December 14, 2006, - 3:57 pm

Boycott Watch Site, Readers Credit Schlussel for Exposing, Changing UPS Israel Package Delivery Apartheid Policy

By Debbie Schlussel
The respected organization, Boycott Watch, credits me for exposing UPS’ Package Delivery Apartheid policy in Israel and stopping it. However, the real credit goes not only to you readers who called UPS in protest, but especially reader Ruth G. of Baltimore, who initially drew my attention to UPS’ previous misguided policy.
Ruth writes to tell me that UPS has virtually changed its policy overnight (well, over two nights). Read her latest experience trying to send a package to Israel via UPS:

Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 12:34:42 -0800 (PST)
From: ruth g
Subject: Thank you for making a difference with UPS
To: Debbie Schlussel
It is hard to believe what a difference you made. I called UPS today and asked about delivering a package to Elon Shvut, 90433. They said okay, no exceptions whatsoever. The only problem was that it would cost me $71.92 to mail a 2 lb package with delivery in 3 days.
Thank you for stopping the boycott of Israel by UPS.
I really appreciate your help.

Thanks Ruth, Boycott Watch, and dear readers for helping me put the pressure on UPS.

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9 Responses

Good job Debbie. Big round of applause to you!
There are few people who are making a difference, you’re one of them.
We need more strong patriotic fighters like you to take America back!

Independent Conservative on December 14, 2006 at 4:52 pm

Thank you, Debbie, for alerting us to this discriminatory policy. Amazing what the daylight does to shady policies, isn’t it?

Bachbone on December 14, 2006 at 5:10 pm

Dear Ms. Schlussel,
In regards to your comments, UPS realizes that there has been an error in communication with our customer service representatives. However, let me assure you and your readers that our service to Israel has not changed at all. We deliver packages every day to our customers in all areas of Yehuda and Shomron, including Gush Etzion.
Our customer service reps are trained to request specific postal codes in order to provide service information – and unfortunately the information about some locations in Israel was not accessible in our system. We made steps to address the issue yesterday. However, the new information did not immediately reach all those who needed it. We understand that this has been confusing to callers and we are continuing to take steps to address this.
It is always disappointing to hear negative information about our service, especially when we work hard every day to achieve quality global service. But, sometimes such feedback helps us to improve and better serve our customers. I want to thank you for bringing to our attention this postal code gap.
Mark Dickens

Mark on December 14, 2006 at 5:51 pm

Debbie-the work you do is invaluable! Thank you.

lexi on December 14, 2006 at 7:11 pm

Charlie’s Angels need to get lessons from DS.
Bravo Debbie.

BB on December 14, 2006 at 8:33 pm

wonder if there’s a muz high up at UPS?

melati on December 18, 2006 at 9:40 pm

I have lived in Shilo for the past 16 years and UPS does not and will not deliver here. This week they called me to say they had a letter but could not deliver it. I told them to just mail it. They took the contents out of the UPS envelope (without my permission) and transferred them to a plain envelop and mailed it. When I received it, the most important item was missing – a new credit card!
FEDEX has a simple way of delivering here – they hire a taxi.

Joe Bazer on March 7, 2007 at 7:23 am

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