conversion to Islam will hardly be the dumbest thing he will do. It will rank at the bottom of the list of his stupid acts.

Green Tea on May 30, 2010 at 8:59 am

good article very informative about barack obama

Cem Kara on June 21, 2010 at 3:39 am


jun on June 24, 2010 at 3:01 am

The only good muslim is a dead muslim. Obama is not My President – I will not follow his pathetic lead.
The moronic masses of television guided fools which voted for this disaster of a white house occupant and the inexcusable frothing of the media which support him deserve everything they get at a result of electing and bolstering him; unfortunately the rest of us are to be brought down and suffer with these fools.

Frank on June 26, 2010 at 11:43 am

War against Islam? Do you have any clue what Islam means? What have you been doing in the past? Sleeping all day? Have you been to a library in your life? Please read the history of Islam before you judge it. READ READ READ… study! Peace be with you all! Salaam!

Sallahudin on June 26, 2010 at 9:59 pm

you know, 400 years ago when the Muslims were busy inventing algebra and modern medicine, Christians were keeping themselves busy killing jews, other christians, anyone who was accused of practicing witchcraft, their whole family, and everyone with a funny birthmark that looked like the devil’s work. Religions go through slow, dark ages. Like the christians and the DARK AGES. Now Islam is having a bit of a Dark age. What do christians do? Talk about how much Jesus loves the US and hates a man because his dad was a muslim.

Kirk on June 27, 2010 at 7:37 pm

Obama spent two years in an Indonesian religious school focused only on speaking the entire Koran in fluent Arabic language. These schools are reserved for promising and devout children only, as explained on video by Obama’s actual teacher during his youth. He may have turned against his formative teachings, but to deny his Islamic background is an abject lie on his part. He has revealed himself as an anti-Semite and avidly supports the Islamazation of Kenya where his violent relatives receive his respect and advice. The edges of Islam around the world are all bloody…where are they not? It is a religion spread by the bloody sword, as Mohammad himself was a caravan bandit and then a holy warrior. The jihadists and the ordinary Muslims will always lie to suit their intentions, and they openly aim to enact genocide of the Jews and Israel, and then Big Satan, the USA, can expect to be next. We in the West are all Israelis now, but don’t quite know it yet. The Saudis boldly fund a mosque at ground zero as a monument to their 9-11 martyrs, but a man with a Bible in Mecca will be arrested and perhaps disappear. Try constructing a one-room Baptist church in that backward land and see what happens!!! How do we avoid the violence of the Jihadists in the century ahead? Kill all their leaders and convert the rest to Christianity. Obama is now emboldening them and they have taken the bait.

Dr of Many Things

Dr of Many Things on June 27, 2010 at 9:26 pm

Tipical text of a white ultra-conservative neofascist travestite of republicans… Spreading racism, paranoia and desinformation all over US.
Mrs. Schlussel (It’s a polish name no?), Do you don’t feel shame to said such stupid things like this? Because of people with this kind of racist behavior (such Nazis) the polish people, specially the jews, are killed in Europe.
Please be more humble and wise in your words.
I have a arabic name too, but my family is composed by jews, italians, africans, native americans and we dont have any problem with this..
In my country, Brazil, we respect people based in character not in color, ethnia or religion because we are a democracy, the same democracy that have being killed by poeple like you.
Sorry if my english is not perfect but since I supose you can’t speak portuguese I’m trying my best to made me understood.
Shalom for you.

Samir Kashimoto on July 2, 2010 at 12:05 am

Mohammad was an alleged Arab prophet who was the last messenger of Allah.As a matter of fact he was the first and last since no one heard of Allah until Mohammed appeared on the scene.He never made a prophecy in his life and he never performed any miracles.His only appeal was to ignorant desert dwellers and nomads and he accomplished this through sexual allurements.He forbade any of his followers to read the Bible.
Whatever is good or true in his Koran was taken from Christion and Jewish sources.He took his religion from many sources including occult practices as well as from Zoroasteranism,a pagan religion.
Whoever Allah is suppose to be it is not the God of the Jews or of the Christians.The term Allah brings to mind diabolic connotations.
Thanks to Mohammed and his wholesale worldwind of slaughter and murder throughout the world,which is probably unparalled, we are able to see his legacy which goes on today.
We have a president of the same mindset.

Bruce Barron on July 12, 2010 at 5:11 pm

I spent a year investigating “Barry Soetoro”…aka: Barack Hussein Obama.
Barrys Mother “Stanley Anne” wasn’t a ‘particlarly wanted’ Child. Her Father desperately desired a son. He named her ‘Stanley” anyway. She was a wild hippy girl who left home eaely “to find herself”! Stanleys’ Mother was not a Disciplinarian. So,… when Stanley Anne got pregnant and had “Barry” in the “Maternity Hospital in Mombasa,Kenya”,her Mother and Obama’s Aunt assisted his birth.
Obama SR. already had a “Tribal Luo Wife,… and a nother white wife.A Bigamist…he refused to marry Stanley.
She and her Mother flew to Hawaii, and procured a proof of live birth (like a birth certificate)…
She later married “Lolo Soetoro (a strict Indonesian Sharia(h)Muslim”. She had to surrender her U.S. Citizenship, and moved with the baby to Indonesia for his first 10 years. Renamed “Barry Soetoro” by Lolo who adopted him, was then obligated to raise Barry as a strict”Sharia Muslim”

JOY on July 13, 2010 at 12:12 am

Barry was undisciplined, was wild like his mom. He knew his Arabic Koranic Verses(and as an ‘aside’ told a “Washinton Post Reporter”..a few years ago..”THAT THERE WAS NO SWEETER SOUND THAN THE CALL TO PRAYER AT SUNSET”. Also: He recently told the T.V. Host that “HE HAD HIS MUSLIM FAITH” HE HAS BEEN VIDEO-TAPED NUMEROUS TIMES RECENTLY DEGRADING CHRISTIAN BELIEFS, AND TAKING SCRIPTURE OUT OF CONTEXT.)
He got into so much trouble, lying, cheating,bullying, and adjitating to get negative attention, that his Mother packed him up and sent him on a Plane alone to his “White Grandparents in Hawaii” Grandma supported Stanley and her son during their lives, and now she was expected to raise this child who was a half-black Kenyan Arab, Sharia, Muslim who thought he was a Muslim Arab, Indonesian. At the age of 10, unwanted, and having to deal with a different kind of life, with Grandma overwhelmed with the responsibility of raising him to be “Radical Communists” like themselves Stanley Anne was an avowed Athiest-Socialist who constantly lectured her son to believe like her. She was a Socialist to the day she died.

JOY on July 13, 2010 at 12:47 am

“Barry” discovered White, and Hawaiian girls; cigarettes, liquor..cocain,..and weed.He did not work and did as he pleased on Grandma’s allowence. He partied with his Muslim friends. When he was 20, he and these friends travelled to “Pakistan” for 3 weeks. They allowed him to enter the Country on his Kenyan/Indonesian Passport. He loved the trip, and said it was great! (Now he has a great affinity to “Pakistan”) ( and loves to pronounce its name with a heavy Arabic accent)
He finally met his real Father once,.. before he died in his 3rd terrible ‘drunken car accident’. Obama Sr. sized him up…and proclaimed that “HE WAS NEVER GOING TO AMOUNT TO ANYTHING”… Then…he walked out of his life forever abandoning his son the 2nd and last time.
Barry Soetoro decided he wanted to be Barack Hussein Obama for the rest of his life, and he was no longer Barry…
Then “Frank Marshall Davis”..a “Pedophile”…and a Renowned “Radical Communist Writer and Poet” (half-white..half black) took the young Barry under his wing…and influenced his life foreever.

JOY on July 13, 2010 at 1:12 am

“Davis” a true Radical saw “Baracks negative qualities” He recognized Obamas’ constant Narcisstic need for praise and attention; and his ability to really adjitate peopleone minute…and charm them the next. Barack knew he did not want to work…EVER….! He said he tried mowing a Ladys’ yard once to ‘EARN HIS OWN MONEY”‘. After 20 minutes..he decided work was for stupid people.
Frank Davis told him to stop bedding white women, and get him a black wife who was as militant as himself, so he would be accepted by the Blacks. He told him he had to forever despise his own white blood, and become secretly what he would always be…A BLACK/ KENYAN/ ARAB/ SHARIA/ MUSLIM/ WHO WAS TRAINED HIS ENTIRE LIFE TO BELIEVE THE RADICAL KARL MARXIST DOCTRINE.

JOY on July 13, 2010 at 1:30 am

Sad and pathetic.

Dean Miller on July 13, 2010 at 11:34 am

Note to Renetta: Blacks have more rights than YOU? I love it when white folks love to throw in the “I’m White-Native American/Indian” bull. YOU ARE STILL WHITE, and YES, YOU DO HAVE A HELL OF A LOT MORE RIGHTS THAN I EVER WILL!! Do you know why, since you seem extremely uneducated on the history of racism in this country? You have your caucasian features that you can’t hide, and will be accepted anywhere. So if there’s a time that you get followed in a store by some employee, you come back and talk to me. As for the “going back to Africa”, “get over it” bullsh-t that true-to-the-bone racists love to pull out of their sorry, ignorant @sses (yes, that includes you), I’m not going anywhere! My ancestors built this country (that you and I live in), they fought for this country (that you and I live in), and still were treated like non-humans. And you probably would enjoy slavery if it had the chance to resurrect from the past. Slavery may be dead, but the psychological effects remain — proof: your ridiculous statements. Another lie you love to put out, Blacks harbor more on slavery than Jews do the holocaust: Wrong again, genius! You probably wouldn’t like it if I told you the Holocaust was 60+ years ago — get over it. But you can easily tell me to get over MY heritage. You’re messing with my family, and I don’t take to kindly to asinine remarks like that at all! I would put both tragedies on both cultures on an equal level, so why would that be such a problem for you? There’s not a damn thing wrong recognizing your heritage. But for some reason, especially today, Blacks can’t even bring up the word or recognize their roots without hearing the words “get over it”! Maybe you and others should try educating yourself (I’m sure a foreign concept to you, but do it anyway), and learn about our American history that’s not taught in schools — African-American history sometimes. Maybe you’ll come down out of your little ignorant comfort zone you seem to be so inclined to remain in up on that high pedastal. As for the equally moronic title/tirade from Schlussel: Once a Racist Witch, Always a Racist Witch. Peace.

Nova on July 28, 2010 at 9:30 am

    @Nova- Your ancestors built this country? Ahem, I’m native american, and fairly certain that gives me and my ancestors claim over it before you or any white assholes. And get over the racism factor, just because someone doesn’t agree with you DOES NOT make them a racist. Just because someone has white skin does not make them a worse person then you. All people have their fair share of shit behind them. So people with black skin had a little harder road to get where they are today, but where they are is EQUAL to every other person!

    Ashley on July 30, 2010 at 2:59 am

It’s not so much whether he is Muslim or not. Who really cares if he is?

Obviously if he is, he feels he has something to hide. If he can’t tell the truth about his religion, what else is he lying to the American people about?

Is someone that can’t even wear their religion proudly really someone you want in charge of your country?

Oh, and don’t disagree with the Democrats, that just makes you a racist.

Ashley on July 29, 2010 at 3:07 pm

Have any of you seen the movie “Gangs of New York?” It correctly and historically depicts the riots of 1883 in the “Five Points District” of NYC. The Chinese and the Irish fought fiecely with what was referred to the “Naturals,” who were the people who were naturally born to The United States.
Talk about racism.
And, I agrew with JOY. In Obama’s book “Dreams of My Father,” he stated that he would always stand with Islam. To me that means if you’re not with me, you’re against me, and I’m not a Muslim, or Jew, or Indian, or Chinese, but what some of his friends (bros. of the “New Black Panthers”) refer to as a “Cracker,” and I’m supposed to be killed.
And to Independent Thinker, I like your style. If I could accomplish but one thing in my lifetime, I would abolish HATE. Hate of everything. Hate of fat people, skinny people, all colors, even people with green and purple polka dots. Someone out there isn’t going to like green or purple, but don’t hate them simply because they exist, or differ from your opinion. That’s just moronic. I don’t believe even the Neanderthal’s hated someone just because they had a new Mammoth rug, or a spring ran through their cave, or lived on the hill, instead of the valley, etc. That’s just stupid.

AJ on August 14, 2010 @ 2:53pm

AJ on August 14, 2010 at 3:53 pm

What does matter about Barack Hussein Obama:
In order to get yourself elected for president, you must have been born, and live in the United States of America.
Obama wasn’t born in America. Which gives an idea, he might want to terrorize America. I mean, look at what this sucker is doing now! Look how he treats his “friendly” Arab counties, who want to destroy America! You people who say Obama is the best president are complete idiots, and should be ashamed of yourselves.
When Hitler stood up and overpowered the government, I’m sure no-one even thought something would happen like WW3! This is no joke, I’m not trying to scare anybody, but this is a very serious situation. Not only that, most people tend to rather be a lazy good4nothing, and deny what is happening in front of their eyes!
When will we open our minds to the big cold world of radical Muslims, who want us all dead on the floor? Do YOU want to be ruled over, having to listen & obey their crazy laws, instead of your truthful religion?

The only way to correct this bruise that’s penetrating the world, is to fight it and not let it happen.

I hate politics, but this must be said on August 16, 2010 at 4:06 pm

sorry, mistake on line 9 it’s WW2, not WW3

I hate politics, but this must be said on August 16, 2010 at 4:08 pm

If you do not believe in religious freedom, you are not an American.

If you believe Obama wasn’t born in the US, you are an idiot.

TButterfield on August 17, 2010 at 10:29 am

What so many of the supporter’s of Obama seem to overlook, is that even though we have religious freedoms in this country. Our courts our people our heritage our constitution does not respect or give allowances to an idealogy that restricts the freedoms of every individual.

As a liberal are you not suppose to be for freedom of choice? Freedom of speech? These are all things that Islam is against and not only just in their heads but in their is a requirement to stomp out every man made law in the world in order for their messiah to come into his power. They believe Allahs law is the only law that should exist and that We the united states is the Great Satan. Now i know many christians who feel the same..but the difference is that Christianity is based completely on free choice. The concequences of ones actions taken against God’s law’s in christianity only comes in the after life. Or in this life from just natural consquences and from the consequences of existing man made laws. That is what this country was built on. When anything fights against those freedoms we so love, then it becomes, not just an idealogy that should not be allowed to co-exist…no it becomes an enemy to the state.

Obama is publically speaking to the world that muslims should have the same religious freedoms. Now i speak from no ignorance for I have studied the hadith, the Quran. There is no such thing as moderate Islam. There is only those who lie in wait for the time when their percentages are strong enough. It is a political movement and they have very well thought out plans to implement Islamification worldwide.

I find it very ironic that the muslims have chosen the liberals as their sympathizers and they have the liberals as their activist. Liberals whose very ideas are suppose to allow man to do as he pleases as long as he harms none. This is the mantra also of the wiccan and many pagan religions, but what will happen when America embraces Islam to the point that they have 2% muslims in this country? I think if you are a liberal or Obama supporter then you need to research this.

I like many wanted to see USA elect an African American President. I wanted and still want all racism stamped out. My family is multi-racial and our get togethers are flavorful and beautiful. I enjoy differences more than anyone. I have neices and nephews that are half irish and half african American, although most of them hardly look like an irish had anything to do with their existence. Our family loves them as much as the blonde haired blue eyed, or the red heads. We have italians and asians I have 2nd generation puerto-rican and mexican’s in my family. We have a large family and we even have an ex-muslim from Iraq in our family. Now long before Obama came on the scene I decided to study the Quran, because I wanted to relate to my sister in-law who use to be muslim. She went through intense trials to escape death from leaving this political movement that disguises itself as a religion of peace. I can only tell you from the bottom of my heart and from love for this country that USA is in much danger. We are in-between a rock and a hard place with this group of people. The only way that USA could comprimise with them is if their nations decided to allow religious freedoms in them. Only then could we believe their motives. And yes muslims are migrating to the USA for two reasons, to escape the harshness where islam is embraced and yet continue in their religion until their clerics call them to act, or they are purposely infiltrating other nations for the purpose of the movement. Then you have people who are geniunely trying to escape the movement all together, the majority of them are women.

I don’t plan to be on this earth much longer, I know my end. Yet I have my first grandson whom on this day August 17, 2010 turns 1 years old and I want him to live in a America that embraces freedoms. If islam is allowed to grow in this country this will not be possible. I beg you to consider what you are supporting, I beg you to research the pattern of what happens when a nation gets at the 2% muslim mark, and how much worse it gets further on. Kenya was a majority christian nation they are now slaughtering christians at an astronomical rate for not converting and those that do not convert and don’t die have to pay a protection tax. It is a desease it is no religion it is a political movement that tricks it’s members into believing it is a religion.

Please for the sake of our future educate yourself.

Talina on August 17, 2010 at 7:39 pm

Looks like Bill & Flushing r at war.Bill has no values.He once claimed he was a republican now a democrate.Sounds like he has no core values just what ever.I was raised as a catholic & believe in God in the true sense.Religion is only a guide.So obama was raised as a muslim & that wont change.Its what his core values that count.He needs to believe in himself.

peace153 on August 19, 2010 at 7:14 pm

What a stupid cunt.

robert morelli on August 21, 2010 at 5:44 pm

This is giving me Sarah Palin flashbacks. Debbie, if you knew the first thing about Islam you’d know that to consider oneself a Muslim, you have to recite the Declaration of Faith (“I bear witness that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is his Messenger”). That’s it. If you call yourself a Christian, attend Church, and continuously deny Islam as your religion, you’re not considered a Muslim no matter how many in your family share that faith. You’re also forgetting that his father WAS AN ATHEIST. I think you’re also getting Islam confused with Judaism. Although conversion is one way to be considered Jewish, another way is if your mother is Jewish. So please spend a little more time researching your outrageous claims and finding supportive information, rather than blogging about this nonsense. I’m embarrassed that I have to lecture a grown woman with a JD about a religion that is shared by 1.6 billion people in this world

Ariana on August 21, 2010 at 7:23 pm

Barack Obama Soetoro IS, WAS and will ALWAYS BE A MUSLIM. He was born an Arab Muslim, blessed by the Imam in Mombasa, Kenya. The only way to stop the “rumors” would be for him to actually say, “I an not a Muslim.” This will NEVER HAPPEN. btw, ALL Muslim men have been taught and BELIEVE that “infidels” must be converted or killed in Jihad for Allah. Every one of you brainwashed/ignorant supporters of Obogus who say “So what if he’s a Muslim?” had better be Muslim yourself, or prepare to have your world rocked in a bad way.

Maya Soetoro on August 24, 2010 at 9:01 pm

coooooooooool obama’s middle nam hussein is my last name lol

halimeh on August 24, 2010 at 10:44 pm

XD my last name is hussein

halimeh on August 24, 2010 at 10:45 pm

Dear Idiots,
The Republicans want to cut Social Security, Unemployment & Food Stamps right in the middle of everybody losing their job, homes, savings & retirement equities! Why?- So that rich people wont have to pay taxes!? Why don’t the Republicans talk real stuff concerning us like determining the real scam behind Pam eating rotten eggs and ham.

Gabriel Givens on August 26, 2010 at 10:53 am

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