November 17, 2006, - 12:01 pm
A Football Great Gone: Glen “Bo” Schembechler, RIP; Inspiration for Michigan Victory Over OSU
By Debbie Schlussel
A college football great and coaching legend, Glenn “Bo” Schembechler, passed away this morning of a massive heart attack at age 77.
He was coach at the University of Michigan for many years, including the beginning of my tenure as an undergrad there.
Schembechler was rushed to the hospital, this morning, after collapsing while taping his Saturday local college football show at Detroit’s Channel 7/WXYZ-TV. He passed away at the hospital.
The timing is strangely auspicious because it’s just on the eve of what is probably the biggest college football contest of the season and one of the most important in Michigan football history, this weekend’s contest between #1 Ohio State University and #2 (for now) University of Michigan.

I predict that Michigan players will “win one for the Gipper” and react to Bo’s death by winning this gridiron contest in his memory and honor, tomorrow. Schembechler was from Ohio, but grew to be a true Maize & Blue Michigan Wolverine. Read the piece from excellent sports columnist, Michael Rosenberg (quickly becoming one of my fave sports writers), about his son, “Shemy’s,” “intermarriage” with an Ohio State fan.
It’s a sad day on Moscow on the Huron a/k/a the People’s Republic of Ann Arbor (with apologies to Moscow), even though Bo was a Republican.
Bo Schembechler, Rest in Peace. And Go Blue.
Tags: Ann Arbor, coach, Debbie Schlussel, Detroit, excellent sports columnist, fave sports writers, football, Glen "Bo" Schembechler, Glenn "Bo" Schembechler, heart attack, Michael Rosenberg, Michigan, Moscow, Ohio, Ohio State University, The University of Michigan, University of Michigan, WXYZ-TV
What a great and beloved man was Bo. For those of us who watched what he did with U-M, he will be there in our minds for a long time as a voice of strength. He is one of those guys who always emphasized “THE TEAM” as being more important than getting your own name in lights.
Thanks for a great life and contribution Bo! We will miss you.
BB on November 17, 2006 at 2:45 pm