December 7, 2006, - 10:27 am
Hezbollah’s Congressman Endorses Iraq Surrender Group Report
By Debbie Schlussel
Something smells like dung in San Diego.
The best indication that Jim Baker and company’s Iraq Study Group report is a bad thing is that Hezbollah/Syria/Palestinian terrorists’ best friend in the U. S. Congress likes the report.
Republican Congressman Darrell Issa a/k/a “Jihad Darrell”–who was elected from the San Diego area, but thinks he was elected by Ismail Haniyeh and Ramallah residents–loves the Iraq Surrender Group recommendations, according to his local, hometown newspaper:
U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista [DS: Jihad Darrell], said he would stress the report’s recommendation to deal with the Arab-Israeli conflict and achieve broader peace in the Middle East as a way to curb violence in Iraq. He said other conflicts in the region breed fighters in Iraq.

“This is an interlocked theater,” Issa said. “Anyone that thinks it isn’t hasn’t looked at the fact that these are porous borders.”
Porous Borders? Hmmm . . . maybe Jihad Darrell can introduce a bill to de-unionize the “Iraqi border patrol” like he did to the Border Patrol here in America (because they stopped him for speeding and gave him a well-deserved ticket).
Or, maybe he could ask his good friend, Bashar Assad, to stop allowing terrorist to get through the border to Iraq. Nah. He’s too busy putting together oil deals for terrorist-host state Syria.
Besides, why should he do these things, when he–Jihad Darrell–could just take the easy PC route and blame it all on Israel?
“Interlocked theater?” More like Jihad Darrell’s poorly acted drama theater. Yup, blaming the Jews is the solution to everything.
Tags: allowing terrorist, America, Bashar Assad, Congress, congressman, Darrell Issa, Darrell Issa Endorses, Debbie Schlussel Something, Hizballah, hometown newspaper, Iraq, Iraq Surrender Group, Ismail Haniyeh, Israel, Jim Baker, Microsoft Vista, Middle East, oil deals, Ramallah, San Diego, Syria, United States
“This is an interlocked theater,” Issa said. “Anyone that thinks it isn’t hasn’t looked at the fact that these are porous borders.”
Code Speak: Throw Israel under the bus and everything in the entire region will be just peachy keen!
All together now: “Kumbaya, my Lord Allah … ”
Rocketman on December 9, 2006 at 9:28 am