September 22, 2010, - 12:25 pm

Funny Video of the Day: IslamoPimp is 1st Voted Off “Dancing” Show

By Debbie Schlussel

Longtime readers know I’m not a fan of cheesy alcoholic, David Hasselhoff (and who is, unless you’re gay or live in Germany?), who blamed his crying at the “American Idol” finals on the Iraq War and the Bush White House, then went to “Palestine” and Dubai/United Arab Emirates, where he made videos, bragging about how great Muslims are and how misinformed we Baywatching Americans are for actually being down on Islam (‘cuz it was actually the Wiccans who murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11 and tried to do it again in Times Square, Fort Hood, and with underwear on a plane, etc., right?).

And I loathe reality shows, including “Dancing With the Stars.”  However, it is a great sense of schadenfreude for me that “The Hoff” was the first one voted off the ABC dance show, last night . . . being beaten even by a 19-year-old chick named Bristol (whose only “Starriness” is having sex and becoming a single mom like many teen chicks named Lakisha and ShaQuanDa).  Gotta watch this hilarious video–the HILARIOUS part beginning at 57 seconds in–to continue to schadenfreude.

Buh-bye Baywatch IslamoPimp.

Bonus Video:

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10 Responses

Doesn’t this sot know that Islam forbids alcohol, which is his mother’s milk? Seriously, if this guy is pro-Islam, let him drink himself into oblivion.

Anyone bet that this celebrity will jump to the head of the transplant line when it is time to get a new liver? Let’s just hope he off himself (or is that “Hoff’s) himself before he gets his new liver.

Jgrant on September 22, 2010 at 12:53 pm

The show of course was about good looking dumb lunks and bimbos for a reason. People didn’t watch it for its high brow IQ content. They watched it for a reason.

That said, I’m not feeling too sad David Hasselhoff got voted early off “Dancing With The Stars.”

You can have fame but not a lotta smarts or talent to go along with it.

Hilarious, indeed.

NormanF on September 22, 2010 at 1:23 pm

When one examines the list of contestants that have appeared on this program over the past decade, one thing becomes immediately apparent: If nothing else, this show will go down in history as the one that completely redefined the meaning of the word, “Stars”

Irving on September 22, 2010 at 2:04 pm

Most amusing baby-mama name I’ve heard . . . “Kwanzaanisha”.

Graty Slapchop on September 22, 2010 at 3:35 pm

One down and one to go.

tyler on September 22, 2010 at 7:06 pm

Graty, LOL…that just CAN’T be true? Can it?

Wow. Never knew The Hoff was such a jerk. I actually had sympathy for the cheeseball. Guess that’s over with.

I was actually hoping the big, ugly-faced freak Margaret Cho would be the first one voted off. Or that dumb, mental-case Bristol Palin.

Skunky on September 22, 2010 at 10:48 pm

Oh yes, the dopey Baby Mama Bistol Palin sure does have Mommy issues…

Skunky on September 22, 2010 at 11:55 pm

A few years ago an inner city New Years baby was named Formica Dinette..the single mother said she thought it sounded pretty..Her name was Nonchalant..

Reverend Circa 53 on September 24, 2010 at 11:23 pm

“Gay” and “German,” aren’t you being redundant, Debbie?

Occam's Tool on February 13, 2011 at 10:19 pm

This is what saddens me. Many gullible Americans became the mouthpiece for the the religion of terror and gangster ship. They know nothing about it and when some sheik smiles to him he falls in love with the cult. I don’t know what to do to heal these idiots from their naivete. I wish they ask some one who after converting to Islam, they apostate and state the horrors of Islam that he experienced. The site THE APOSTATES OF ISLAM is bound to convince any one how lovely Islam is.

G. R. SCHAROUBIM on February 25, 2011 at 3:03 pm

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