November 17, 2006, - 1:02 pm
Jihad Darrell Loses: McCotter Defeats Pro-Hezbo/Syria Darrell Issa 4 House GOP Policy Job; Schlussel Cited
By Debbie Schlussel
Even in this gloomy time, sometimes good things happen, and the House Republicans do the right thing.
Yesterday, I wrote a New York Post column about Congressman Darrell Issa a/k/a “Jihad Darrell” and his quest to become Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee. I wrote more about it on this site. As I wrote, the man has a consistent record of supporting and aiding Hezbollah, Syrian leader Bashar Assad, and Palestinian terrorists.
High-ranking Capitol Hill sources tell me that my column on Issa was heavily circulated, yesterday, among House GOP Congressmen, many of whom took heed and voted for McCotter. This morning, the majority of House Republican Congressmen saw the light. They elected Michigan Congressman Thaddeus McCotter over Issa by more than a 2-1 margin, 132-63 votes.

Good for them. Proof that even a pan-Arabist gazillionaire like Issa–who has lied and stolen his way to the top–can’t always buy his way to victory.
I hope this big defeat will give Issa a hint that he should abandon his ambitions for higher office and leadership positions. There is no place for jihadists in those roles in America.
A note about Thad McCotter. In October 2004, I attended a Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)-Michigan candidate forum. I was initially disappointed to see McCotter there. He gave a very friendly speech asserting that these were peaceful people (when they are not). However, my view on McCotter changed when I saw him tell off the CAIR board members and attendees on issues ranging from the war in Iraq to Israel to what it means to be an American.
A then-CAIR board member, Shi’ite Muslim nurse Najah Bazzy, a third-generation American who wears a hijab, said she is “embarrassed to be an American.” McCotter responded and told her off (and where to go). It was a great moment that told me what he’s about. Since then, Bazzy donated an anti-Israel propaganda tape (about the Jenin so-called “massacre”) for an anti-Israel exhibit at the National Arab American Musuem. She is also likely involved in a Medicaid and citizenship scam for pregnant Muslim foreigners who get Medicaid coverage and U.S. citizenship for their babies born here.

Congratulations to Congressman McCotter–who has a great record on issues relating to terrorism, America’s national security, and Israel–on his win.

Tags: America, Bashar Assad, board member, Chairman, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Darrell Issa, Darrell Loses, Darrell Loses Race, Debbie Schlussel Even, Good, Hizballah, Iraq, Israel, leader, Michigan, Najah Bazzy, New House GOP Policy Committee, New York Post, nurse, Policy Chairman, Republican Party, Republican Policy Committee, Shi'ite Muslim, Syria, Thad McCotter, Thaddeus McCotter, United States
sounds like mccotter will do a good job and this may mark a setback for the new wave of ‘common sense conservatism’ rising under mccain, which is just a euphemism for appeasement, surrender and politically correct politics combined with some noises about reform and fiscal conservatism… which should be read as redirecting funds to mccain’s own supporters and donors pet projects
sultan_knish on November 17, 2006 at 1:28 pm