August 5, 2010, - 12:40 pm

Hilarious VIDEO of the Day: Iranian Ad for “Farrokh’s Fireworks Farm”

By Debbie Schlussel

As you probably know, this week there was a bombing assassination attempt on Iran’s loony President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. But, because gays, the Holocaust, and terrorists don’t exist in Iran, everyone there loves the Prez, and the Tehran streets are paved with Halava and lollipops, they can’t admit to that. So, the official Iranian line is that it was a firecracker set off by a fan of Herr Ahmadinejad. Uh-huh. Check out this hilarious “ad” for an Iranian “firecracker” store to get what Muslims mean by that . . .

At Gravel Road and Rock Pile, across the street from Turban Town.


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7 Responses

Yeah, you can laugh but right now the IAF seems to be looking for some Lebanese fireworks factories. Also, those “firecrackers” the guy in CT used to take out 8 people? Did anyone here read it was a Jewish owned business. Not just Jewish owned but the family is one of the biggest Jewish philanthropical families in Hartford.

The guy wasn’t even fired yet. How “disgruntled” could he be. Oh, maybe he was a Muslim “disgruntled” over the Jooos selling alcohol. Did MSM even report the shooter was NOT white as is generally assumed? He wasn’t an Arab, but he wasn’t white.

mk750 on August 5, 2010 at 1:33 pm

    What in the world are you talkng about?? That bozo in Manchester, Connecticut, has been all over the news as a self described victim of white on black racism, where in the world did you get the idea that no one knows what his skin color is??

    And what does the religion of the beer distributor have to do with anything???

    silent man on August 6, 2010 at 7:50 am

      Silent, I’m in Israel. When I wrote that, I had not seen anything about his color. What does his religion have to do with beer distribution? Well, islam prohibits alcohol totally. His girl friend’s last name is Hanna which is Arabic and if he became Islamized during the course of his employment or already was and was practicing taqia [sp] it could have much to do with it.

      mk750 on August 6, 2010 at 10:36 am

If he’s Muslim, guess what won’t appear in print!

NormanF on August 5, 2010 at 2:04 pm

    No, Norman, it won’t and neither will his race but think about the guy who was caught in Phillipsburg NJ last Winter with maps to Fort Drum. I’ll bet this one was on the path to Islam too.

    mk750 on August 5, 2010 at 2:58 pm

    No, Norman, it won’t and neither will his race but think about the guy who was caught in Phillipsburg NJ last Winter with maps to Fort Drum. I’ll bet this one was on the path to Islam too. Yesterday’s NY Daily News has an interview with his girlfriend, someone who’s last name is Hanna. Of course poor Omar was the kindest, most gentle man ever born and he was being racially harassed at work. He just “kept it all inside” until he couldn’t any more but she says he went out of the house with a very “weird, empty look in his eyes.” Sounds pretty cold and calculating to me. Not a guy who took the bad news of being called into the office poorly.

    mk750 on August 5, 2010 at 3:07 pm

I call him “Eichmann-in-a-dinnerjacket” for obvious reasons.

Cat K on August 5, 2010 at 2:26 pm

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