November 7, 2006, - 1:33 pm

Strange as a $2 Bill: What do Strippers & Illegal Aliens Have in Common?

By Debbie Schlussel
They both like $2 bills. And since there are so many–way too many!–aliens (and strippers) in our country, Reuters reports on how they’ve fueled resurgence of the forever-dissed Thomas Jefferson double buck. (Aliens from Canada & Europe like them.)
It figures that foreigners and aliens would like yet another American joke . . . like Jerry Lewis, Woody Allen, and crybaby David Hasselhoff.


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4 Responses

I like the $2 bill

KOAJaps on November 7, 2006 at 3:09 pm

Speaking of annoying types of currency, I just recently bought stamps in one of the machines at the post office with a $10 bill and as change it spit out Susan B. Anthonys. I knew that they would be annoying to spend and keep track of so the only thing I could do was to buy more stamps using them so I didn’t have to hang onto them. Jerks…that’s how they getcha!

DudeSteak on November 7, 2006 at 3:17 pm

That link isn’t working. It is redirecting traffic to Reuter’s homepage. I’d like to know what’s up with illegal aliens and the two dollar bill.

Daniel Middleman on March 28, 2011 at 12:07 am

What do strippers have in common with their clients?
They’re both narcissists.

What do strippers and illegal aliens have in common?
They do jobs no real American would want to do. Sex industry, grape picking, toilet cleaning etc. Real people earn real money for their real families.

What do church goers have in common with strip club goers?
He who goes willingly on their own accord, continues to go and even brings another!

I prefer illegals because most do have real families back home. They were from horrible 3rd world countries where they dont even have welfare. Im not defending them but most strippers are just lazy narcissistic women who couldnt make it in the real world (or they could at the expense of someone else). Real work is still grape picking and house cleaning not sleeping for money.

Julia Oliveira Madden on December 10, 2011 at 12:40 pm

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