August 25, 2010, - 3:13 pm

The New Apartheid: World Silent on S. African Black v. White Genocide

By Debbie Schlussel

In the 1980s, the world outcry was loud against racist Apartheid in South Africa.  We heard the “Free South Africa” slogan often, and many companies that did business with the country were boycotted. Students at many college campuses built “South African shanties” on campus in protest (on my campus, the University of Michigan, one shanty read, “Free South Africa,” with someone else scrawling, “Not to Mention West Cleveland,” underneath).  But now that the shoe is on the other foot–and has been for some years since Black extremists took over the South African government, race-based mobs rule much of the country.  The same goes for some other African nations with White populations, such as Zimbabwe, where White-owned farms have been seized by the government and there is an epidemic of racist rapes of White women.


Jacob Zuma South Africa’s Wacko Pan-Muslim, Polygamist Prez Does Nothing About White Genocide

As I’ve noted before, South Africa’s wacko President, Jacob Zuma, an African National Congress leader, is basically a Marxist, a proud polygamist, and a friend and supporter of Islamic extremists.  And as I’ve frequently noted on this site, ANC figures, including Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu are openly anti-Semitic and anti-Israel.  Nothing more than Marxist, racist thugs long allied with the P.L.O. So much for civilization.  And speaking of civilization and the civilized, a White South African farmer filed a petition with the United Nations alleging that South Africa is practicing genocide against its White people.  Given the figures–whether you accept his or the official number–it looks like he is correct.  There is now tremendous anti-White racism run amok in the country.  And I’d love to see the figures and stats regarding capture and sentencing of those racist Blacks who’ve murdered and raped Whites in South Africa.

A white farmer has accused the South African government of genocide in a petition submitted to the United Nations.

The man, who has remained anonymous for fear of reprisals, blamed the African National Congress’ (ANC) policies for a wave of murders and criminal attacks against what he called the “Afrikaner Boer”.

At least 3,000 white farmers have been killed in South Africa since the end of apartheid.

The petition was sent to the UN special adviser on the prevention of genocide, Francis Deng. . . .

The petition cites the Anglo-Boer war as the first act of genocide against the Afrikaner people, and says that “a second act” is being committed by the ANC government.

The document acknowledges the “crime of apartheid” but says that the perpetrators have now become the victims of those they oppressed.

“This Afrikaner genocide, now in commission and committed against the Afrikaner nation, is undoubtedly the result of the apartheid past and the racial and ethnic hatred of whites by black South Africans,” the petition says.

The man’s lawyer, Fanie Van de Walt, said the document had been sent to the UN to try to force an investigation of crimes against white farmers in South Africa.

Official figures suggest around 3,020 white farmers have been murdered since 1990, but the petition claims the true figure is 36,500.

The ANC is accused of colluding with criminals to eradicate the white minority in South Africa.

Will the UN and the world take notice the way they did with the anti-Black Apartheid once present in South Africa?

Don’t hold your breath.  I highly doubt you’ll see a remake of the ’80s song by multi-recording artists, “I Ain’t Gonna Play Sun City,” or anything like Creative Artists Against Apartheid.

Black-on-White racism doesn’t fit the preferred liberal narrative. So, it will be ignored.

It’s important to remember that many White South Africans fought for equal rights for South Africa’s Black and mixed race people. It’s because of them–and not just world pressure–that South Africa ended anti-Black Apartheid.

Now, that there’s a new Apartheid in town, I doubt you’ll see many Black South Africans–or anyone else in the world–giving a whit.

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50 Responses

“And I’d love to see the figures and stats regarding capture and sentencing of those racist Blacks who’ve murdered and raped Whites in South Africa.”

That’s NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It is politically correct to hate, and now kill, whitey.

Let me review continental politics, it’s okay for blacks to commit crimes and kill whitey in both Africa and the U.S. Also, it’s okay for everyone to hate Jews universally. I may need to write this down because it MAKES NO SENSE TO ME.

As goes on August 25, 2010 at 3:35 pm

Nope… since racism against whites is fashionable and politically correct. That’s why we’ll never hear about the anti-white racism run rampant in the new South Africa.

After three centuries, the Afrikaners are finding out what Jews have long known: when you are a minority, you can’t count on anyone else to keep you safe.

Ironically, the latest twist on the age-old anti-apartheid meme is directed against Israel… one of the least prejudiced and segregated countries in the Middle East.

Which goes to show the campaign against Israel, like the campaign against South Africa in the 1980s has nothing to do with equality and freedom. If the anti-Zionists ever get their way, Israel’s Jews won’t be treated as gently by their new Arab rulers as South African whites are treated by the blacks.

They don’t care and we all know why.

NormanF on August 25, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    Which goes to show the campaign against Israel, like the campaign against South Africa in the 1980s has nothing to do with equality and freedom. If the anti-Zionists ever get their way, Israel’s Jews won’t be treated as gently by their new Arab rulers as South African whites are treated by the blacks.

    They don’t care and we all know why.

    NormanF on August 25, 2010 at 3:45 pm


    Dear Mr. F: It’s what the anti-Zionists,want. They want the Jews finished off; they just want somebody else to do the messy work, so that they can pretend to cry over dead Jews, the way they pretend to cry over Anne Frank, may the al-mighty avenge her blood. What they don’t realize-or maybe they realize and don’t care, is that Europe, where a lot of them live, is next on the Islamofascist hit list, and that if they ever get their wish and Israel is, G-d forbid, destroyed, the Moslems will be coming for them.

    Miranda Rose Smith on August 26, 2010 at 3:08 am

those Air Jordans definatly clash with the leopard skins…who accessorizes this baboon?

hill billy on August 25, 2010 at 3:53 pm


    You noticed! Aren’t those tennis shoes on that BLACK RACIST a hoot?

    As goes on August 25, 2010 at 4:02 pm

    He’s a Zulu, I believe and they are ferocious and terrifying. Read MIchener’s book on So. Africa to read a real terrifying description of what they did, how one great leader organized them into a fearsome nation to fight, quite successfully for a time, against the Boers. This is not an enemy you want.

    mk750 on August 25, 2010 at 4:05 pm

We met a Jewish woman who fled her very beautiful home in Zimbabwe last year when the government took it over. They let her leave with a few things but she didn’t have time to get papers proving her Jewishness. She made it to Jerusalem where her daughter claimed to be too poor to take her in and The poor thing was left with no benefits. We had tried to help but it was obvious that she was in the early stages of Alzheimers or perhaps PTSD had set in but she was not functioning very well. She couldn’t even manage a simple cell phone. We were not in a position to physically take her in because she exhibited quite a bit of disorientation. We didn’t know what was available but got her to a safe place where they could perhaps help her until she got her papers. We dont’ know what happened to her but during the afternoon she spent with us and there were a lot of lucid moments, she described what is going on in Zimbabwe. She said that most of the Jews are elderly and incredibly poor. They can’t leave. She barely got out. At the airport they seized everything. She arrived penniless. Not only are these couple of hundred Jews elderly, they are penniless and living in the worst squalor you can imagine. No, actually as Americans, you probably can’t. There was no food and no one to care. They live in apartment blocks in the Capital and have one toilet for the entire building… when it works. There is only running water part of the day, the stench is unimaginable and the people are sick, weak and scared. There are no medicines and no medical care. I’m wondering if any have survived thru this past year. I know of South Africans who lock themselves into their homes before dark and don’t venture out for anything. These are not ordinary homes, they are walled compounds with razor wire and the inhabitants are well armed. The Jews are particular targets because they tend do to be wealthy there.

mk750 on August 25, 2010 at 4:00 pm

Did you hear or read about the “Beat Whitey Night” at the Iowa state fair just recently? Where’s Sharpton and his ilk condemning this? …. I forgot, black on white crime does not exist.

Jarhead on August 25, 2010 at 4:21 pm

    @ Jarhead, You kind of beat me to it but the media has also ignored the termination of the whites in the U.S. big cities for the last 50 years. DETROIT is a fine example. Pretty much where ever you look it’s down right fashionable to kill whitey. Even when the perps scream that its racial the po po still wont acknowledge the fact. Damn shame. It’s even getting worse with the black flight from the big cities to the formerly safe burbs. Add to that the burgeoning muslim populations. Whatta mess.It might get real interesting after a financial melt down as well.

    samurai on August 25, 2010 at 5:04 pm

      @samurai – I couldn’t agree with you any more! WTF is happening to America? These are just more examples of our improved relations under our Racist-In-Chief, B. Hussein Obama? (sarc/off)

      I wonder if there is any link between these Iowa punks and the New Black Panthers or the Nation of Islam.

      Jarhead on August 25, 2010 at 5:27 pm

        The way the race thing is and has been, of course it’s connected to the NOI. I didn’t realize until a few years ago that they have their own news paper. It’s a propaganda rag for all the black racists to beat their bongo to. Fairykhan is the ring leader and they all get worked up in a lather like in rev wrights congregation on sunday. Dude, it’s this simple, they hate us and will always hate us. The 5% that didn’t vote for Obama are the ones that don’t hate us. I can’t even trust a lot of my coworkers to do the right thing most of the time, it’s that bad. I had a supervisor years back that had a lawsuit against black coworkers that watched him get sucker punched in the face by a black prisoner. The black officers not only refused to respond(please see cowardice) they also assisted the INMATES to write statements against the officer!

        samurai on August 25, 2010 at 10:18 pm

      i’m originally from detroit but escaped to washington state back in ’05…

      anyway, in the late 90’s i was a design engineer for an auto supplier. i had an early morning meeting at ford’s flatrock facility one day that had me driving thru detroit in a torrential downpour. while driving thru the heart of detroit, my car suddenly died and i was able to coast onto the shoulder, at the bottom of an exit ramp. i noticed a gas station sign, murkily visisble thru the downpour, at the top of the ramp. instead of trudging up there, i began calling tow trucks on my cell phone. several calls produced the same response: we won’t service that area, sorry. as i was trying to contact a willing tow service, i’d glance up towards the gas station and noticed a few blacks (yeah that’s right, i said it, “blacks”) would step into the ramp to get a better look at me. then they’d disappear for a minute… and be back with one or two more to take a look. i realized after a few minutes i was being sized up. at this point, i was truly scared; i’d felt what it was like to truly be “hunted”. my only plan was that if they were to come down towards me i was going to bolt out across the freeway, in the pouring rain and dodging traffic, in the hopes they’d be more interested in what was inside my car than pursuing me. it was about tis time a state trooper pulled up behind me. i was never so happy to see that big, red flashing light in my mirror. the trooper’s first question was, “do you know where you’re at?” i told him i couldn’t get a tow truck to come and he nodded knowingly. he said he’d call and get someone to come and he’d sit behind me until they arrived.

      it will be like africa here once we lose our thin blue line.

      also, you may laugh at this, but i think back on that day from time to time and truly believe G-d had that rain coming down in buckets just to buy me a little time.

      howardroark43 on August 27, 2010 at 11:49 am

        You got lucky, for SURE! I was dating a libtard years back and couldn’t make her understand that by going down town to Red Wing games, she was putting herself in harms way. No matter how basic I broke it down to her, she was not to be denied her party party party. Two dates was enough for

        samurai on August 27, 2010 at 2:09 pm

I am waiting for the Oliver Stone film depicting the cruelty and inhumanity of the new Black South African regime. President Zuma and Nelson Mandela will be exposed for their own brand of Racism. Or was it Michael Moore doing the film. I get mixed up sometimes.

Tim on August 25, 2010 at 4:25 pm

They did this in Rhodesia also. They killed the farmers and raped the women and children then the food production crashed. It’s happening in SA now also. I know there was a group of mercs who tried dealing with the problem but I’m not sure if they disbanded or not. I just went to an old website but apparently it’s suspended. It was highly informative and showed so much documentation of what’s been going on in Rhodesia and South Africa. I almost typed SA again but people might confuse that with KSA. Just so people know, after the ANC took control, they not only co-operated with criminals but organized them – as they always have. Mandela wasn’t a freedom fighter he was an anarchist pure and simple. On a side note, South Africa now leads the world on child rape and child AIDS. What a shame such a beautiful country got destroyed by foreign pressure and internal weakness. The property values tanked and the economy got ruined and the quality of life is gone for not only the whites. The blacks there are actually worse off than before. UGH!

A: Perhaps you missed that I noted this toward the beginning of the post. FYI, Rhodesia is now Zimbabwe, and I noted this happened in Zimbabwe. DS

Avrumy on August 25, 2010 at 5:11 pm

Yessir, this is a key part of the international community that the current administration, all liberals and many Republicans (I can’t say RINOs anymore because they are not just RINOS — they are mainstream Republicans) also believe we should make concessions, or appeasement to.

Little Al on August 25, 2010 at 5:17 pm

Hello Debbie,
How about the Iowa State Fair where packs of blacks were having “Beat Whitey” nights? Howe much coverage has that received in the mainstream media? The Des Moines Register, as noted by the Media Watchdog Blog, expressed a “reluctance to identify criminal suspects or victims by race”.

What about the genocide of the Iraqi Christians? Have we heard one word from either Obama or Bush on the subject, apparently they are/were too busy reconstructing Mosques?

And in Kyrgyzstan, the native Kirghiz may have killed over a thousand Uzbeks this summer in Southern Kyrgyzstan and the city of Osh, but since it’s Muslim on Muslim violence, it doesn’t fit the Media paradigm of only whites and Christians are racists and bad.

Mister Ghost on August 25, 2010 at 5:19 pm

Does US have a quota on Afrikaner emigrants? What about S. African Anglos and S. African Hindus and Sikhs? Would much rather have any of these groups here than any more from the Middle East.

Jay LeTroll on August 25, 2010 at 5:44 pm

[Will the UN and the world take notice the way they did with the anti-Black Apartheid once present in South Africa?

Don’t hold your breath. ]

I wouldn’t hold my breath since it took decades for White people all over the world to take notice of all the suffering they inflicted on Black people.

Norman Blitzer on August 25, 2010 at 6:03 pm

    Yeah, you’re right.
    All sins committed against black people have been by whites only.
    No black person – or non-white person – ever raised a hand against any black person on the planet.
    All black people love each other tremendously and get along just swell!
    All run-down minority areas are like that because whitey shows up in the dead of night and trashes the neighborhood.
    Damn you, whitey!!!


    guitarguy on August 25, 2010 at 6:15 pm

    Blitz – I’ve got to agree with you, believe it or not. It has taken white people a long time to understand the plight of the black man. But this has been changed for quite a while now, and now all minorities have preferential treatment over the white man.

    But – of course you knew this was coming – it has taken muslims almost one and a half millennia to get where they are today, and they aren’t planning to stop their third world barberic ways anytime soon. Are you an infidel Blitz?

    Jarhead on August 25, 2010 at 9:23 pm

    Blither, you should take up residence in a nice run down project so you can get closer to the plight and help them. Better yet take your ass to S.A. and help them there, we won’t miss you and your stupid white guilt(assuming you’re white). Better yet go help build the victory mosque and tell us how intolerant we all are.

    samurai on August 25, 2010 at 10:22 pm

The “Christian/Newsom Murders”, as reported by Michele Malkin (I know, not one of your favs), showed a complete disregard for black on white crime by the mainstream media. If it doesn’t fit…. you know the rest

Dave on August 25, 2010 at 6:07 pm

Here ya go……

(Debbie, Is website undergoing maintenance? Been having problems getting your site to l0ad for past few days. Sometimes the ‘Internet Explorer Not Responding’ message appears in upper left corner. No problem at other sites.)

guitarguy on August 25, 2010 at 6:08 pm

Talk about shooting themselves in the foot.

Almost all farms and ranches that are seized are no longer productive.

South Africa and Zimbabwe will soon join many other counties as 3rd world hell holes.

Sam Adams on August 25, 2010 at 6:10 pm

Not to defend apartheid, but one of the arguments against dismantling it at breakneck speed was that the Communists in South Africa, an articulate and active group of people, would inherit the post-apartheid society, especially during the time the Soviet Union (sic) was around.

There is considerable truth in that fear. Only instead of pure Communism, we now have cpmmunist/anarchism; we all know, for instance, Mbeki was a Communist, like his ill-renowned father. If things had proceeded more slowly, it might have taken a little longer for apartheid to be overcome, which of course it should have been, but maybe there would now be a civilized society in its place.

It is risky to over-simplify the expression ‘with all deliberate speed’. Yes there were injustices that had to be overcome, and some people who said they wanted to move slowly really didn’t want to change anything at all, but moving too fast always creates societies that are worse: the Reign of Terror in France, the Bolshevik/Communists in Russia, the Castro government, South Africa, and so on. In the United States, the non-violent movement of Martin Luther King gave way in a few years to the Black Power lunatics, the Black Panther criminals, and the Black Muslims.

Little Al on August 25, 2010 at 6:15 pm

And we can’t forget Iran, where Carter and the rest of the human rights idiots said democracy was needed instead of the Shah — and look what we got.

Little Al on August 25, 2010 at 6:18 pm

Re “Beat Whitey Night”, here’s an excerpt from the Des Moines Register about it:

“State Rep. Ako Abdul-Samad, D-Des Moines, who has worked to fight gang-related violence, said he doesn’t have enough information to decide if the fights were racially motivated. He said police comments that race was involved could miss other factors, such as nonracial taunting.

“Unfortunately, like any other city, you have certain parts of town that individuals congregate in,” Abdul-Samad said. “You have those that go into that area with no problem, and those who cannot.”
He added, “We of course need to work on race relations. If anyone says we don’t, they are playing games with themselves.”

Hmmm…”Ako Abdul-Samad”, eh? Wonder which bombed-out African hellhole he fled from into the PC arms of Iowa State politics.

Graty Slapchop on August 25, 2010 at 6:21 pm

If your president wants to dress like a zulu warrior, run, don’t walk, as fast as you can away from the planned anarchy.

Lars on August 25, 2010 at 6:45 pm

Sam Adams writes, “Talk about shooting themselves in the foot. Almost all farms and ranches that are seized are no longer productive.”

It wasn’t much different in Gaza in 2005. Israelis there had developed very advanced greenhouse systems. Before they left, some wealthy US philanthropists (mostly Jews, but Bill Gates also kicked in) paid some $14 million to retain those greenhouses in place so the Palestinians (hundreds of whom had been working there) could get a head start on building their own independent economy.

Within a week of Israel’s departure, most had been wrecked – vandalized or stripped of equipment. What the Jews built over decades, they destroyed in days.

Raymond in DC on August 25, 2010 at 7:52 pm

Rhodesia! hehe – Zimbabwe or Zululand – nope – I’ll still call is Rhodesia after when it was a NATION not a dictatorship!

Avrumy on August 25, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    Zululand is an autonomous part of RDS, pretty far from Zimbabwe.

    mk750 on August 26, 2010 at 10:02 am

      Sorry, meant RSA obviously

      mk750 on August 26, 2010 at 10:03 am

Fools like our resident bizarro fool Norman Blitzer (if you’re on the opposite side of that jive turkey, you’re on the right side) are just so blinded by their own white, liberal guilt. It’s disgusting and embarrassing for them…especially since we see thru’ every stoopid, pandering word they spew.

Africa is one scary continent. I highly recommend reading Keith Richburg’s great tome “Out Of America”. I’m glad Zimbabwe was mentioned…most liberals ignore the plight of African nations such as Congo and Zimbabwe. Both of those countries are hell on Earth and the people suffer so much.

It would behoove the great, white guilt of Norman Blitzer to google David Wallachinsky’s yearly list of the Worlds Worst Dictators and look for whitey on the list. They are a minority and are usually from Belarus and Turkmanistan!

Usually you get Sudan, China, Equitorial Guinea, Burma (Myanmar), Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Cuba and Syria. Suck it, NB!

Skunky on August 25, 2010 at 11:34 pm

Is the mau mau pictured in the article doing the hoochy koochy actually the S. African prez, Jacob Zuma?? He looks like he’s been well fed on Afrikaner stew.

I have read elsewhere ( that S. Africa was averaging about 100 white genocidal murders a day during the recent world cup soccer competition but was expected to ramp up after all the international soccer fans left. Probably wouldn’t want to make a bad impression on the civilized world.

The sad truth is: There is no Civilized World…not since the departure of President Reagan and the arrival of G H W Bush, our “Ruling Class” and the New World Order in 1989.

joesixpack31 on August 25, 2010 at 11:55 pm

When South Africa is wallowing in it’s own excrement and he people are starving because the farms are no longer producing food I’m sure the very helpful folks at the UN will be more then happy to bail them out. Oh, wait, that would be us since we provide the majority of money that the UN squanders.

JakAtak on August 26, 2010 at 12:10 am

[Will the UN and the world take notice the way they did with the anti-Black Apartheid once present in South Africa?

Don’t hold your breath. ]

I wouldn’t hold my breath since it took decades for White people all over the world to take notice of all the suffering they inflicted on Black people.

Norman Blitzer on August 25, 2010 at 6:03 pm


Whites noticed from the start. When was Cry, the Beloved Country published? Earlier, White Europeans and Americans founded and lead the movement to abolish slavery.

Miranda Rose Smith on August 26, 2010 at 2:44 am

@Miranda, it was the Quakers of Pennsylvania and the Society of Friends that formulated and started the abolition movement in the 17th and 18th centuries in North America.

Bobby'sBrain on August 26, 2010 at 12:47 pm

    @Miranda, it was the Quakers of Pennsylvania and the Society of Friends that formulated and started the abolition movement in the 17th and 18th centuries in North America.

    Bobby’sBrain on August 26, 2010 at 12:47 pm


    They were White North Americans, wern’t they?

    Miranda Rose Smith on August 27, 2010 at 2:59 am

@ joesixpack31 . . . Actually, that’s King Rootin-Tootin. Note also Queen Hotsy-Totsy, seated behind with the silly looking fez hat.

Graty Slapchop on August 26, 2010 at 4:03 pm

Normally a nation choosing to govern itself with a Rootin-Tootin mau mau like Zuma would not be accorded serious participation in world affairs. But then look what the USA has done…ordained a total “blood sucking” islamo marxist that the brain dead electorate knew not a damn thing about but have since discovered his long standing membership in an elite Chicago gay bathhouse:

joesixpack31 on August 26, 2010 at 4:27 pm

Sounds like an average day in Detroit Public Schools!

Michelle on August 26, 2010 at 5:01 pm

[Whites noticed from the start. When was Cry, the Beloved Country published? Earlier, White Europeans and Americans founded and lead the movement to abolish slavery.

Miranda Rose Smith on August 26, 2010 at 2:44 am]

And how long did that take? 300 years to end slavery and 100 years more to end ‘Apartheid’. Conservatives really have their heads up their asses when comes to the history of slavery and discrimination against Black people.

Norman Blitzer on August 26, 2010 at 9:39 pm

    And how long did that take? 300 years to end slavery and 100 years more to end ‘Apartheid’. Conservatives really have their heads up their asses when comes to the history of slavery and discrimination against Black people.

    Norman Blitzer on August 26, 2010 at 9:39 pm


    Slavery was practiced, all over the world, for thousands of years, by all peoples, against all peoples, and then WHITE, CHRISTIAN EUROPEANS came along and figured out it was wrong. Moslems are enslaving Blacks in Africa as I sit and type this.

    I am sure that, if you check 19th century South African literature and journalism, you will find that, FROM THE START, there were White South Africans that opposed Apartheid, just as, FROM THE START, here were White North Americans who opposed the genocide of the Native Americans.

    Miranda Rose Smith on August 27, 2010 at 3:05 am

Conservatives really have their heads up their asses when comes to the history of slavery and discrimination against Black people.

Norman Blitzer on August 26, 2010 at 9:39 pm

Yes, Dum Dum. And here you are yet again rewriting history. If it were NOT for Republicans, the Civil Rights Act would have never been passed. Go read a book you know-nothing Liberal.

Skunky on August 27, 2010 at 12:10 am

    @ skunky, I can’t help myself, I keep responding to that moron Blither as well. It’s just such a waste of time. I wonder that with all the self hate he has, does he bother going to a doctor when he gets sick or does he just figure he deserves to get sicker and

    samurai on August 27, 2010 at 2:14 pm

our muslim president and all of the so-called black leaders of our country have the same thing in mind for the US… there will be no pity and no mercy and they will feel justified and reassured by the religion of peace.

howardroark43 on August 27, 2010 at 11:26 am

samurai on August 27, 2010 at 2:14 pm

Yes, Sam, that bloody dolt is not worth the time we put into him but I see he is a bomb thrower and whenever you hit him with a historical truth (that he is always ignorant of) it’s just crickets. A normal person would be embarrassed by their lack of knowledge, but that DB just keeps on keeping it real…real stupid!

Michael Savage said it best…”Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder”!

(And I also put in the time to educate those who do not know because our PC educational system leaves out all the pertinent parts.)

Skunky on August 27, 2010 at 2:59 pm

merci de consulter mon blog pour en savoir plus sur le sujet 🙂

diagnostic immobilier on March 16, 2011 at 11:05 pm

Please look at this video of the news conference by the President of the genocide Watch about the possible genocide in South Africa:

Chris on February 25, 2016 at 2:34 pm

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