September 8, 2010, - 7:01 pm
The Koran Burning and the Sudden Excess of Outrage
Many readers have asked my opinion on the planned Koran burning on Saturday, the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks on America, by Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida.
While I do not support, embrace, or endorse the International Burn a Koran Day, and it is meant to unnecessarily provoke (and does a disservice to the efforts of those of us who oppose Islam but do not engage in offense like this), I view it as far less offensive than those who burn an American Flag on regular occasions all over America. The American Flag is far more holy to me than a book which inspires mass murder of all of those who do not adhere to the strictest observance of Islam and its sharia (and often the mass murder of rival Islamic factions).
I also see the burning of the Koran as far less offensive than “art” sponsored by the U.S. government, such as “Piss Christ,” featuring a cross in a bottle of urine. But Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder never spoke out against that. Neither did the mainstream media. Instead of saying to the Islamic world, “this is what America is about–we say and do what we want, no matter how offensive,” they are cowering to those who have already vanquished us on the anniversary of the planned event. Cowering to the enemy never works. It eggs them on.
I view the planned burning of Korans as far less offensive than the mass murder of Jews and Christian on a regular basis all over the Islamic world on the basis of the contents of the Koran and its related Hadiths, considered the word of Mohammed. But Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder never spoke out against that. Neither did the mainstream media.
I view the planned burning of Korans as far less offensive than the building of a mosque on top of the holiest Jewish site, the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, and the ongoing excavation of that Temple, which further destroys what is left. I view the planned burning of Korans as far less offensive than the use of Jewish gravestones as sidewalk pavement and Jewish graves as urination receptacles, all done by Muslims who took over “Palestine” before it was recaptured by Israel in 1967.
I view the planned burning of Korans as far less offensive than I view the Sunni-dominated Saudi destruction of Sh’ite Korans, in which the leather binding is purposely transformed into thong sandals to denigrate and embarrass Shi’ites and show them their Koran is the lowest of the low, gracing the dirt on the streets. But Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder never spoke out against that. Neither did the mainstream media.
Here’s what I view as far more offensive than the burning of Korans: that the outrage over this is more so than the outrage of any Islamic murder of Americans, any jihadist beheading videos featuring Westerners being slaughtered in the name of the Koran.
And it is offensive that the same liberals who constantly tell me that burning the American flag and denigrating Christianity with urine jars is “free speech” and “that’s very American,” suddenly don’t seem to like free speech.
I also view it as offensive that frauds and whores like Hanan Tudor, the fake whose entire story is false and who goes by the porn name “Brigitte Gabriel” (and who raised money for an organization that praised Muslim death, rape, and torture threats against me, my Holocaust survivor grandmother, and my parents) is using this as an opportunity to condemn free speech, raise money so she can have more expensive designer perfumes and clothes, and engage in moral equivalency comparing this mere burning to the jihadist mass murders of Christians and Jews and destruction of churches and synagogues all over the Islamic world. In her latest shameless fundraising letter, she (actually, her ghostwriter, since they write everything for her including her books) asked:
What is the difference between his actions and the actions of Islamists destroying synagogues in Gaza or churches and Bibles in Lebanon, Bosnia and Egypt?
Yup, Hanan Tudor a/k/a “Brigitte Gabriel” sees burning the Koran as the same as destroying synagogues and churches. Only a moron wouldn’t know the difference and would send out such a cowering statement followed by, “Send me money” (the money being sent for no particular achievement other than being the Zsa Zsa Gabor of Arab pseudo-anti-jihadists).
That to me is far more disgusting than burning a Koran or even many Korans for three hours, even if I don’t support that act. But, then, this is the same fake who told Black churches how happy she was that Barack Obama was elected and who told Bill O’Reilly on FOX News that she praises Obama’s Muslim outreach efforts and that “he’s done a better job than Bush” on it.
After all, anyone who is intellectually honest and knowledgeable will admit that there is one book that inspired 9/11’s mass murder of 3,000 Americans by Muslims. One book that inspires constant death, rape, and torture threats against me and my family. One book that inspires planned underwear and Times Square bomb attacks. IT’S. THE. KORAN.
What if a child or widow of a 9/11 victim was the one who burned the Koran instead of a fringe Florida pastor? Would we dare tell them that the outrage over the burning of the book is much greater than the outrage over their loved one’s mass murder inspired by and on behalf of that same book?
Sorry, but while I don’t condone the burning of the Koran, I don’t condemn it either. It’s simply an exercise of the First Amendment . . . an exercise you’ll never see in any of the Islamic world.
And that’s the point. The Koran burning is VERY American. Suddenly, the heretofore loquacious First Amendment crowd has been reduced to just crickets chirping.
And that’s soooo very American. At least, that’s what the liberals told me.
When the Muslims around the world condemn the mass murder of Jews and Christians, the expelling and deportation of them from Muslim countries and regions, the destruction of synagogues and mosques, the spilling of blood of even secular Muslims and gays, then I will worry about condemning an irrelevant preacher in Florida exercising the First Amendment and not killing anyone or taking anyone’s property and reducing it to rubble or expelling anyone from his/her country.
But only then. Until then, I will embrace the First Amendment, which they don’t have anywhere in the Muslim world . . . unless you are the Caliph or the Sheikh.
Remember, liberals: that’s what being American is all about. Isn’t it?
Tags: Brigitte Gabriel, Dove World Outreach Center, Eric Holder, Florida, Gainesville, Hanan Tudor, Hillary Clinton, International Burn a Koran Day, Koran, Koran burning, Pastor Terry Jones
@John, what makes you think militant Muslims won’t attack us civilians here in America? Aren’t we easier targets? What would stop a crazy Muslim from killing a lot of people on 9/11 for retaliation of a Koran burning?
So the argument made by KING HUSSEIN OBAMA, Gen. Petraus and the MSM would be applied to us as well as soldiers. This is a straw man argument they have created. We are not intimidating physical force if the Ground Zero mosque is to be built. We will say they are a POS. This pastor is burning a Koran and we are to be threatened. There is a big difference.
CaliforniaScreaming on September 9, 2010 at 3:42 pm