December 5, 2006, - 7:21 am

Your Gym Now Allah’s Gym (& Mosque), The Sequel: Muslim Woman Bitches Over Prayer at Gym

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE: There’s more to the story. Check it out here. ****
Back in April, we told you about Fitness USA, the Michigan-based national gym chain. We dubbed it “Weakness USA,” because the gym built a divider (between men and women) in its Lincoln Park, Michigan (not a largely Muslim area . . . yet) location to bow to Muslim women’s demand to wear skimpy clothing and not have men see them.
The women, Arrwa Mogalli and Ammerah Saidi, got their wish over this private gym by whining to the media and Islamic “civil rights” groups. We warned, then, that this was the slippery slope. And we were right. Now, Wardeh Sultan–a Palestinian Muslim woman from Dearbornistan–is whining because someone interrupted her PRAYER at her location of the gym (the city isn’t given in the report by Detroit Newsistan resident pro-Islamist and fabricator, Gregg Krupa). (And she’s mad that the gym manager allegedly told her that the rest of us don’t have to respect Allah. The crime.)
That’s right, her PRAYER. Not her workout. Not her 5-mile run on the treadmill. Not her weightlifting or session in the steam room. No, her Islamic PRAYER.


Does This Look Like a Mosque to You?:

Maybe This Isn’t the Place for Devout Muslims

Question: When you hear of an establishment called “Fitness USA,” do you think it’s a place to work out? Or a place to pray to Allah? A place to exercise your body or a place to exercise your religion?
Detroit area Muslims who are imposing their will anywhere and everywhere now say they have the right to pray in your gym unfettered. So you’re trying to lift weights? So, what? Please adjust your workout so Wardeh and Ahmed can kneel toward Mecca. And please don’t drip your sweat on her hijab or step on her prayer mat. “Allah Hu Akbar.”
Sultan is angry because someone had the gall to interrupt her prayer session . . . AT THE GYM! And she’s mad that the manager told her,

“The manager told me, ‘You have to respect her (the patron), but she does not have to respect your God,'” said Wardeh Sultan of Dearborn. “I’ve had my membership for seven or eight years, and I’ve never had a problem with praying there.
“I told that manager, ‘I can’t believe you said that'” Sultan said. “Honestly, I feel humiliated and I feel ashamed, right now, to go back to Fitness USA.”

If you feel humiliated praying at a gym, you should be. It’s a place to work out. It ain’t a mosque (or a house of prayer).
Predictably, as the gym did with the divider for Muslim women, it is kowtowing yet again. Welcome to the Dhimmified Gym, which is now “investigating” this absurd claim:

“We will, as we will with any complaint involving our staff and a member, be doing a full and thorough investigation of the matter and take any appropriate action we need to take,” said Jodi Berry, executive director of Fitness USA. “We want every member to get a good exercise experience every time they come to the club.”

Somehow this is a “violation” of the First Amendment right of freedom of religion, according to The Detroit Newsistan’s pro-Islamist reporter, who apparently never heard of the right for private businesses to decide to be gyms instead of mosques, or the fact that Islamic prayer in the middle of a cramped gym might be a safety and litigation hazard:

The allegations are among a series of recent complaints by Muslims who say they are free to practice their religion in the United States, until someone tells them they cannot. Recently, the same Fitness USA facility enacted a new dress code to allow Muslim women to wear more modest clothing, in compliance with some Islamic practices.

Correction: As we noted, in the Lincoln Park Fitness USA, the rules were changed the other way. A divider was built so Muslim women could remove modest clothing, wear skimpy outfits, and not be seen by men.
They want it a million different ways–all in the name of Infidels kowtowing to extremist Islamic whims. What every happened to “the melting pot”? Apparently, that dynamic has changed. Now, we’re supposed to melt into some sort of Islamic souffle.
The Detroit Newsistan “reporter” goes further and invokes the Flying Imams who were apparently doing a dry run for a hijacking or terrorist attack. And apparently, this woman was testing the system to see what she could get away with at her mosque, er . . . gym. And since her gym is Weakness USA, she can get away with a lot. Just watch for Fitness USA to establish a prayer room, and fire a few people over this.
This story has everything, too . . . including my “friend,” FBI Award Revokee and “former” Islamic terrorist Imad Hamad (a close buddy of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Michigan Chief Brian Moskowitz a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz”):

Imad Hamad, regional director of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, which lodged a formal complaint with Fitness USA on behalf of Sultan, said the recent spate of conflicts results from a growing intolerance of Islam and a growing restiveness among Muslims that their rights to speak freely and worship are increasingly at risk.
“They (Muslims) are resenting that they are to be suppressed from expressing themselves freely, like others,” Hamad said.
“It’s OK for a Christian fellow or a Jewish fellow to pray, and it would be regarded highly and respected. When it comes to a person of Muslim faith, especially if a woman is wearing the head cover or a man with a typical clergy outfit, yeah, it is becoming like something that is offensive to people and making them nervous.”


“Former” Terrorist Imad Hamad, Muslim Chicks Whine about Fitness USA

(Hamadafat courtesy of Preston Taylor Holmes/Six Meat Buffet)

Hello . . .? If someone is praying at my gym, it will make me nervous. It should make you nervous. It should make us all nervous. And by the way, I’ve NEVER seen any Christians or Jews, including myself (a religious Jew), pray at the gym. We know what the place is for and why we’re there. You want to pray? Go to your mosque, Wardeh Habibti.

Sultan said that, like all pious Muslims, she prays five times daily. She also wears a veil and a long dress, in observance of her faith.
Born in Jordan, of Palestinian descent, Sultan arrived in Detroit 17 years ago, before moving to Dearborn. She is an American citizen.

Remind us again why we let her–a woman who wants to impose her religion on a gym!–in and gave her citizenship. This is the stuff I’ve been arguing that the new citizenship test does nothing to test.

Sultan said she came to the United States to secure her freedom and to avoid intolerance.
“We’re here in the great United States and for this happening, it truly breaks my heart,” she said. “You know, things are starting to change backwards, instead of frontward. We need to keep this United States, our country, up on our shoulders. We don’t want it to go down.”

We’ve given her and her fellow co-religionists tolerance ad absurdum in this country, far more than a Christian or Jew or any other non-Muslim would have in her country of origin. And that’s the problem. Islam dominates all life in extremist Jordan, where 88% of the country believes in homicide bombings and that Bin Laden is a great leader (according to Pew polls of Jordan).
And this woman and her extremist community want to dominate all aspects of American life, including the gym.
Unfortunately, Islamic America has found gyms like Fitness USA that are all too willing to bend over for them. Physical fitness aside, it’s yet another sign that there is little moral Fitness in the USA.
**** UPDATE: There’s more to the story. Check it out here. ****

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25 Responses

The most religous thing i have ever said in a gym is Holy $hit why do I do this to myself???
But seriously, this is getting way out of hand. They are starting to remind me of my five kids- the way they test every boundry to see just how much they can get away with. The only difference is- I don’t let my kids get away with anything. Maybe I should run for office…..

MarySJ on December 5, 2006 at 8:10 am

Have these people never heard of a quick, silent prayer? Most of us believers pray silently many times a day. My God does not require lying prostrate on a mat, and certainly not in front of the treadmill. My God blessed me with discernment. I must agree with the woman when she says that “things are starting to change backward.” They certainly are-and you Islamoidiots are leading the way.

Southernops on December 5, 2006 at 9:09 am

>>Born in Jordan, of Palestinian descent, Sultan arrived in Detroit 17 years ago, before moving to Dearborn. She is an American citizen. Sultan said she came to the United States to secure her freedom and to avoid intolerance.<<
Why? They banned Islam in Jordan? They forbade building extra mosques? Or there are not enough mosques?
In my estimate, there are in Jordan a mosque for every 100 Jordanians! Or, in Islamic-Arabic terms, a “zereeba” for every “gamoosa.”!!
I’ve been warning about it. That’s their plot to take over America and Western Europe.
1 – Invasion through massive immigration.
2 – Reproducing like rats.
3 – Imposing they filthy cult.
4 – Taking over government.
5 – Declaring Islam religion of State.
And the West is still sleeping.
Go play your video game.
Go watch your ball game.
Go listen to your iPod.
Go drink, dance, smoke pot, have orgies and fun.
Go cry for a dead roach, you environmentalists bastards.
We get what we deserve.

Independent Conservative on December 5, 2006 at 9:23 am

Why would someone go to the gym to work out when they knew a time of prayer required by her faith was soon arriving. Next we will have to have prayer rooms in all Department stores. Or require all stores to close during times of prayer as required in Saudi Arabia. Will they require business meetings or courts to also close during the Moslem time of prayer.
What would be the requirements if a Moslem was on a jury that would be interesting to see what our court system will have to change to meet these requirements.
Some melting pot if we have to change to conform to thier life style. But it would be funny to see all these changes will affect businesses with Moslem Women. I guess they can never go to business meetings because they mix with unrelated Men. Let alone allow any Moslem woman to be on a jury. Heaven forbid that they are in a closed room unrelated males for jury deliberation.

David Anfinrud on December 5, 2006 at 9:49 am

I have been a member of Fitness USA for years. When I signed up it was segregated, men had their own days and women had others. In each locker room there was enclosed stalls for people to change in if they felt uncomfortable being naked in front of other people. As a member of fitness USA, I am getting tired of their cowtowing to every complaint by people of Ariabic descent. The dirty little secret with people who use Fitness USA is this: if your any race other than Muslim, you stay away from the Lincoln Park and Dearborn locations because of the atmosphere. Unfortunately, the members know this and most Fitness USA workers that I have talked to don’t want to work in those locations because of the problems, but the management doesn’t seem to care. If I were Fitness USA, I would look into why these two properties are the one’s that always give them problems with people of Arab descent.

paperlion on December 5, 2006 at 10:01 am

Where is the ACLU when you need them. Doesn’t this impose religion on other people? I don’t work out at a gym but I do go to other public places. Should I worry about tripping over a prayer mat or some head scarf next time I go food shopping or Best buy or some other private busimess open to the public. Maybe we should make Krogers or Walmart allow for Christian prayer services while we are at it.

jnd on December 5, 2006 at 10:23 am

The ACLU should be involved in this. We are not suppose to impose RELIGION on other people. The constitution says religion. It does not single out Christianity or Judiasm.

jnd on December 5, 2006 at 10:29 am

I have to pray to keep from strangling people at my gym who sit on the equipment and talk on their cell phones or read a magazine for 10 minutes between reps.
What would happen if I moved to a Muslim country and joned a gym and started praying to Jesus?
I’m ready to bring this saying back, “America, love it or leave it.”

Jeff_W on December 5, 2006 at 10:59 am

jnd: The ACLU won’t raise its ugly head as long as the parties involved are not White or Christians. A few years ago, an American friend of Indian origin was suspended from his school for writing something derogatory (and wrong) about the professors and the school. The ACLU was at his door the same day, and insisted it was a “hate crime” and that he was suspended “because of his Indian origin”. They wanted to help him sue his school without even asking him what really happened. Funny, because my friend has NEVER been to India; he is 100% American, and the ACLU were the only ones taking race into factor!
Anyway, my friend told the ACLU to get lost, and made a formal apology to his school, which accepted his apology and took him back.

anonymous twit on December 5, 2006 at 11:06 am

Fitness USA is now fast becoming a Dhimnasium.

Gang of One on December 5, 2006 at 12:43 pm

I would be dumping my membership at that gym so fast their heads would be spinning. As should any member there who is prevented from utilizing the full services of the gym.
What an idiotic place. Separate days for men & women? Okaaaayyyyy, I guess I can “understand” that. Although I would not have signed up at a gym that is only open to me every other day, I guess for enough people that was fine. But “changing rooms” in the locker rooms? Essentially, a locker room within the locker room? WTF?? Is it a co-ed locker room or something? Did these people never go to high school?
Fitness USA = Foolish USA.
Anyone who is a member there should get out of their contract. And anyone looking for a new gym, either join a rational one that’s open 7-days a week, or open your own. For the next 30+ years, gyms are going to be cash cows for those who own them (baby boomers gettin old – looking to retain youth, health, fitness).

David Svendsen on December 5, 2006 at 1:00 pm

Crazy! Imad and his doggie bunch in Michigan and DC must be laughing at us this very moment. Since we have spineless companies like Fitness USA that bends backwards whenever a Mozlum wants to bend forward in their so-called prayer, lets just boycott them. Mass boycott will teach them a lesson. Screw you Imad and company! May allah bless your devout parents, they must be exercising in hell at this moment, lol.

anonymous twit on December 5, 2006 at 1:16 pm

Simply out of curiosity . . .how many muslim owned businesses have designated ‘prayer areas’?

justamomof4 on December 5, 2006 at 1:25 pm

This is the most hideous thing I have ever heard. It amazes me that the gym would do anything other than give her a polite reply.
It should be common sense and basic gym rules that you should not be disruptive. If she wants to pray quietly in an out-of-the-way area, than go for it. Why does she feel that freedom of religion means everyone should clear out and give her the middle of a gym floor for prayer? It is absolute madness.
If this PC stuff doesn’t end now, we are in serious trouble.

texmom on December 5, 2006 at 1:27 pm

I am so furious reading this right now that I want to punch something. When does it end? A prayer room at the airport. They demand, we give in… sister swim for THEM!!! I wish we could throw them out. This is how it had started in Eurabia. They know exactly what they are doing. Why is she going to a gymn in the first place? A gym is soooo western. Get them out of my country. I wish they would leave. I’m sorry I’m just sick of this. And then when I look at the photograph of that smug puss… I’ll stop now.

pigtails not veils on December 5, 2006 at 1:34 pm

And muslims will not integrate. They are perpetually offended by America. I got news for you all, we are not here to accommodate you, it is you who must change. Stop showing us your lack of respect for the true meaning of what it means to be an American. The politics of the so-called “religion”, is really an anti-american political machine. The state department should ban all immigration from anyone who identifies oneself as islamic or muslim, and no need to apologize. It should be muslims who apologize to us for wasting our time, for insulting the Country and its Citizens. For all the whining little terrorist supporters who are already here, pack your bags. If you want gym-time, your fellow jihadists can provide you with some exercise carrying suicide bombs. Freedom, liberty for all and islam are mutually exclusive and irreconcilable forever. Wake up America, most of all you, BUSH, and give them all the boot.

jeebie on December 5, 2006 at 1:35 pm

Gang of One: “Dhimnasium” Haha!
I’m bookmarking this for when the hejab hits the fan at my gym.
The other day there was a gal in a hejab keeping a pace on the treadmill. Let’s be practical: What kind of workout can you get with a headwrap on? I can picture an athletic wear company catering to some kind of spandex-lined hejab with absorbant material added.
There should be nothing wrong with wearing almost any kind of workout clothing — just that with Islam, one thing leads to another….

Jeremiah on December 5, 2006 at 2:47 pm

Muslims continuously evoke the phrase “religious intolerance” against them.
It is illegal in the homeland of Islam, Saudi Arabia, for a church to exist.
Islam is the most religiously intolerant “religion” on the face of the earth, and it is LIBERAL AMERICANS who let Muslims get away with calling US religiously intolerant.
THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE. In the Muslim world, facts rarely matter. And in Liberal America, Muslims can do no wrong.
It is the sickest thing I have ever seen in all my 39 years.

ddhinnyc on December 5, 2006 at 3:34 pm

Maybe next Sunday I’ll break out a bottle of wine and a loaf of bread and go into every Muslim owned business and demand they give me a place to receive Communion.

MarySJ on December 5, 2006 at 4:00 pm

Sultan is just making her contribution to the jihad against the infidels. Jihad by using our freedoms against us to impose Islam upon us everywhere and at all time. It’s part of the wearing down of the infidels. Because these businesses fear lawsuits and the Muslims are experts at threatening lawsuit if we do not submit to Islam everywhere and at all times, the strategy is working. It is stupid. Islam is stupid and people who respect it are stupid.

John Sobieski on December 5, 2006 at 5:09 pm

i really don’t understand these people. they want to be treated right here in america and they treat christians like slaves in the middle east. i have lived in the middle east for 14 years and i’ve seen christians struggle to bulid a church, renew a church or even put a lamp in the church ,It is illegal in the homeland of Islam,the Middle East for a church to existand,here u are in america cryin because you can’t Pray in a GYM?…..COME ON …Grow up… we are not here to accommodate you, it is you who must change

Mido on January 2, 2007 at 5:48 pm

I just want to reply to what textmom said.Why are you so furious???? In what way has the woman who wanted to pray affected your life??? And anyway, this reply is directed to all of the people who are against Islam. Islam is a religion that you should all respect, just as Muslims respect your religions. What knowledge do you have about Islam? Why do non-Muslims convert if Islam was as bad as you all believe? And how can you attack and make judgements about something that you don’t know anything about?

Muslim on July 18, 2007 at 5:41 pm

    A jihad on you!

    sickofarabs on January 24, 2010 at 4:35 pm

You know…we are all in this world together. Jordan is one of the more moderate of muslim countries in the middle east. You rarely even see an extreme “islamic” muslim in Jordan. Egypt is the place that you cannot even by a Valentine Day card. This all boils down to understanding and knowledge. I suggest those that don’t understand go and study more about the faith…and also your own faith which without a doubt most likely teaches understanding. We all have to live here together. If a prayer must be said in church, maybe the gym needs to make a prayer room if they want to be so accommodating. When prayer time rolls around they can go do the prayer there. Or maybe they could use the locker room for this. There are ways to peacefully resolve it without everyone getting bent out of shape and offended just because these are people from the Middle East. Middle Eastern people have been some of the nices people I have ever met in my life and much nicer than most Americans I come across every day. Don’t judge a book by its cover and become educated!!!!

ilvflwrs on April 28, 2008 at 3:31 pm

We Americans are angry at any immigrant who comes into our country and tries to impose THIER culture on OURS. This is a predominently christian culture. We speak english here. We do not need new customs. IF YOU DON”T LIKE IT…GO BACK TO THE SAND OF THE MIDDLE EAST!!! ya know, i was thinking…there is a reason why God put the middle east on the opposite side of the world from us.

sickofarabs on January 24, 2010 at 4:33 pm

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