September 25, 2006, - 3:44 pm

Pan-Islamist Amanpour Headlines Maxim’s “TV’s Least Appealing Ladies”

Guy’s mag Maxim Magazine has a list of “TV’s Least Appealing Ladies.” And guess who’s #10?
Why, it’s none other than pro-Islamofascist, far-left reporter with that snooty hybrid-English/Iranian accent, Christiane Amanpour. While it doesn’t say whether or not the list describes looks or content, we’d say Amanpour’s “presentation” in favor of Islamofascists at every step of the way is the ugliest thing about her, bar none. Get this woman off the airwaves–for our sake and that of the guys who read Maxim.
Others on the list include Peggy Hill–she’s a cartoon character–and an actress from “The L Word,” a show about lesbians (no explanation necessary). FYI, Maxim states atop the list:

Yes, we left Rosie O’Donnell off this list because she was too obvious.

Christiane Amanpour: Maxim Says She’s Ugly on the Outside;

We Say She’s Ugly on the Inside

Don’t forget that Amanpour’s girlie-man, all shrewed-up hubby (yes, she managed to get a sucker to marry her) is former Clinton State Department spokesman and fellow Islamofascist apologist, Jamie Rubin, whom Rush Limbaugh appropriately calls “Mr. Amanpour.”

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7 Responses

the places she reports from i always wonder when she took her last bath and shaved her legs, she looks like she in living in caves in the middle east

PNAMARBLE on September 25, 2006 at 6:44 pm

Christy would look great in a burkha. I’ll never forget seeing Amanpour during the first days of the Iraq war. There was a rumor that Saddam had been killed. She looked like she was about to cry over the loss of her hero. She should be forced to have conjugal visits with Saddam. On second thought, she would probably enjoy it too much.

FreethinkerNY on September 25, 2006 at 8:24 pm

Maxim? I expected that would be a list of conservative women. So even a men’s magazine knows who the female twits are. That’s at least saying something.
If Debbie ever gets around to writing a book, I expect liberals to get her more exposure, just like Joe Maguire did for Ann Coulter. Liberal men are all apologetic and liberal women are the men. You have to wonder who’s the real head of the household in liberal families – assuming there is one.

NormanF on September 25, 2006 at 9:35 pm

What a brute!

Thee_Bruno on September 26, 2006 at 9:13 am

This is wrong that we are making fun of people because of their look. I thought conservative does not do name calling or smear attack. I mean how come Ann is not in the list she is ugly as hell

thirdgoat on September 26, 2006 at 11:56 am

turdgoat said;
“This is wrong that we are making fun of people because of their look.”
Turdgoat then went on to say;
“I mean how come Ann is not in the list she is ugly as hell”
Typical Liberal hypocrisy!

Thee_Bruno on September 26, 2006 at 12:55 pm

Okay so Ann is not ugly because she is an accomplished writer. Ow I thought we are judging people by their looks

thirdgoat on September 26, 2006 at 3:28 pm

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