November 21, 2006, - 1:05 pm

Hair-ism?: Apologies to Blond Male Readers

By Debbie Schlussel
At least one of this site’s fair-haired readers took offense to my posts against the new blond James Bond actor, Daniel Craig, and those he inspired to bleach/frost their hair. Wrote he:

You like dark haired guys, we get it, enough already. Even though you say you aren’t meaning to offend real blonde guys, the way you go about it seems to say that you are equating blonde hair with femininity.
You could just as easily make the false assumption that women with blonde hair (dyed or natural) are dumb bimbos. If blonde isn’t your taste (on men that is, considering you dye your hair blonde), which is obvious, that’s fine. Just stop equating men with blonde hair as being less masculine. It’s really stereotypical and a false assumption.


Blond Former Tennis Pro Jim Courier

Just ask yourself, “What would Brian Bosworth think?” Take care and Happy Holidays.

(With all the steroids he took, I’m not sure Brian “The Boz” Bosworth has any hair, blond or otherwise, left.)
Actually, I think there are plenty of very masculine and attractive men with blond hair, like Howie Long (formerly of the NFL’s Raiders and now with FOX NFL Sunday), who until a few years ago, was a blond, and former tennis pro Jim Courier. And, even though he’s an extreme lefty, Robert Redford was very hot in his day. Very masculine as “Butch Cassidy” (or was he “the Sundance Kid”?).
Please note that my comments about masculinity and fair hair were limited to the new James Bond, Daniel Craig, and the men who’ve been inspired to bleach and/or frost their hair in response.
No, I do not equate blond hair with femininity or exclusively find dark haired men attractive. I assure you, dear readers, I am not a “hair-ist” or “hair pigmentist,” the only terms I can come up with for discrimination based on hair-color. And I apologize to those blond readers of this site who got offended. There are plenty of very masculine men with blond hair. If Daniel Craig were more believable and less girlie as Bond, his hair color would have nothing to do with it. In my view, James Bond, is meant to have dark hair.
And real men are not meant to frost their hair (sorry, but any guy who frosts or bleaches his hair I gotta question). Or to be so sensitive when I write about an actor’s hair color.
So, my apologies to you male, fair-haired readers who got there by birth. Do not take offense to my critique of the new James Bond. It does not apply to you.
****UPDATE: To the reader who questions my mention of Jim Courier, you are right. I changed my mind on him after I happened on this pic. Bleccch! for a lot of reasons. (And he’s not blond, either.) Not hot.


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5 Responses

“And real men are not meant to frost their hair. Or to be so sensitive when I write about an actor’s hair color”
You should have led and stopped with that statement.
Jim Courier??? I’m prettier than this man.

dll2000 on November 21, 2006 at 1:40 pm

Anyone wanna challenge me that Ryan Seacrest is NOT a fayyagh?!

Yiddish Steel on November 21, 2006 at 3:44 pm

James Blond’s movie has been released in my home state in India dubbed in Indian languages! The movie is going to crash big time – James Bond fans don’t want to see James Bond speak any language other than English, and non-English speaking Indians won’t see Hollywood movies simply because they won’t understand anything, even if its dubbed!

anonymous twit on November 22, 2006 at 12:59 am

I too have been told (on occasion and only by sweet, well-intentioned ladies) that I sometimes suffer from an anger management problem. It could be attributed to the many years I spent my evenings working “security” (ahem) in working class drinking establishments. However, life is much too short to get exorcised over little wimps who frost their hair and the people who criticize them. We just laugh at them all and move on.

Rocketman on November 22, 2006 at 6:45 am

Before I would have to eat at least every 4 hours or I would get sick, now I could go the whole day without eating! The only thing is I have to make sure I at least eat 1 good meal or I get a migraine followed by some body aches, but then I can eat an apple and I’m fine. ,

vnbzcxmt on June 3, 2011 at 8:51 pm

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