October 27, 2006, - 12:58 pm

“Men-streaming”: World Bank’s Attack on Men

Today’s Wall Street Journal, “Washington Wire” column has this very interesting item:

EQUAL TIME: New World Bank book says gender-equality advocates focus too much on women, not enough on men. The authors’ mantra: “men-streaming.”

Well, it’s about time. Hard to believe this common sense is coming from such a lefty, internationalist institution as the World Bank. According to a World Bank press release, the book, “The Other Half of Gender: Men’s Issues in Development,” says

Accomplishing the goal of gender equality will be difficult, if not impossible, without considering men in the gender and development debate and focusing on the relations between men and women. . . . Rather, women’s well-being can generally not improve without including men because it concerns relationships between men and women, and these relations are subject of constant negotiations.

World Bank: Dissing the World’s Men & Their “Hegemonic” Masculinity

Amen to that. But wait, it’s all a ploy. In fact, this book is not about men’s rights at all. It’s an attempt to change their “hegemonic masculinity.”

The book points out that while there are many ways of being a man, some ways are more valued than others across societies and cultures. Men feel social pressure to conform to the traditional ideals–hegemonic masculinity–of manhood.

Hegemonic masculinity? Puh-leeze. That’s just another way of dissing men and trying to say that they should be feminized. Nice try, World Bank, but you can’t change mother nature.
Listen to this gobbledy-gook and you’ll think you just rode a one-way ticket to Psychobabble-onia:

“With respect to men, this requires understanding masculinities–what it takes to become an adult man and the different ways of constructing a sense of male identity.”

Huh? That’s a quote from Ian Bannon, World Manager of the Conflict Prevention and Reconstruction Unit and co-editor of the book, in the World Bank press release. Well, no wonder the World Bank never solved any problems. If the men there are anything like Bannon, they’ve checked their testicles at the door.
Apparently, this silly book blames the Rwanda Genocide on men and masculinity:

“Gender is also about the way social structures and authority give men power over other men, resulting in their marginalization, discrimination, and subordination,” said Maria Correia, Manager, Multi-country Demobilization and Reintegration in Africa, World Bank [DS: and a co-editor of this silly book].

There you have it. The World Bank is the World Anti-“Hegemonic” Male Bank. Filled with bozo “philosophers.”

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2 Responses

“Hegemonic” masculinity? …..
Um, is that part of being transgender or transsexual?? Or Both?
Some men have what women have and the other way around, and some men have nothing at all…
Does Richard Simmons has anything to do with the World Bank?
I’m confused.

Independent Conservative on October 27, 2006 at 3:51 pm

Indeed, what’s under attack is males who could possibly be husbands and fathers. Adult males. Along with the fact that marriage is a uniquely heterosexual union critical to human existence, the idiot left is busily erasing the pre-historical understanding of what exactly men are, and why boys don’t automatically turn into men at the (highly variable and arbitrary) age of majority. Ignoring the left isn’t working. Time to try something else.

spottswoode on October 29, 2006 at 4:18 pm

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