October 11, 2006, - 7:32 am

EXCLUSIVE: Dem Candidate is Indicted Terrorist Trucking School Chief, Tied to State Trooper Death

With all the Democrats screaming about Mark Foley, we wonder why there’s hardly a peep from Republicans about Dean P. Proffitt.
has learned that Proffitt–the indicted chief of a Missouri Trucking School—-is THE Democratic candidate for the Missouri House of Representatives from Missouri’s 151st District. As we reported in September, Proffitt was indicted because, as superintendent of the South Central Career Center Truck Driver Training School in West Plains, Missouri, his school provided answers for the Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Test to Muslim students seeking to fraudulently pass the test and seek CDLs and Hazardous Materials hauling certificates.

A whopping , who’d traveled from all over the U.S. and the world to take the test specifically at the school. That’s because his school enabled Muslims to cheat. Some never even attended classes and can’t drive trucks. As we reported yesterday, there has already been one fatality linked to a Muslim driver from the school, the . True to the phonetics of his surname, Dean Proffitt apparently cared more about making a profit than America’s security.
From my September post on , resulting from an FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force investigation:

The defendants included Ernest A. “Mustafa” White [DS: who converted to Islam in prison], 49, of Kansas City, who owned the Muslim Brothers and Sisters trucking company in Kansas City, Kan. . . .
Also charged were Dean P. Proffitt, 71, superintendent of the South Central Career Center Truck Driver Training School in West Plains, Mo., and Orbin Dale May, 63, a truck driving tester from West Plains. . . .
White then allegedly arranged with Proffitt to have Muslim Brothers and Sisters students take the driving test at the facility in West Plains, South Central Career Center Truck Driver Training School, a division of the West Plains R-7 School District. May was authorized by the state of Missouri to give the test as a “third-party tester,” according to the indictment.
Students paid the defendants amounts “far in excess” of the state’s licensing fee, and White’s students were given abbreviated tests, had someone else take the tests for them or, in some cases, did not even travel to West Plains for the testing, prosecutors alleged.
May then allegedly submitted documents to the Missouri Department of Revenue falsely reporting that the students had successfully passed the test.
“This fraud became quite lucrative for May and White,” Schlozman said Thursday.
Proffitt allowed May to conduct testing on weekends – a violation of state law – and also assisted him in testing more than the four students per day allowed by the state, the indictment alleges.
Although the indictment refers to about three dozen test applicants by name, White and May have told investigators that between 200 and 300 students fraudulently got their CDLs through the conspiracy, officials said Thursday.
Of those, 150 to 200 later obtained certification to haul hazardous materials. . . .
The investigation leading up to the indictment began in the fall of 2004 when a confidential informant “reported suspicious activity” at South Central Career Center, Keathley said. Another tip came from the Missouri Department of Revenue, which noted the school’s extraordinarily high pass rate of 99 percent, compared with a statewide average of 83 percent. . . .
Information obtained by the Associated Press under Missouri’s open records law indicated that more than 300 of about 520 people who did not train at the school but took the test there between May 2004 and December 2005 had names that could be Middle Eastern in origin.

And apparently the Missouri Democrat cares more about Republican gay former Congressman than America’s security, since there was nary a wince from the party over Mr. Proffitt’s September indictment. We called both the Missouri Democratic Party and Dean Proffitt for comment. But predictably, neither responded. Since he’s been indicted in federal court, we doubt Proffitt will be talking to anyone but his attorney for the foreseeable future.
But what we’d like to know is WHY DIDN’T THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CALL FOR HIS RESIGNATION AS THEIR CANDIDATE FOR THE MISSOURI HOUSE? To date, he is still listed on the Missouri Democratic Party’s website.
Frankly, you’d think a party that is still up in arms about a former Congressman’s instant messages–with no criminal wrongdoing–would be a tad concerned about their own candidates for office. . . especially when one of their candidates apparently sold out his country to Muslims committing fraud.
Their candidate already has blood on his hands–the killing of Oklahoma Trooper William Lloyd “Bill” McClendon. Why isn’t that and a federal indictment not enough to get the Dems to dump their legislative candidate, Proffitt?
We hope all of our Missouri readers living in District 151 will vote for Proffitt’s opponent, incumbent Republican State Rep. Ward Franz.

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3 Responses

Was it John Birch who said ” Our problem is not fallout it’s sellout”?
Debbie, keep sticking it to them.

Walt from michigan on October 11, 2006 at 9:50 am

Difference is, this guy’s a candidate, and does not currently hold a seat. I do think that he should drop out of the race, but this definitely isn’t on the same level as it would be if already held a seat

Descent on October 11, 2006 at 11:28 am


Jeremiah on October 11, 2006 at 11:31 am

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