October 24, 2006, - 11:03 am

HOprah Watch: Oprah Uses “World’s Moms” to Promote Al Gore Film, Sanitize Jihadists

When you think of “Moms Around the World,” do you think of global warming and how Egypt is so attentive to children with Down’s Syndrome? Oprah does.
Better yet, when you think of Egypt, do you think of the country of the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda’s Ayman Al-Zawahiri and Mohammed Atta, and some of the most extremist, anti-Semitic newspapers and universities in the world? Oprah doesn’t.
Yesterday, HRHSBotU (Her Royal Highness Supreme Being of the Universe) Queen Oprah did a show of “Moms Around the World.” Needless to say, if it’s on the Oprah show, that means it really doesn’t represent Moms Around the World.

(Islamofascist Oprah by Preston Taylor Holmes/Six Meat Buffet)

The part about the Eskimo woman from Alaska was interesting enough, so long as the woman didn’t mind being laughed at and examined like an exhibit from the Ripley’s museum. But it degraded when Oprah concluded the segment by asking the Eskimo woman, “And so, can you see signs of global warming?” This was all pre-planned because the Oprah crew shot film, ostensibly, of an Eskimo city on the water.
The Eskimo-ette–now apparently a scientist–eagerly answered, “Yes, I can see it because the town nearby–they live right on the water. And the waves are crashing into their neighborhood. And soon they are going to have to move.” Roll tape. We’re shown waves crashing. Then we see streets flooded. We have no idea where this footage comes from. And the Oprah show has already been caught using fake footage.
Then, Oprah tells us, “That’s why I recommend everyone see ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. It’s by Al Gore, and it shows us that soon Manhattan and Los Angeles will be under water.” Thanks, Oprah, for this Moms Around the World as brought to you by the Environmental Liberation Front.
Then, there’s Egypt. In all of her “[Blank] Around the World” shows (; Moms Around the World; etc.), Oprah always picks a Muslim country or two to glorify for a tiny thing, while ignoring the extremism and Islamism that dominates every day life. In the “Moms” show, it was Egypt.
So, what were we shown about Egyptian moms? Not that they teach their kids to hate the Egyptian Jews that were banished from the country and the Christian Copts, who might soon be banished. Nope. Not that many of Egypt’s Moms voted for the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood in the most recent Egyptian elections. Not that many of them read the anti-Semitic, anti-American Al-Ahram newspaper or send their kids to similarly inclined Al-Azar University.
No, that’s not what you’ll ever see on the Oprah show. Instead, we saw how Egyptian moms fought for and got the government to provide a generous mainstreaming setting for all Egyptian kids with Down’s Syndrome. Yup, that’s the true Egypt. Thanks, HOprah.
We can’t wait for Oprah’s show on the Palestinian moms. Don’t expect to see on that one. That wouldn’t fit in with the Oprah Sanitization of Islamofascisti Project.
And finally, Oprah showed us a mother who was a rape victim of the Sudanese government gangs, the janjaweed. Of course, she was Muslim. Because now, Oprah is so interested in this issue, now that the Muslim Arab government janjaweed raped, murdered, and tortured all of Sudan’s Christians. At that time, , saying the issue was “too complicated.” Seems less complicated now for Oprah, now that it’s no longer Arab Muslims attacking Black Christians. Now that it’s Muslim against Muslim, it is okay for Queen Oprah.
Oprah lectured her audience that the Sudanese mother “wants her to have the same things that you want for your kids, the same life that you want for your kids.” Really? What about the Christian Sudanese mothers, when you–Queen Oprah–? Didn’t they want the same things as the Muslim mom?
Just asking.

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7 Responses

I wish we had a little global warming around Nashville, TN right now. I just came back from vacation on the west coast and it’s in the 30s and I’d like some warming around here.
Taking a cue from the Dixie Chunks, I’m ashamed Oprah lived in this area at one time. Her dad still lives here.
Speaking of Gore, local conservative talk show host Phil Valentine called up Gore’s people and asked how Gore can claim to be Mr. Environment when he lives in a mansion, rides in limos, and flies around the world. He said they said the good work he does for the environment cancels out the bad. I’m not surprised they actually think that way.

Jeff_W on October 24, 2006 at 12:28 pm

Check out this video.
Egyptian TV program denies the Holocaust using very slick propaganda, lies, video clips.
Or, how about this one; An Egyptian University professor shits on the U.S. and Israel, and salutes Hezbollah in a speech in Washington, DC.
Or, try this one: “An Egyptian music video clip promoting hatred of the USA and Israel, entitled “Hey Arab Leaders,” is a major hit in Egypt and the Arab world. Among other hate messages, USA and Israel are “bullies” against the world. it (sic) claims Israel destroyed the WTC.”
This is the incredibly, brain-dead, Muzlum “mind” at work. It’s amazing just how stupid these people really are.
Any one of this vids could’ve been produced by Ofrah Windbag! That’s because she, too, is a propagandist, a liar, an America-hating, Islamofascist-loving scumbag.

Thee_Bruno on October 24, 2006 at 12:48 pm

Ofrah Windbag is going to pull Madonna’s balls out of the fire on her show tomorrow. The show is being taped today for tomorrow’s airing.
Madonna “adopted” an “orphan” black child from a country in the Dark Continent. A country that forbids kids being adopted by foreigners. But the country is willing to turn a blind eye in return for cash – lots of cash. Madonna also gave money to build an orphanage, however, all the kids must be taught about Madonna’s new cult religion: Kabbalah.
It also turns out that the kid has a father and grandmother after all, therefore, he is not an orphan. The father wants the kid back. Let’s see if Ofrah defends “fathers’ rights”, and will grill Madonna and urge her to return the boy. Somehow I doubt it.
If, in the end, Madonna gets to keep the kid, I think that the father, the grandmother, and all of the kid’s other relatives should be allowed visitation rights and all board a plane for Madonna’s estate in England.

Thee_Bruno on October 24, 2006 at 1:54 pm

Dr. Phil, whats wrong with me? Suicide bombers just don’t make me feel all warm and fuzzy! And Madonna’s “adoption” makes me want to puke. Couldn’t she just adopt a kitten or something? I do love the new look, Oprah. Makes me find new respect for Hamas and Hezbollah mom’s. Just wish their little suicide bombers would practice on their parents before coming out to do Allahs will on all us infidels.

jeebie on October 24, 2006 at 5:44 pm

Dr. Phil, whats wrong with me? Suicide bombers just don’t make me feel all warm and fuzzy! And Madonna’s “adoption” makes me want to puke. Couldn’t she just adopt a kitten or something? I do love the new look, Oprah. Makes me find new respect for Hamas and Hezbollah mom’s. Just wish their little suicide bombers would practice on their parents before coming out to do Allahs will on all the infidels.

jeebie on October 24, 2006 at 5:46 pm


Neutral10 on October 24, 2006 at 10:37 pm

Posted by: Neutral10 at October 24, 2006 10:37 PM
Yeh, if you’re a moral midget.

Shy Guy on October 25, 2006 at 4:13 am

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