November 14, 2006, - 9:40 am

Another Silver Lining: Boneheaded Bush Nomination of “Judge” Abu Porno Likely Dead

By Debbie Schlussel
Yet another silver lining on the Democratic takeover of the U.S. Senate:
Capitol Hill sources tell that the boneheaded nomination by President Bush of bungling, terrorist-sympathizing, racist U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III for a federal judgeship on the U.S. Court of Appeals (Sixth Circuit) may be dead in the water.
I’ve been exposing this ludicrous nomination since before it happened.


U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy’s Nomination to Federal Bench in Distress

Murphy a/k/a “Abu Porno,” was a Bush compromise candidate. A lightweight in virtually every category, Murphy has no judicial experience, is not a conservative, and is known for looking at porn (child porn?) on his government-owned computer all day long at taxpayer expense–an allegation the FBI reportedly looked into when Bush nominated Murphy for U.S. Attorney (but they couldn’t locate his computer).
Bush offered Murphy up with a liberal Democrat nominee, Michigan Judge Janet Neff–who attended and sanctioned a lesbian wedding in Massachusetts. Senator Sam Brownback put a hold on her nomination, enough to stop the Murphy confirmation. But now that the Dems are in power, Murphy’s nomination is likely dead in the water, according to our Hill sources close to the proceedings.
That’s great news.
Murphy, the top Justice Department official in the Eastern District of Michigan–the heart of Islamic America, has a record of failures and empty prosecutions of terrorists that he has allowed to leave the country, prior to obtaining his empty, but publicity-grabbing indictments of them. In most cases, he hinted to the Islamist targets to leave the country and waited until they were long gone to safety in Islamofascist lands before he indicted them. In one case, Murphy waited about two years before he asked a court to unseal the indictment of a ring of Hezbollah-funding Hammoud family members. They were long gone from the States, by then.
A just-released study by Syracuse University concluded that Murphy had the worst record of prosecuting terrorist cases referred to his office by the FBI. In most cases, he shunned the FBI and declined to prosecute, and in the few cases he did, in fact, indict terrorists, he failed to convict them (that doesn’t include the terrorists he indicted after he deliberately let them flee the country, which would make his numbers even more abysmal).

Syracuse Showed Stephen Murphy (“Mich, E”) Has Worst Record on Terrorism, Ignores FBI

Then, there were Murphy’s statements at a mosque, praising Hezbollah for the “welfare work” that the group does and his statements that he did not know why the group–which murdered 300-plus U.S. Marines and civilians in 1983 U.S. Embassy and barracks bombings in Beirut–was on the State Department terrorist list.
I watched in shock and awe as Murphy enthusiastically clapped when the mosque’s imam–an Ayatollah Khomeini associate–said that Hezbollah is “legitimate resistance.” My jaw also dropped when Murphy praised left-wing lunatic John Conyers as a “great jurist.” Murphy hung out with and legitimized a cornucopia of “former” terrorists and terrorist money launderers and supporters throughout Michigan. Worse, Murphy has refused to prosecute any hate crimes committed by Muslims.
And then there were Murphy’s enraged statements against Blacks made in front of several witnesses at a party, when he was originally passed over for U.S. Attorney, with Bush choosing the equally incompetent and terror-sympathizing Jeffrey Collins.
This is one of Bush’s absurd nominations. But, fortunately, sometimes the “loyal opposition” is truly the loyal opposition and corrects such egregious errors, even if for the wrong, partisan reasons.
Time for Bush to do the right thing and withdraw the Murphy and Neff nominations. Otherwise, the Dems will let Murphy’s nomination die a slow death . . . which may even be preferable.
Read all the disturbing details about Stephen Murphy III a/k/a “Abu Porno.”

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2 Responses

DEBBIE!!!! QUICK!!!!! Take down this post!!! Once the Dhimmi-crats find out just how bad for America this guy is, they’ll unanimously confirm him!

Thee_Bruno on November 14, 2006 at 10:30 am

Let’s see:
Today is Wednesday, November 15, 2006.
That means after almost 2 years from today, George W. Bush is not going to be missed.
I’m counting the minutes.
Let’s hope and pray that his stupidity and the idiocy of Karl Rove, Condi Rice and the rest of his cronies don’t accelerate America’s demise.
Will the REAL Conservative stand up?

Independent Conservative on November 15, 2006 at 12:05 am

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