October 13, 2006, - 3:53 pm
More Famous But Incompetent: The Saga of Ineptitude Continues
Domestic War on Terror, huh?
Then, why does the lead agency on terrorism, the FBI, still only have 33 agents who speak (LIMITED) Arabic more than FIVE years after 9/11?! And NONE are fluent in the language, nor do any of them work on international terrorism. HUH?!
HELLO . . . ? HELLO . . . ? HELLO . . . ?
Gee, I wonder why that Egyptian Muslim FBI agent in New York turned down my friend Becky, who scored 100% on the FBI Arabic proficiency exam. Oh yeah, she’s a JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. And we can’t have that. (Ditto for all the other Arabic-fluent from the Sephardic Jewish Community Center of Brooklyn, over a hundred of whom tried to become FBI linguists and 100% of whom were rejected for no valid reason.)
From the Washington Post:
Tags: Becky, Debbie Schlussel Domestic War, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Jewish Community Center of Brooklyn, New York, The Washington Post, Washington Post
This ought to make anyone who really cares ask, “what is going on? Hello?”
Who is allowing this to be the state of affairs over at the FBI in war time no less? I wonder exactly whom should I be outraged at? Looks like the very same as things have been being done even at the immigration department and border patrols. You would almost think it was deliberate—hmmmm?
As far as your friend Becky, someone should investigate what happened–you know any good attorneys? I have observed that in government things and porked up budgets, competent people scare the s–t out of the incompetent office occupiers. I hope Becky uses her ablibity to fight like you, Debbie.
BB on October 13, 2006 at 7:39 pm