December 12, 2006, - 3:56 pm

FBI Director Extreme Delusional Fantasy of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel
Hmmm . . . his FBI refused to allow FBI Special Agent Harry Samit to look at Zacarias Moussaoui’s hard drive, despite gargantuan mounds of evidence he was a terrorist and that a hijacking plot was in the works. (Now, he’s ruining Samit’s career.)
Then, he personally wanted to give an FBI award to a “former” Palestinian terrorist (Imad Hamad), who was (and still is) a subject of several terrorism and immigration investigations by his own agency. (A column by me in the New York Post exposed this embarrassment and stopped the award.)
Now, failed, incompetent FBI Director Robert Mueller–the living monument to what Famous But Incompetent is all about–says he’s going to solve the Jimmy Hoffa disappearance.


We interrupt this post for extreme laughter:
We loved how he solved the Jimmy Hoffa disappearance, this past summer, digging up a barn (which we paid to rebuild), devoting tons of FBI personnel from offices nationwide, and wasting about $2 million plus in taxpayer money and resources. And Mueller promoted FBI Michigan Special Agent in Charge Daniel Roberts, the man, under whose “leadership” this happened, to Assistant Director of the FBI.
We look forward to the next time the FBI solves the Hoffa disappearance. And we’re taking bets on how much money will be wasted then, how many days ’til the agents give up.
So wait, Rumsfeld goes, but this nincompoop stays?! Huh?
Time for the FBI to give up on Jimmy Hoffa. And for Bush to give up on Robert S. Mueller.

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5 Responses

Hello, FBI. ICE cannot seem to find and deport one repeat offender illegal alien criminal named Elvira. We can help. It’s a church, and Jimmy Hoffa is buried in the basement. Write, or call, Geraldo Rivera for directions. Post a note here, if you can’t find Geraldo.

jeebie on December 12, 2006 at 6:09 pm

The FBI not only has an incompetent leadership but it is also infested and infiltrated by Muslims -whose loyalty is not to America- especially in the translation department and in the field officers department. I know it for certain.
The Muslims are having it the way they want it thanks to idiots running this country.

Independent Conservative on December 12, 2006 at 10:23 pm

Love you Debbie but always wonder after reading
you on this subject why we have not been hit again? It must be you kicking some ass or luck.

The Word-Drum on December 12, 2006 at 10:59 pm

(shhhhhhh … )
I have it on very good authority that Jimmy Hoffa is buried beneath a mosque in Dearborn.
(pass it on … )

Rocketman on December 13, 2006 at 8:51 am

Please, as in PUHLEEZE, name two competent agency heads appointed by the dean of Mediocrity, GW Bush his own self. I voted Democratic for maybe the first time in my life and agency heads appointed by this bozo figured quite a bit in my anger.

Duke on December 13, 2006 at 9:37 am

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