November 19, 2006, - 9:16 am

Tonight’s Recommended Viewing: “60 Minutes” on Hazleton, PA’s Laws against Illegal Aliens

By Debbie Schlussel
Our friend, former high-ranking INS agent Mike Cutler, alerts us to tonight’s “60 Minutes,” on which reporter Steve Kroft will do a feature on Hazleton, Pennsylvania and its efforts to make life tougher for illegal aliens. Kroft will interview Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta about the problems the aliens cause for the city and the laws they are trying to enforce, which make it harder for illegals to live there (a federal judge put a hold on that for now).
Since “60 Minutes” has been notoriously pro-illegal alien and anti-those of us who want the problem stemmed and the law enforced, we can’t vouch for the content, but the video snippet here (go to “CBS News Video” on right-hand side and click on “Preview: Hazleton, Pa.”) looks promising.
Non-Bonus Stories also on tonight’s “60 Minutes“: Story on tigers–YAAAAAAAWN!; Story on Joe Willie Namath and his attempt to overcome alcoholism, which he blames for his “I wanna kiss you” comments to Suzie Kolber on live ESPN air. How many more NFL men’s men do we need to see “humanized” and sensitive-man-ized?

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4 Responses

Who died and make federal judges God?

Burt on November 19, 2006 at 10:31 am

I don’t hold out a ton of hope either but Steve Kroft has really been the only 60 minutes reporter who can be expected to give non-liberal causes a fair shake at least sometimes

sultan_knish on November 19, 2006 at 2:50 pm

The president of the United States is pro-illegal immigrants.
“60” minutes or any other TV show cannot change that.
I’m sick and tired of George W. Bush, he is ruining America. I can’t believe he still has two more years in office. I hope I wake up tomorrow and he’s gone. We need a true conservative in the White House, not a phony one.
Read the following:

Independent Conservative on November 20, 2006 at 7:40 am

I couldn’t care less if the Jets are strug-gal-ling!

Yiddish Steel on November 20, 2006 at 12:16 pm

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