July 26, 2010, - 2:32 pm

Why Are You Surprised About Oliver Stone’s Anti-Semitic Comments?

By Debbie Schlussel

Many readers and others are sending me the article about Oliver Stone’s latest anti-Semitic comments, in which he says Jews control the American media.  Stone told the Sunday Times of the UK that the Jews prevent a “free debate” on the Holocaust and putting it in its “context.”  (Hey, Pat Buchanan, I found your soulmate, dude.)  Stone attacked Israel, claimed Jewish control of U.S. foreign policy, and expressed support for Iran, where his honorary Mullah-Jew act is old-hat, already taken up by his fellow self-haters in the Neturei Karta (Stone’s father was a Jew, but his mother was not, and he was raised Episcopalian).


Oliver Stone w/ Ramallah HAMAS Chief Hassan Yussef



Oliver Stone Echoes Views of Best Bud Yasser Arafat

I’m not surprised by Stone’s comments in the least.  And I really didn’t want to give the comments further exposure.  But people seem shocked–shocked!–that he would go this far.

I’m not.  I’ve written about Stone many times for more than a decade.  And as I noted in “Angelina Jolie’s and Oliver Stone’s Terrorist Problem”–which you must read–he was a close friend of Yasser Arafat.  He sees nothing wrong with HAMAS and visited and fawned over a top HAMAS official before HAMAS was even in power.  Stone made a sympathetic fake-umentary on Arafat for HBO and filmed it right after Arafat okayed the bombing murder of innocent Israeli families in the 2002 Passover Massacre.  He hates Israel and danced on the deaths of Jews at the Passover Seder terrorist attack.  So, why on earth would anyone be shocked that he openly espouses the anti-Semitic views that Arafat and HAMAS espouse?  He celebrates these parties.  So, of course, he’d openly celebrate their anti-Semitic views on the media, the Holocaust, Israel, and their patron-state of Iran.

It’s no shocker.  Nor was the fact that, in 2006, Stone said he wanted to do a 9/11 conspiracy theory film.  He never made it, but had he, you can bet Israel would be among the implicated.

What’s offensive here aren’t his stale comments.  It’s that–despite making them, and despite years of pandering to mass-murdering terrorists with a Nazi Judenrein bloodlust–Stone still gets positive attention, that he still gets people going to his boring, waste-of-time movies.  If the media and Hollywood were truly controlled by the JOOOOS, it’s the wrong kind because the media and Hollywood continue to gush over and fete this outrageous Jew-hater (who is of partially Jewish descent, so he’s also a self-hater trying to earn his stripes in the New Reich).  The same Hollywood that continued to cast Mel Gibson in films and distribute his work after he, too, viciously attacked Jews.

Again, read my piece on Oliver Stone and his friends who mass murder Jews, and then tell me his statements published yesterday are anything to write home about.

And don’t bother writing Hollywood about it, either.  As I said, the JOOOS who allegedly control the place, don’t seem to care in the ways Stone alleges.  Or he’d be toast.  Instead, he’s still the toast of the town.

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55 Responses

are we to presume his “intelligence”

the only creditable thing he ever did was publish pix of

jfk with his first wife

in the beginning of “JFK”

elmerbittlinger on July 26, 2010 at 2:52 pm

i want to see his new Wall st movie… i will buy tix to ANOTHER movie and sneak in so he doesnt get a penny from me!!!!!!!

sy wohl on July 26, 2010 at 2:59 pm

Stone is pure 100% SCUM. The elitist communist he is, it fits right into his demented view of the world.

Hey Oliver, is that phone ringing? It must be Alex Jones on the other side.

CaliforniaScreaming on July 26, 2010 at 3:00 pm

“Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than the Jewish people, 25 or 30 [million killed],” Stone said.

This is true, technically, and not well known. However, there were far fewer Jews than Russians. With 5-6 million losses the Jews came closer to being wiped out then the Russians did with 25 to 30 million.

Also “Russians” in this context really means “Soviet citizens of all nationalities”.

MonkeyShines on July 26, 2010 at 3:04 pm

    There is another argument why you cannot compare those 2. The Russians had an army. All jews were civilians and could not fight back.

    There is a lot to tell about the Russians and the way of fighting the Germans but for this story about OS I will keep it to this feedback about this topic.

    Yaco (Netherlands) on July 26, 2010 at 3:25 pm

I’ve been hating this goofball bastard for a long time. Wake up America. The media will probably fawn over him even when he opens his Chavez flick.

Joe on July 26, 2010 at 3:09 pm

    Joe: Please add Michael Moore to the Phony Hypocrit List.

    Then, boycott them!!

    As goes Israel - So goes the World on July 26, 2010 at 3:18 pm

This rotter has that self hating Jew thing down pat. He is too cowardly to have pulled this crap while his father was alive. He has done so much cocaine and other stuff his brain has turned into red jello

If I see his new Wall Street2 I will buy a ticket for another movie, same as the above poster.

rockingham on July 26, 2010 at 3:33 pm

No, it certainly doesn’t shock me, I expect it from these “to the left of Lenin liberal Hollywood types”, but Mel Gibson’s comments were all over the news, so far I see nothing on CNN and the others, even Fox about this. He’s a piece of garbage.

Marc on July 26, 2010 at 5:37 pm

Who’s shocked anymore? Actually, I like this: he’s come out and displayed himself fully as a POS. And I’m tired of hearing how Jews run the media….Who cares. It’s like saying there are too many Jewish doctors.

We’ll, I’ve got the solution: Jewish doctors should step down for a year or two and not work and let health care be given by victim’s studies cardio wannabees and affirmative action brainsurgeons……let’s see what happens.

Now on to the NBA, NASCAR, wrestling, and the rap music industries….why are we so under-represented? …..g-dammm idiots.

Not Ovenready on July 26, 2010 at 6:01 pm

Filthy limousine-liberal, anti-Semite, self-important a$$wipe, Oliver Stonehead.

Quorum on July 26, 2010 at 6:36 pm

What an idiot! Well,I’m not going to see “South of the Border.” In fact,it sank like a stone in Venezuela and it should do so here. Also,I’m pretty sure that the Venezuelans don’t like someone like Stone manipulating Americans into liking this guy.

Ghostwriter on July 26, 2010 at 6:41 pm

The Jews run the media?

So this is why Al Queda, Hamas and (so called) “radical” Islam pretty much get a pass?

Sam Adams on July 26, 2010 at 6:57 pm

If you were as sophisticated and clever as Stoneman, surely the world would fawn all over your greatness. He obviously knows “something” and the rest of us haven’t a clue.

Seymour del-Uziens on July 26, 2010 at 7:16 pm

One thing that I will never understand is how people with Jewish blood flowing through their veins are some of the biggest anti-semites.

On a personal level my Great Grandma was Jewish and emigrated from Russia. She was brilliant and spoke 4 languages. I’m proud to have her blood flowing in me and much of my intelligence is from her.

I just don’t get guys like Robert Novak and Oliver Stone.

jimmyPx on July 26, 2010 at 8:25 pm

Are you really surprised? He is a liberal and a democrat. Liberals want us dead, don’t you get that? Hitler was a liberal….YES he was, his political party was the National Socialist Workers Party ! Wake up…. liberals want us dead… Oh, yah, obama is a liberal, you know the lunatic who wants to give Jerusalem to terrorists.

Ari on July 26, 2010 at 9:08 pm

Follow up: vote for a democrat, go to the chambers

Ari on July 26, 2010 at 9:09 pm

Being Jewish myself I’d like to get in on the “Jews rule the media, banks, economy, government, etc thing while there is still time. I don’t want to make too much of this, just a little piece of the pie. I’d settle for say…Ambassador to Tahiti. Thanks and here’s hoping to here from somebody really soon.

kenny komodo on July 26, 2010 at 9:32 pm

I happen to be acquainted with a guy who worked in the Nixon White House, and was a technical adviser and had a small part in one of Stone’s films. He told me several years ago that he thought Stone had lost his mind from too much cocaine.
I thought one of the funniest things in the movie “Dave” was when Stone shows up on Larry King with a conspiracy theory that the president has been switched. Only in a fictional story has he ever been correct!
The couple times I’ve heard him talk he’s always repeated the pattern of coming out real strong, and then equivocating his way into a corner as soon as he’s challenged on something.
Too bad, I think he does have talent as a movie maker, but of course his current project is a paean to the Iranian president, fresh off his Hugo Chavez propaganda film. Sad.

Dr Joey on July 26, 2010 at 10:14 pm

I have not seen an Oliver Stone movie. I also recognize him as the scumbag that he is.

Here are a couple of examples that prove the Jews do not control the media:

1) If the Jews did control the media, then the media would be strongly defending Israel’s rights to the territories of Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and the Golan Heights. Of course, the media does no such thing.

2) See the post by Sam Adams on July 26, 2010 at 6:57 pm

BTW, there are still more, but I’ll leave it to others to add to the list.

JeffE on July 26, 2010 at 11:20 pm

[The Jews run the media?
Sam Adams on July 26, 2010 at 6:57 pm]

Self-hating Jews???

[Hitler was a liberal….YES
Ari on July 26, 2010 at 9:08 pm]

But Hitler hated Communists and Obama is a Communist. So if you hate Obama, you love Hitler.

Norman Blitzer on July 26, 2010 at 11:33 pm

    “Hitler hated Communists…” No sir he did not.. Read more about him. What Hitler hated is that Marx was a Jew and the pure movement was polluted.

    Ari on July 26, 2010 at 11:49 pm

      Marx’ parents converted and he was baptized. Like Trotsky, he had a beef with his origins. One of the biggest as*holes in the real life, parasite and swinger. You see what happens when a wealthy German and self-hating not so much a Jew become friends? Manifesto, Capitol, then Russian speaking people show up with the ugly “revolutions”, and Adolf borrows a lot…

      From “Zur Judenfrage” (“About the Jewish Question”):

      What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-
      interest. What is the worldly cult of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly god? Money…Out of its entrails bourgeois society continually creates Jews.

      Who’s worse then Marx? The Jews who are proud he “was” one of them. No, those who believe the communism is good and can happen.


      SovietJew on July 27, 2010 at 1:53 pm

The rise of the movement to destroy all Jews: Not surprised that Stone said this and further he was not slaughtered in the media for it; why? The movement is headed by Obama:

Does this not seem quite logical to you? Obama is stacking the deck, step by step. Carefully, as under the radar as he can. You see my Great uncle wrote in his personal journal the election of a new upstart with some alarming attitudes and speech but it was certainly nothing to worry about as our (his) country was the safest on Earth for Jews. A few entries later was made by another relative in Switzerland. You see the journal made it Switzerland, my Great uncle was murdered at the hands of the liberal Hitler’s regime. The entry made in Switzerland was short but telling. It said that they were all taken by surprise. Sure there were the problem people that harassed we Jews but that has always happened. What took us by surprise is that it only took 4 years to turn GERMANY from the safest place on Earth to the deadliest place for Jews. Only four years people. And just look what obama has done in 18 months. All those Jew hating appointees. All those pro-Muslim apologies, all those pro-Muslim promises like the one to give Jerusalem to the terrorists. You see the problem with history is that we never seem to learn from it. This fall…. if you vote for any democrat be sure to have a smile on your face when you are taken to the ovens. Reality check: liberals are not the cause of our demise, we are. We elect them, we ignore the warning signs, all the time.

Ari on July 26, 2010 at 11:52 pm

Is it just me or doesn’t Oliver Stone look like he’s cultivating a Sadaam Hussein look in the pictures that Debbie has posted showing Ollie with other wanna-be mass murderers and their supporters!?

Steven Hauptman on July 27, 2010 at 12:02 am

Oliver Stone long ago became a celebrity, rather than a maker of films. His cinematic productivity, at least in terms of public acceptance of his work, is practically nil now. Mr. Stone needs to be outrageous now, since any talen he might have had in the past, has now evaporated.

Worry01 on July 27, 2010 at 1:46 am

“In 2006, Stone said he wanted to do a 9/11 conspiracy theory film. He never made it, but had he, you can bet Israel would be among the implicated.”

And you can also bet that he probably would’ve once again chosen his “Platoon” star (and fellow substance abuser) Charlie Sheen for the lead. Hell, Sheen probably would’ve volunteered to act as assistant director on that one.

Daniel H on July 27, 2010 at 4:06 am

Last I checked, the only “JOOOS” that “controlled the media” were secular leftist types (a.k.a. “bagel and lox”) who are of the same mindset and worldview as Stone.

ConcernedPatriot on July 27, 2010 at 6:10 am

And to paraphrase a famous Jewish activist in relation to the so-called “shock” over Stone’s Jew-hating comments: I’m shocked that they’re shocked.

ConcernedPatriot on July 27, 2010 at 6:11 am

Whatever. The Jews are the most racist of all.

Little intermarriage. No civil marriages are allowed to take place in Israel.
One is not even considered a real Jew if your mother isn’t Jewish and so on and so forth….talk about religious fanatics. Hello Saudi Arabia

Debbie ist eine Schlampe on July 27, 2010 at 8:11 am

    This comment ticks me off and I am not Jewish. Did you know that Jews worked arm in arm with Martin Luther King during the Civil Rights Movement ?? Wasn’t it 2 Jewish boys murdered (along with a Black boy) by the KKK in Mississippi and buried in a dam (see Mississipp Burning) ??

    Jews in general are NOT racist, and it does not make them racist to not want to intermarry with people outside of their faith. Many religions (including Catholics, Muslims, etc) also believe this. Because of the Holocaust, there are not that many Jews in the World. If they all intermarried, their Religion would be gone in a few generations.

    jimmyPx on July 27, 2010 at 11:44 am

    Oliver Stone has found his fellow idiot.

    SovietJew on July 27, 2010 at 2:21 pm

I actually “get” Oliver Stone. He’s a total loon who makes Keith Olbermann look almost sane. I’ve never gotten the fawning over him, the “Yes, but he’s so-o-o-o talented…” aura goof ups like him, Lindsay Lohan, and other goofs get.

He’s just one of those whose beliefs you can never pin down. He’s one of those types who will post a million links or just throw in all these red herrings if you ever try to find out where they are coming from.

His only movie I’ve ever watched was “JFK” because it was such an enjoyable comedy for anyone who knew the basic facts. The acting was the most cliched ever, the people calling Garrison “Bawsssssssssss” and Joe Pesci’s and Kevin Costner’s Master Thespian acting!!!

Jeff_W on July 27, 2010 at 9:57 am

I really wanted to see the new “Wall Street” movie, staring Michael Douglas (who, despite being Jewish, seems to have no problem working with Stone). Under these circumstances, there’s no way I’m going to give any money to Stone.

adam on July 27, 2010 at 12:25 pm

After a little success, in the entertainment & news, sports businesses, MORONS, BIGOTS, TRUE F**ked-up LIBERAL DipSh*ts LIKE Stone, Springsteen, Moore, Ubermann and their like can only resort to that biased ideology they’ve come to love and admire. They devour and spout their hatred without, sadly, knowing the truth of how our great country has saved the world, time and time again, and the contributions their bloodline, in this case Jews, has done for society(ies)(Does anyone remember how “advanced” the Middle East before Isreal settled in? Anyone?. Hollywood’s addiction with being the Joseph Goebbels of the world should not come as a surprise to anyone. It’s part of their consorted narrative to re-write history, the truth and America’s greatness. It’s just annoying that we keep letting these idiots get headlines, as if they mattered. I’m sure OS figures if it was good enough for George Soros, it should be good enough for him…Later –

The Sarge on July 27, 2010 at 12:32 pm

Oliver Stone?
NBC employee Tim Kring was asked by the media: “How did you get the TV show “Heroes” on the air at NBC?
Tim Kring answered: ” In Hollywood they say if HITLER wrote a great screenplay they’d send a limo to the airport to pick him up… Great creativity comes from everywhere, I was flubbed(before) and I didn’t just want a show on the air, I wanted something big, bold and I wanted to prove them wrong. Only problem was I didn’t have an idea, so I was just
left angry and worried about it… I lied and cheated and schemed and manipulated all the way through the idiocy that is the notes process when you do this, was able to push the production through relatively unscathed and in the form that it would work in… That’s how Heroes got on the air… It’s not the most original idea in the world, you build and borrow. Just put these pieces together in the right way, at the right time, and on the right network.”
Read more of this interview at: http://blog.the-eg.com/2007/12/04/tim-kring/
We have not seen this story in the media anywhere, Tim Kring has not apologize for his anti-semitic remarks and he stills work at NBC.

AMNAU MALLERY on July 27, 2010 at 12:53 pm

Debbie, I’m really NOT surprised at Oliver Stone’s anti-semetic comments last weekend, and quite frankly, I’m not too surprised that he supported Adolf Hitler during the holocaust’s hey-day. Debbie, I know and many posters on this site remembered that black racist & anti-semetic scumbag Louis Farrakhan also said that Adolf Hitler was a great guy, and NOT a cry of “foul-ball” by the phonies from the NAACP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Hi-Jackson, Congressional Black Caucus, etc., they are just like the rest of the left wingers, “LINO’s” (Liberals/Leftist In Name Only). And I know that none of the fellow-travellors in the left wing establishment are not going to say anything about Stone, don’t expect MSNBC/NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, PBS, NPR, NY Times, LA Times, etc. to say anything, because they share the same values and principles as Oliver Stone!

“A nation is identified by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on July 27, 2010 at 1:18 pm

    And that just shows Farrakan’s stupidity and ignorance.
    If he picked up some books, he would find Hitler and the SS had big plans for Africa. Part of those plans were to take all of those of African descent and march them into the gas chambers.

    Yeah, Hitler and the SS sure were “friends” of the Black Man.

    jimmyPx on July 27, 2010 at 7:40 pm

” And to paraphrase a famous Jewish activist in relation to the so-called “shock” over Stone’s Jew-hating comments: I’m shocked that they’re shocked.

ConcernedPatriot on July 27, 2010 at 6:11 am ”

ConcernedPatriot: We do not learn from history. We don’t seem to understand that G-d has a special relationship with us and as such Satan, the Evil One has been trying to wipe us off the face of the Earth since the beginning of time, or at least since he sinned and was cast down to this Earth.

The desire of every Jew is to live in peace and after every attack on us we hope and we fall into a false sense of complacency that the attacks must be over, that somehow we are now safe. We don’t seem to understand that these attacks will continue until G-d Himself will put a stop to this Earth and the Evil one. The ugly reality is that there will be no peace and safety until that happens. Sometimes we feel that if we integrate into the prevailing mood, for instance liberalism in this country, that we will somehow be overlooked. The reality check though is that all who bear the name Jew is a target, will be a target. Germany was the safest country on earth for Jews and it took only four years for it to become the greatest murder machine for Jews the world has seen. Now the United States lead by a maybe president Obama having an equal hatred toward us as Hitler is changing this country, a fundamental transformation if you will, into a Jew hating machine.

So who will you vote for this fall?

Ari on July 27, 2010 at 3:08 pm

    … So then why do we continue? Why not give up and become the new world order of Muslims? Because in our souls we know there is no alternative from the deep love we have for our G-d. Even those among us who hate G-d outwardly cannot deny in our secret times that our love for our G-d cannot waver. We can protest like a toddler having a temper-tantrum. But in our souls we know that we love G-d and He loves us. So why does He not stop the murders now? Perhaps He wants to see which of us will really stand with Him.

    Ari on July 27, 2010 at 3:13 pm

History lesson: If you remember Hitler needed a scape-goat to blame troubles on. If there were no troubles he helped create them. Jews were of course always handy and since we don’t learn from history why not select them/us. So now we are seeing an INSTITUTIONALIZING of hatred for Jews by Obama and his Progressive (read Communist) machine. His minions like STONE are among the faithful followers who is further popularizing the BLAME among the media set. So you see since Jews are so stubborn and HATE peace by not giving up Jerusalem for the cause of peace (read extinction by terrorists) of course Jews are to blame for world instability. After all we are supposed to control the media, the banking system and all politics did you not know? Now keep in mind it took Hitler only four years to turn the safest country on Earth for Jews into a murder machine of Jews (and Christians who stood by us and even went to the camps on our account… rf: Corrie Ten Boom).

So you see obama is following the same cookie cutter pattern as did Hitler. We can now understand why it is so important for Obama to tank the U.S. economy and drive us to the brink of a third world country. He needs a crisis and a cause and a reason for this disaster. Jews.

It is classic cookie cutter methodology. One that we have fallen for time and time and time again. And yet this fall, because so many “Jews” consider themselves so enlightened and so advanced that any liberal cause is a right one, we will again vote for democrats to help obama continue his well worn pattern of history. Perhaps we will even help him finish what Hitler started.

By the way I have gas masks on sale for $9.95 plus shipping. If you vote for any democrat this fall, make sure you have a smile on your face when you go to the chambers.

Ari on July 27, 2010 at 3:42 pm

History lesson: If you remember Hitler needed a scape-goat to blame troubles on. If there were no troubles he helped create them. Jews were of course always handy and since we don’t learn from history why not select them/us. So now we are seeing an INSTITUTIONALIZING of hatred for Jews by Obama and his Progressive (read Communist) machine. His minions like STONE are among the faithful followers who is further popularizing the BLAME among the media set. So you see since Jews are so stubborn and HATE peace by not giving up Jerusalem for the cause of peace (read extinction by terrorists) of course Jews are to blame for world instability. After all we are supposed to control the media, the banking system and all politics did you not know? Now keep in mind it took Hitler only four years to turn the safest country on Earth for Jews into a murder machine of Jews (and Christians who stood by us and even went to the camps on our account… rf: Corrie Ten Boom).

So you see obama is following the same cookie cutter pattern as did Hitler. We can now understand why it is so important for Obama to tank the U.S. economy and drive us to the brink of a third world country. He needs a crisis and a cause and a reason for this disaster. Jews.

It is classic cookie cutter methodology. One that we have fallen for time and time and time again. And yet this fall, because so many “Jews” consider themselves so enlightened and so advanced that any liberal cause is a right one, we will again vote for democrats to help obama continue his well worn pattern of history. Perhaps we will even help him finish what Hitler started.

Ari on July 27, 2010 at 3:43 pm

    Apologies: did not realize this history lesson posted twice.


    Ari on July 27, 2010 at 4:10 pm

On another note: I have seen some posts on the blog, I think even by Debbie whom I consider wonderful, that are critical of Sarah Palin. One thing to keep in mind. She loves Israel. Regardless of what we are lead to think about her remember…. Sarah loves Israel. Huckabee loves Israel. Before you vote ask yourselves the question, has this candidate proclaimed a love for Israel and stood behind that claim with works? If not dear, dear brothers and sisters, you are voting for someone who is an obama drone. Someone who will be complicit in our extinction.

Ari on July 27, 2010 at 3:50 pm

Newt Gingrich loves Israel. Why is it that real Christians and conservatives love Israel and liberals hate Israel? Further, why is it that we are drawn to support and even worship the liberals who hate Israel and deride those who would die for us?

Please read the books by Corrie Ten Boom and then realize there are millions of Christians who would die for us. Her whole family did. I used to hate Christians until I realized that the only relative I have that survived the holocaust was saved by a Christian who was dismembered by the Nazi’s for helping him escape.

Ari on July 27, 2010 at 3:54 pm

By the way the Nazi’s were members of Hitlers Political party: The National Socialist Workers Party.

A liberal.

obama is liberal…. oh yah, the same lunatic who promised Jerusalem to terrorists. So ?

Ari on July 27, 2010 at 4:02 pm


“Effing” A!!! True to the point. If your friends have stood by you, how can you not, in their time of need, stand with them (Oh yeah, the Obamas, and their bigotted crew, believe in the passage, “You will deny me three times” – Jesus to Peter). If you can’t say I love Israel be careful of the person, organization or government. The word spinners are out in abundance, now that people are catching up to the Manchurian candidate’s plan and election season is revving up. Don’t be fooled America – you already bit the West Wing Hollywood B.S. once..DON’T let it happen again….

The Sarge on July 27, 2010 at 4:06 pm

It is my wish and hope that all Americans would read the book, “The Manchurian President” it is well documented and helps to make sense why it is so important for obama and his drones or as i like to call them obamatrons destroy America.

The best thing we can do this fall is to vote out every democrat (read Communist) that we can. At least we can lock up the obama communist machine for a while.

Ari on July 27, 2010 at 4:27 pm

I believe it was Solomon the wise who said, there is nothing new under the sun.

I believe this to be true. Unfortunately until G-d in His mercy decides enough is enough Jews and His Israel will always be a target of the Evil one, and his minions, the liberals.

I wish that Jews could take a breather for a while. But then I look at history and find that on occasion there are indeed breathers. The last time was when Conservatives were in power in the White House and Congress. They stood by Israel and told the world bullies back off. Obama and his liberal obamatrons on the other hand apologize for our country and Israel.

Ari on July 27, 2010 at 4:31 pm

Ari, you are an idiot. Your level of stupidity is beyond me. You really thing Hitler was a liberal? What the hell is wrong with you?
Idiot..go educate yourself…actually, go jump of a bridge. You’re obviously too dumb to learn anything

?????? on July 27, 2010 at 8:08 pm

    Hitler’s political party was The National SOCIALIST Workers Party. One would be well advised to educate oneself before one presents oneself as less than wise.

    I am embarrassed for you.

    Marx was a liberal
    Stalin was a liberal
    Hitler was a liberal
    Castro is a liberal
    Mussolini was a liberal
    Obama is a liberal.

    You know Obama, the maniac, the lunatic, the Communist wanting to give Holy Jerusalem to terrorists? You know those who worship Ba-al (Satan) and call it allah?

    Ari on July 28, 2010 at 10:24 pm

First let me say that I have watched Oliver Stone’s development since he started at NYU. I saw his first major student film there and I predicted that Stone was talented enough and had a certain style that would carry him well in the film business, and that he could be the next Martin Scorcese, also an NYU graduate. My fellow students scoffed at my prediction, seeing nothing special in his work. Well, Stone, of course, had gone on to write some effective scripts and then to direct some highly successful blockbusters.

That said, I have also seen his career falter, and his filmmaking style has become more undistinguished and undisciplined. His scripts have shown no imagination.

With Stone’s tremendous success, he has lost his soul, or sold it, you might say. A big part of the problem is that although he has always veared to the political left, as he got richer, he became obsessively leftist. So now, his heros are people like Castro, Chavez, and Arafat–all leftist criminals. Though Stone himself is probably oblivious to the impact of these political leanings on his work, I think the public has come to understand. His films have become dreadful: poorly conceived, badly written, sloppily directed and edited, and simply a mess.

Stone is attempting to return to his prior glory days with a sequel to Wall Street, even hiring Michael Douglas again. But I can confidently predict that the film will be a mere shadow of the original Wall Street starring Charlie Sheen. It will be a mindless “anti-capitalist” film with no soul, no drama, no real characters, and will be, in the end, a waste of time for those anticipating the return of a “master” filmmaker. The bottom line is that Stone has lost his mojo. He is a pompous hypocrite, trying to work out his Oedipal complex by repreatedly trying to dramitically kill off his Jewish father Louis Stone.

Stone needs to get away from Hollywood, seek therapy to work out his anti-Jewish and Oedipal anxieties, and do some serious research into history. A good book for him to start with would be George Gilder’s The Israel Test, because Stone needs to be set seriously straight about how the economy works, what political freedom really means, how the zero-sum game of socialism is a poisonous trap, and why the Jews play such a prominent role not only in the media, but in ALL types of business and cultural enterprises.

But at this point, I don’t think that there is much hope for Stone. And even a few more flops are unlikely to make him change his destructive course. In taking the course that he has, Stone has not only lost his soul, but he has lost his talent, and will ultimately be a forgotten filmmaker. Time will tell if my second prediction about him will provide to be as correct as my first one.

Ralph Adamo on July 29, 2010 at 3:56 am

It is my belief that many of us have come to believe almost as a collective Stockholm Syndrome victim, that we as a people maybe ARE to blame for many of the world’s problems. And if we snuggle up to those who hate us and adopt their beliefs that we are really bad then maybe they won’t hurt us anymore. The problem is the nature of evil will not go away until G-d destroys it for all time. I would encourage us to really consider the fact that we as a people are a target. We will always be a target as long as Satan exists, and rather than helping our tormentors, let’s be educators to those who will listen and understand.

We do not need to adopt the hatred of the liberal establishment to survive. Remember, liberals hate Jews and want us dead as we are a stumbling block to the whole world. At least that is how they perceive us. That is how Hitler perceived us. How many of us must die before we get that?

And again, forgive me but, why is it that we gravitate toward those liberals who want us dead and shun Christians and conservatives who stand up for Israel? It does not make any sense.

If you vote for any democrat this fall smile when you are taken to the chambers.

Ari on July 29, 2010 at 12:41 pm

One note on Hitler: I have researched documents and spoken with people who were alive in that time. The interesting thread with Hitler as with all liberals, Hitler was just a man. He was a man truly believing that what he was doing was really a good thing for the human race. In that he viewed himself as the consummate humanitarian. The basis for his world view was darwinism and on a side bar I find it interesting that considerable portions of Mein Kampf was lifted from the Qur’an.
If it is true that Natural Selection will in time produce superior beings then it was perfectly logical to Hitler to help speed the process because it was within his power. The problem then is who decides what human attributes are superior. Well, with liberals, there is no problem. They being superior decide. Much like the liberal woman who began Planned Parenthood. She hated “N” black people and counted on them having a greater need for murdering their babies than white people. Oh, how history can be so uncomfortable for some people.

But this is the liberal mind. It, that mindset believes that it is superior and thus should then have the power and authority to decide who lives and who dies. Oh, yah, like obama’s ObamaDeathCare and its now proven death panels.

How many of us must die before we get that liberals want us dead?

Ari on July 29, 2010 at 2:25 pm

Forgive me… a bit off topic but:

I have an idea, let’s build an Islamic Mosque on ground zero and also build a monument to the Kamikaze pilots that bombed Perl Harbor.

Ari on July 29, 2010 at 2:56 pm

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