November 1, 2006, - 1:43 pm

Housekeeping Issues

By Debbie Schlussel
Thanks to those who’ve contacted us about comments and trackbacks not working.
* Comments: We think this site may have been hacked with regard to the comments, and we’re looking into it. Apparently, readers have been unable to post comments since mid-yesterday, getting some sort of error message. That’s why there are zero comments on all entries, since yesterday afternoon. We apologize and hope to have the problem fixed shortly. We love reading your comments and feedback.
* Trackbacks: We’ve received several complaints over the last couple of months about this site refusing trackbacks. Unfortunately, left-wingers sent some sort of program that was attacking/hacking our trackbacks, and we had to shut them off for now. Also, the trackbacks to this site have not been working properly since day one, and rarely show up–even though many sites link to us and cite our work daily. We apologize and are trying to find a solution to the problem, likely after the election. We love getting trackbacks.
Thanks for your patience and understanding with these issues.


One Response

I’d bet if you dug through the logs and found the guilty IP(if it was indeed a case of hacking) that it’d be a middle eastern one. Muslims, especially those in turkey, for some reason, are notorious for site defacements and general e-vandilism.

FSM-FTW!(descent) on November 1, 2006 at 3:35 pm

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