November 8, 2006, - 1:10 pm
HAMAS Emboldened by Pelosi Dems?: Urges Attacks on “American Targets”
By Debbie Schlussel
Did Nancy Pelosi and the Dems’ takeover of the U.S. House embolden HAMAS? It appears that my be the case.
For those who forgot about 9/11, perhaps the latest urgings by HAMAS’ military wing might wake you up. Today, HAMAS called for Muslims around the world to attack Americans. And guess what? Neither CAIR, ADC, ISNA, nor any of the other Islamic groups that represent American Muslims is denouncing the comments or distancing itself from these comments. Why not? Do they support HAMAS’ urging of Muslim attacks on Americans?

Sure seems like it. So, why now? Well, Israel went after terrorist murderers just as we would do, and hundreds of hijab-encrusted women in Beit HaNoun protected the terrorists as human shields. In the commotion, a couple of the Palestinian women and several other terrorist accomplices became the martyrs they’d fantasized about becoming. That’s the breaks.
For this, Americans deserve to be murdered by Muslims? Well, actually not. Americans deserve to be murdered by Muslims for being non-Muslim American Infidels. This latest set of events is just yet another phony excuse for the same old, same old.
More from AP:
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (Nov. 8) – Hamas’ military wing called Wednesday on Muslims around the world to attack American targets. . . .
“America is offering political, financial and logistic cover for the Zionist occupation crimes, and it is responsible for the Beit Hanoun massacre. Therefore, the people and the nation all over the globe are required to teach the American enemy tough lessons,” Hamas’ military wing said in a statement sent to The Associated Press.
Interesting timing. Nancy Pelosi’s impending Speakership in the U.S. House has apparently emboldened America’s and Israel’s enemies. Timing is everything.
They know that a steeled America is tougher and better than a soft America in lipstick and pearls. Apparently, that’s why they’re so happy and brave now that she’s in.
Tags: America, Beit HaNoun, Debbie Schlussel Did Nancy Pelosi, GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip, Hamas, Israel, Nancy Pelosi, The Associated Press, U.S. House
With one Muslim in Congress now, with traitors in control of Congress after these elections, one can anticipate the following concerning the so-called “war on terror”:
1 – Al Qaeda will step up its devastating attack on America and the Democrats will succumb to the Muslims of America and the world.
2 – The Democrats will step up a speedy withdraw of troops from the Middle East and Afghanistan.
3 – The Democrats will protect the Muslims in America from those evil Americans who are seeking revenge, and will consider Shari’a law for them in the example of Canada.
4 – Those who voted “Democrat” will hopefully hang themselves if they are still alive after Al Qaeda’s attack!!
Because, even though the Republicans did a bad job on all fronts basically, they are far better on national security than the traitors Democrats.
So, my fellow Americans, write your will NOW if you didn’t do it because the Democrats will comfort you soon!
You voted for death, you are going to get it.
Independent Conservative on November 8, 2006 at 3:27 pm