October 27, 2006, - 1:52 pm

Dumb Lawsuit of the Week: Dumped NFL Groupie Sues

Will athlete groupies ever learn? Apparently not, judging from Gina Ballard’s absurd lawsuit against Detroit Lion Damien Woody.
It’s the story of “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and her lawyer.” This woman, who apparently gets around (she has an out of wedlock kid with someone else and dumped him for Woody), allowed herself to be treated like a groupie, chewed up and spit out. And now she wants $250,000 plus for it. Ballard, a Woody paramour, is suing him in a Detroit area court because Woody

broke up her engagement with another man and then wooed her into moving in with him with the promises of marriage, lifelong security and her own business. . . . After a few months of promising that he would divorce his wife and marry Ballard, Woody allegedly backed out on all of his original promises, she claims.

Damien Woody: Married Detroit Lion Sued by Groupie Dumpee

Ballard, 35, seeks more than $250,000 in damages that she believes she is owed by Woody, an All-Pro NFL offensive lineman who was a member of two Super Bowl New England Patriots teams in 2002 and 2004 before signing with the Lions in 2004. . . .
Ballard alleges when she met Woody in September 2005, she was employed and engaged to another man with whom she had a child. Ballard said Woody deliberately interfered with that relationship, causing her fiance to break off the engagement and fire her from her job.
The lawsuit alleges Woody then began dating Ballard and set up a home for her in Birmingham and promised to marry her, providing she move in, manage the home and assist him on his out-of-town trips. Woody allegedly offered to pay all her expenses and also purchase a business for her for $250,000.
Ballard claims she helped Woody prepare for the football season, traveled with him and agreed to have “extensive cosmetic and dental surgery.”

Question: How does a bimbo help an NFL player “prepare for the football season”? That is, other than maybe serving as the tackle dummy.
Woody, an offensive linemen, may be a scoundrel and a womanizer. Sounds like he’s both. But deserving of a law suit because yet another gullible groupie whored herself out to yet another spoiled NFL player (him)? Hardly (though, we would imagine his wife–if she has any self-respect–is shopping for a good divorce lawyer).
Frivolous lawsuits like this are why the court system is clogged endlessly. Don’t sue over being dumb and gullible after drooling over a pro athlete. FYI, Michigan does not have palimony, so it’s hard to see how she’s entitled to a penny.

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2 Responses

since when do lions players have groupies? they should start thinking about winning some games and trying to get into the playoff first then you can have a following and have wild parties, oh by the way the lions will never be a playoff team with matt( i dont know how to run a football team )millen, i think that how you spell it, it would be amazing it they every finish .500 ha ha !!

PNAMARBLE on October 27, 2006 at 6:46 pm

Deja vu, Debbie, I used to think just like you until I realized I was buying into the hype that’s been created by the “good ‘ole boy” network. The “male” side of our population wants us to continue to believe that women outside of marriage should be held in contempt, disparaged, and spit upon. Men, however, should always get a free pass. Why would you think that Woody is any less inocent than Ballard? My suggestion is because that’s what you’ve been conditioned to believe. That’s what the media says, that’s what the churches say, and that’s even what your own mother told you, because that’s what she was conditioned to believe as well. It’s all perception, Debbie. However, the “good ‘ole boys” network will always be in effect until women start thinking for themselves and understanding *why* they hold certain opinions. If Ballard is a whore, Woody is just as big of one. But his “whoreness” is always swept under the rug because, simply, he’s a man. If he accepted and encouraged all of her services, no matter what they were, he should pay the consequences because he is equally as quilty. No, I’m not a “libber” or a “militant lesbian” (names immediately given to women who don’t fall into line with the male perspective). I’m just a woman who believes that fair is fair, no matter what the gender, and I wish more women would read between the lines of what they’ve been led to believe and start questioning some of it. If they don’t, then the old saying of “it’s a man’s world” will most certainly continue to be true.

Concerned on November 3, 2006 at 2:56 pm

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