August 11, 2010, - 9:48 am

Why My Site Was Down & How You Can Help

By Debbie Schlussel

As many readers are aware, my site was down for several hours, yesterday, because of a significant increase in traffic, as well as an increase in the number of hostile hacking attempts on my site.  I’m not sure if this was due to the start of the Muslim observance of Ramadan (which begins today).  But unfortunately, I lost thousands of visitors during that time, which distresses me, since I like my site to be available to all of  you around the world, 24/7.


As I’ve mentioned before, I’d really like to prevent these problems from happening in the future.  To do so requires me to upgrade my hosting and security needs , which will incur significantly more costs.  Beyond the costs of site maintenance, upgrades, and security, I’m also incurring other expenses, as I continue to take on a wide variety of legal projects in my work to protect America from her enemies. You will be reading a lot more about these groundbreaking projects, soon.

My site is growing more and more each day, as I continue to bring you breaking stories and original content that you can’t find anywhere else (unless others steal it, which is so often the case, unfortunately).  One way I’m trying to raise money to cover these expenses and keep my work going and growing is through advertising on this site and on other online properties.  Perhaps you or people you know might be interested in placing ads or sponsoring my work to help cover these costs.  I have many affordable and innovative options enabling advertisers to reach thousands of loyal readers, most of whom are top-notch intellectual conservatives and independent, critical thinkers.

Please write to if you are interested in this opportunity and we will send you details with all the options.

The best option to show your support is directly through PayPal.  If enough people donate just $5-20/month, it can really add up to help pay off these expenses.  Therefore, no amount is too small.  You can either use the buttons on the right, or you can prevent the PayPal fees by going to PayPal and sending it directly to:

I hate to even have to ask for your help, but I cannot express how much I appreciate those who can.  Thank you for your patience during the downtime and for supporting my work!

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12 Responses

boo hoo the evil evil muslims took down this crap site because of the start of ramadan? i hope by schawwal this site will disappear comepletely!

The Man Formerly Known As Jamal on August 11, 2010 at 11:09 am

    right on, jamal!

    juan hughjazz on August 12, 2010 at 11:38 pm

Didnt stay down for long did it 🙂 Good job!!!!

Patriot on August 11, 2010 at 11:25 am

To the lowlife who has an identity crisis, I hope you disappear not Debbie.
I have made my donations, hopefully others will step up. Not too many sites on the right that won’t compromise themselves.

CaliforniaScreaming on August 11, 2010 at 11:32 am

Way to promote Western free speech values, Jamal.

David on August 11, 2010 at 11:39 am

…agreed, CaliforniaScreaming. I don’t know of any other sites on this side of the political spectrum that have covered so much ground or that have taken such principled stands on the issues, or that do this much original work. There’s many scam artists out there who are stealing Debbie’s work, and making a killing. I think anyone that cares about quality and principles should step it up however they can to help Debbie keep up the good fight against filth like the aforementioned commenter.

David on August 11, 2010 at 11:45 am


Bob Porrazzo on August 11, 2010 at 12:26 pm

yay! fema camps for everybody who doesn’t share your views. that’s really ‘way to promote western speech values’. i’d rather suggest spending to organizations worth the money like médecins sans frontières than keeping islamophobic sites artificially alive.

The Man Formerly Known As Jamal on August 11, 2010 at 1:01 pm

Debbie, I can’t commit to anything monthly, but I will make another small donation today. I think your site is important and I want you to succeed.

MOMinMINNESOTA on August 11, 2010 at 1:12 pm

Yes, your site needs to be supported.

There are two reasons why we shouldn’t let the comments of the man (sic) formerly known as Jamal divert us:

first, the emphasis needs to be on the need of funds for your site, to strengthen security, and the other things you pointed out; hostility to this creep should not become the main focus of the discussion. The needs of your site must remain the focus.

But secondly, I’ll preface my next comment with the fact that I understand that the main threat to your site is from Muslims. This is true both because of the beginning of Ramadan and also the response to your expose yesterday. But we need to remember that there are other enemies of your site that are capable of attacking it. The liberals for instance. They attack conservatives on campus, so they are certainly capable of these kinds of attacks. Also, Republicans and faux conservatives like Hannity, Scamela, etc., as well as the plagiarists. I don’t think they like your comments about their plagiarism.

So yes, the Muslims are the main threat, but they are not the only threat.

Little Al on August 11, 2010 at 3:11 pm


I want to make a donation but I’m wondering if you accept money from muslims…

Ahmed on August 14, 2010 at 1:00 pm

I am gladly making my donation today,I love this site and the work that Debbie does,she is a true multi-tasking info babe and I d dare to say one woman army,she is not afraid to take the fight to the enemy,stepping on pc myths,etcetera etcetera,I love this woman and she loves Israel and the jewish people just like true conservatives do,I love your work Debbie and I don t know you in person but with all due respect I love you too.

Juan on January 24, 2012 at 9:03 am

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