December 15, 2006, - 2:47 pm
Could Bloomberg be the Ross Perot of ’08?; Blacks Oppose Alien Amnesty Even More Than Whites
By Debbie Schlussel
Today’s Wall Street Journal “Washington Wire” has two interesting items.
* The first is on immigration:
Hispanics strongly support Bush’s temporary-worker program for illegal immigrants. But 52% of whites and 59% of blacks express opposition.
Hear that, President Bush? Hear that, Congress? So why do Blacks oppose amnesty even more than Whites? Well, maybe it has something to do with the fact that many Black laborers have lost their jobs and business to the illegal alien worker problem.

The Wall Street Journal ran an excellent front page piece on this on Wednesday, “How Immigration Upended Dreams of an Entrepreneur,” about William and Starletta Hairston. Mr. Hairston hired illegal aliens for his thriving stucco business and made hundreds of thousands. But then they started their own stucco business and the competition of illegal alien wages drove him out of business.
* Remember when billionaire H. Ross Perot got 19% of the vote in 1992, just enough to usher Bill Clinton into office and George H.W. Bush out?
Well, 2008’s Ross Perot might just be liberal fake-Republican and Islamist-embracer, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, depending on who the Dem and GOP nominees are:

An independent Bloomberg presidential bid, scoring among upscale independents, gives Clinton a 40%-39% edge over McCain in three-way 2008 race.
Yup, Bloomberg could lose it for the GOP. What is it about deranged, egomaniacal billionaires who need attention?
Tags: amnesty, Bill Clinton, Bloomberg, Congress, Debbie Schlussel, entrepreneur, George H. W. Bush, H. Ross Perot, Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, Michael Bloomberg An, New York, President, Republican Party, Ross Perot, Starletta Hairston, the Wall Street Journal, usher, Wall Street Journal, William Hairston
Bloomberg is an unpleasant cold fish who only got where he did because he had money but more because the alternative was deranged liberals like mark green or freddy ferrer, the latter an idiot who went everywhere accompanied by al sharpton.
it’s be something like running for president against dennis kucinich or mckinney
that said bloomberg is savvy and good at using the media and bringing in niche groups on board, he split mexicans from puerto ricans to win the election against the puerto rican ferrer for example and he very effectively co-opted black radio
so he is not to be underestimated
sultan_knish on December 15, 2006 at 3:45 pm