September 25, 2006, - 1:12 pm

Buh-Bye: Farrakhan’s Final Call is Near

It’s not easy to forget that cold day in November 1998, when I heard Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan speak to about 2,000 Muslims–mostly Arabs–at the Islamic Center of America (North America’s largest mosque). (I wrote about it in The Detroit Newsistan and mentioned it in the Wall Street Journal.)
It was no different than any other Hitler rally. They eagerly drank up his shrieking, ranting, and raving about the “forces of Satan, the Zionists.” They joined him in his shouting about how we evil Zionist Jews control the government–the figure he used was that 48% of government jobs were occupied by these Satanic Jews. He called for a jihad on America, saying America needed to be frightened this way to “waken up.” He said a number of other equally absurd and dangerous things, including, “Saddam Hussein–his people seem to love him,” to this group of thousands of Jew-hating Shi’ites who fled Hussein, who didn’t object to this misstatement because they shared in his wish for the elimination of Jews and Christians from America.

Extremist Love Gaze: Louis Farrakhan and

So, it is in the spirit of those “kind” words, that I read news stories over the weekend of Minister Farrakhan’s impending “Final Call.” In a letter to followers, Louis Eugene Walcott a/k/a Louis X a/k/a Louis Farrakhan a/k/a Calypso Louis said he was “suffering pain like that he had felt in 1998 when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer,” and his words indicated that he felt his end was near.
This time, apparently, even the skilled “evil Zionist” (a/k/a Jewish) surgeon who operated on Farrakhan and masterfully saved his life in 1998, can’t keep him alive. You know, the same kind of doctor Farrakhan and his followers accused of infecting Black babies with AIDS. No, this time, no Jew doctor, and not even Allah, himself, can save the man who spread hate throughout Black America like no other figure in U.S. history. This time, millions in “loans” from Muammar Qaddafi and millions in unpaid federal income taxes won’t save him.
More from BBC:

He revealed his health problems in a letter on Friday to Nation of Islam members in its newspaper, the Final Call, in which he compared his health problems to those of Fidel Castro.
The letter, also published on Nation of Islam’s website, goes into graphic detail about his fight against “serious pain”.
He announces that he is “postponing indefinitely all engagements, meetings and appointments”.
“In this period of testing, you can prove to the world that the Nation of Islam is more than the charisma, eloquence and personality of Louis Farrakhan,” he said.

Well, no-one ever accused Louis X of not having an ego.
When I was in grad school at the University of Wisconsin, one of my friends was Christine, a next-door neighbor of Farrakhan in the multi-million dollar neighborhood of Chicago’s Hyde Park. Christine’s father is a Black South African, her mother a White Jewish American. Although their’s was a loving family, Christine and her siblings had to endure the crazy rantings spewed their way from Farrakhan and his children on a regular basis–calling them half-breed children of Satan.

New Nation of Islam Leaders?:

Mustapha Farrakhan & Father Louis, Grandson Mustapha Farrakhan

Now, Farrakhan is feeling the pain that Christine and her family had to endure from him–their crazy, racist neighbor. I only wish that upon his passing, there is an endless feud between the followers and no single successor takes his place to spew his endless racism and hate. As , unfortunately his son, , will probably take his place. But his grandson, , as , is headed for a pro basketball career and has already . He, too, unfortunately, has been schooled in the hatred of his grandfather.
The wicked Black Nazi loon is almost gone. I, for one, will shed no tears when his soul–if he, in fact, possesses one–leaves this world. But I’m still waiting for that spaceship he claims is manned by Black beings superior to us all and from whom he emanated.
Apparently, the mother ship–if it ever returns to Planet Earth–will have to leave without Louis Farrakhan, soon to meet his maker for a well-deserved just “reward.” Unless its inhabitants look for the grave that should bear the epitaph: Here lies a demagogue racist who tried to bring Black America–and everyone else–down.
More on Farrakhan , , , and .

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15 Responses

Well said. I always wonder how an idiot like Farrakhan gets propped up like he does. He has to have a lack of scrutiny by the mainstream press–because honestly, when scrutinized Calypso Louie becomes unmasked as the sideshow he really is–he is more “far out” than science fiction.
Many of your readers will recall Rush’s infamous “Rita from Detroit” call–his all time most requested for replay over the years–Rita was “minister Louis Farrakhan’s number one mouthpice for years on talk Radio in Detroit–she was a weekly entertainment hit on the old Mark Scott program.
Mr. Farrakhan we pray for your wretched soul–that you would turn from your lies to the true G-d before you assume room temperature. We pray that you could escape the damnation that is certainly due you for the blasphemies and hurt you perpetrated in G-d’s name on poor black people in our land.

BB on September 25, 2006 at 2:54 pm

The NOI: killers of Malcom Little (aka “X”), whom contemporary liberals would call a “moderate Muslim.”

Jeremiah on September 25, 2006 at 3:08 pm

Being a devout student of Malcolm X, all i can say is good riddance to bad rubbish!
Betty Shabazz, Malcolm’s widow, tried mending fences…but we all know that Loony Louie was behind that hit, as Jeremiah stated above…and BTW J, MAYBE contemporary “liberals” would consider Malcolm a moderate Muslim, but i sincerely doubt it.

EminemsRevenge on September 25, 2006 at 3:29 pm

Hurry up, Louie! Hell’s a’waitin’.

AmericanJewess on September 25, 2006 at 4:14 pm

It’s sickening how the mainstream media accepted, and even promoted, this scumbag. May his death be as painful as possible!

Freudianslippers on September 25, 2006 at 6:07 pm

I once attended a speech given by Farrakhan at a Newark, NJ auditorium. I was the only white devil in the place. I was there to try to get a video interview with Farrakhan for a cable TV show. I was assigned a seat directly behind a Fruit of Islam security guard. I was close to the stage so I got a good view of Farrakhan. During the speech he started talking about Jews. He said: “I am not the enemy of the Jews, but they have chosen to make me their enemy. If one of my enemies (meaning Jews) should happen to assassinate me, I know what you would do.” The audience started to shout out responses to his statement. The NOI security guard seated in front of me said, in a voice seething with hate: “We’ll burn down their synagogues. Burn em’ all down.” I looked up at the stage and a horrible realization came to me. This is what it must have been like to be at a rally in Nazi Germany where Hitler made the same kind of remarks about Jews.

FreethinkerNY on September 25, 2006 at 8:44 pm

Farrakhan, die soon and meet your maker in hell, retard! I wonder if you’ll be able to pray “allahu akbar” five times a day; you’ll meet all your mozloom buddies including Yasser Arafart and other terrorists with mangled bodies. Have a blast Louis Farrahkhan (pun intended)!!

anonymous twit on September 25, 2006 at 10:32 pm

Debbie, the horrible thing is the fact that the mainstream press has never really reported the things you and I saw, heard and felt. His Million Racist Man March was portrayed as a nice family get-together. They hid the ugly racist and anti-semitic statements that were made by many of the speakers. I have had many close encounters with the likes of Farrakhan and the late unlamented Sonny Carson and his racist rapper sons of X-Clan infamy. Every time I was in their presence, there was a chilling air of pure evil. I always realized that they meant business and that if they had the power to do it, they would kill me and every other white person on the face of the Earth. Most people have no idea what we’re up against when it comes to the people in the world who hate us. The events of 9/11 don’t seem to have made it sink in. I don’t know what it will take to wake America up.

FreethinkerNY on September 26, 2006 at 2:12 am

“I, for one, will shed no tears when his soul–if he, in fact, possesses one…”
Satan already has a lien on his soul becuase Calypso Louie pledged it to him long ago.
Isn’t it funny how, in every speech, he obsessed about Satan? That’s because he knows Satan all too well.
Well, Calypso Louie, enjoy your final trip to that big Mother Ship hovering above the Earth. And, when you get there, get ready to be “beamed” straight to hell to finalize your deal with Satan. Oh, and, by the way, don’t be perplexed when those 72 virgins resemble the swine you so revile.
I, for one, hope your last days on God’s green Earth are filled with the same misery you inflicted upon the rest of humanity.
May you Rest in Piss.

Thee_Bruno on September 26, 2006 at 10:29 am

I am looking at your sick comments regarding the Honorable Min. Lois Farrakhan. It is too bad that you are too racist and weak to take constructive criticism concerning Min. Farrakhan’s statement toward Jews. I’ve been listening to Min. Farrakhan for years–25 to be exact and I have never heard him speak nothing other than the truth concerning Blacks,Jews,Whites and etc. Your comments are very repulsive and repugnant for your claim of being a Jew or Christian. Jesus said love your enemy, pray for them that despise you–evidently you are not a Godly person. This man only wants freedom, justice, and equality for his people–including oppressed Whites, and Jews as well. Your sick writing is beneath me. I can’t stoop to your low level of expression especially concerning one who only is trying to free the oppressed. May God have mercy on you and help you rise above your pain. Goldstein

Torture on July 5, 2007 at 1:17 pm

I am looking at your sick comments regarding the Honorable Min. Lois Farrakhan. It is too bad that you are too racist and weak to take constructive criticism concerning Min. Farrakhan’s statement toward Jews. I’ve been listening to Min. Farrakhan for years–25 to be exact and I have never heard him speak nothing other than the truth concerning Blacks,Jews,Whites and etc. Your comments are very repulsive and repugnant for your claim of being a Jew or Christian. Jesus said love your enemy, pray for them that despise you–evidently you are not a Godly person. This man only wants freedom, justice, and equality for his people–including oppressed Whites, and Jews as well. Your sick writing is beneath me. I can’t stoop to your low level of expression especially concerning one who only is trying to free the oppressed. May God have mercy on you and help you rise above your pain. Goldstein

Torture on July 5, 2007 at 1:21 pm

I am looking at your sick comments regarding the Honorable Min. Lois Farrakhan. It is too bad that you are too racist and weak to take constructive criticism concerning Min. Farrakhan’s statement toward Jews. I’ve been listening to Min. Farrakhan for years–25 to be exact and I have never heard him speak nothing other than the truth concerning Blacks,Jews,Whites and etc. Your comments are very repulsive and repugnant for your claim of being a Jew or Christian. Jesus said love your enemy, pray for them that despise you–evidently you are not a Godly person. This man only wants freedom, justice, and equality for his people–including oppressed Whites, and Jews as well. Your sick writing is beneath me. I can’t stoop to your low level of expression especially concerning one who only is trying to free the oppressed. May God have mercy on you and help you rise above your pain. Goldstein

Torture on July 5, 2007 at 1:25 pm

Too bad you idiots did not research the comments he made about Israel and Jews instead you listen to the main stream media and their lies.

Nisha on September 2, 2009 at 8:37 am

    Debbie S,

    Clearly, six years later, his death wasn’t that close.

    d williams on January 21, 2012 at 12:13 pm

12 years later and Louis is still going strong while ironically H.L. Schlussel met his demise nearly a year later after this vile crap was written. Yahweh has his ways.

Free Speech of course.

Irony on December 3, 2018 at 11:46 pm

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