November 15, 2006, - 11:45 am

OUTRAGE!: Hezbollah Supporter/Arafat Bud/Anti-Semite Seeks GOP Leadership Position in Congress

By Debbie Schlussel
Why are so many respectable GOP Congressman (plus Hezbollah pimp Rep. Ray LaHood) supporting Hezbollah/Arafat/Syria devotee and anti-Semite, Rep. Darrell Issa a/k/a Jihad Darrell, for Chairman of the powerful Republican Policy Committee? Has the GOP given up on fighting terror? Is that the message they got from last week’s elections?
If it is, they’d better wake up.
Why is the possibility that Jihad Darrell could get this position a frightening prospect and an outrage? Read my piece from the Los Angeles Jewish Journal in 2003. It’s also accessible at (which I own).


Jihad Darrell’s Crying Game:

Pro-Hezbollah Rep. Darrell Issa Wants to Set GOP Policy

Then, there’s this gem from an interview he gave this month to his hometown paper:

So put yourself in these shoes: You are a veteran Republican congressman of Lebanese Christian descent who is one of the most prominent Arab-American politicians in the country. . . .
So you are meeting with your local newspaper’s editorial board, one of whose whiny members (that would be me) keeps pounding away at you over the ridiculous overspending by the Republican Congress. So while generally defending your party and your colleagues, you do, over the course of an hourlong interview, criticize two aspects of federal spending.
One is crop subsidies for well-off farmers.
And the other is ….. homeland-security funding for cameras and other security measures for Jewish organizations.

For the record, about $2 million out of billions of Homeland Security grants went to synagogues in the San Francisco area (where a Muslim from Afghanistan recently went on a driving rampage) to improve their security, including $36,000 that a local synagogue spent on cameras.
And out of gazillions of dollars in wasteful spending, Jihad Darrell attacks the Jews. Is this the kind of guy Republicans should be electing to a leadership position . . . deciding policy?!
Tell your GOP Congressman to VOTE NO on Jihad Darrell for Republican Policy Committee Chairman.
Thanks to Reader Dayna for alerting me to Jihad Darrell’s list of GOP Congressional supporters. Scary!

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8 Responses

Ok, what am I missing here?
quoting from above:
“So put yourself in these shoes: You are a veteran Republican congressman of Lebanese Christian descent . . .”
Is he a Lebanese Christian or muslim? What kind of a Christian would consider giving their child the name “JIHAD”?
I’m going to get some aspirin. . .my head hurts.

miira on November 15, 2006 at 1:32 pm

Forgive me . . .I’m not familiar with him or his nickname. I get it now. (hangs head and shuffles off )

miira on November 15, 2006 at 1:52 pm

Again, it all comes down to the pro-Islamic, anti-American policies of George W. Bush and Condi Rice.
In case you missed it, Florida Congressman, future chairman of the RNC, Mel Martinez, picked up by this Weasel Bush, is a supporter of amnesty for illegal immigrants (duh) and did not vote on a Senate proposal to designate English as the national language (duh).
So why would anybody be surprised if members of the Islamic Republican Party support the Muslim terrorists and illegal immigration?
If the head of the Party is in cahoot with the terrorists supporters and the coyotes, then no wonder if the rest of the body follows the example.
Republican voters need to be very careful in picking and choosing their future leaders.
Americans, will you please study the candidates?
Do not make up your minds on the day of the elections?
You deserve what you asked for.

Independent Conservative on November 15, 2006 at 3:09 pm

“And the other is ….. homeland-security funding for cameras and other security measures for Jewish organizations.”
OK I’ll give you the weird Jewish angle in his argument. It seemed out of place for him to just pick Kewish Synagogues.
Then I’ll state that these religious organizations are responsible for their own security, just like a business would be. How much money did homeland security give to 7-11’s last year for their security? I’m betting $0 and there were probably more criminal attacks on 7-11’s last year than has occured in the whole United States as criminal hate crimes in the past 2 decades.
Church and State people…Church and state.

Digger on November 15, 2006 at 5:39 pm

“And the other is ….. homeland-security funding for cameras and other security measures for Jewish organizations.”
OK I’ll give you the weird Jewish angle in his argument. It seemed out of place for him to just pick Jewish Synagogues.
Then I’ll state that these religious organizations are responsible for their own security, just like a business would be. How much money did homeland security give to 7-11’s last year for their security? I’m betting $0 and there were probably more criminal attacks on 7-11’s last year than has occured in the whole United States as criminal hate crimes in the past 2 decades.
Church and State people…Church and state.

Digger on November 15, 2006 at 5:40 pm

Does anyone know if mosque’s got funding for security? After all, it seems that there sure was a lot of talk after 9-11 expressing fears that the mosque’s were at risk for attack.

Sue Bob on November 15, 2006 at 6:15 pm

What is with these Lebanese Christians who kowtow to hizbollah? I don’t get it. What “christian” would want to support the islamic rag-head type islam of hizbollah–since it demands total islam (submission)?
Jihad Darrell seems the very same as the Lebanese Christian president Siniora, AKA Whiny Boy, who ran/runs interference for the hizbos in Lebanon–whining about the Israelis all the while he permits/abets the hizbos. We saw this front and center during the Israeli incursion this year to deal with this country that lobs bombs on Israeli civilians. What’s up with this weird alliance, Debbie?

BB on November 15, 2006 at 9:14 pm

It is time for new blood in Congress and the Senate.
If I hear the magic words “anti-jihad”, I know who will get my vote.
It’s just a shame that so few political animals know squat about islam.

Carolyn2 on November 16, 2006 at 11:47 am

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