September 20, 2006, - 12:39 pm

What Do Venezuelan Loon Hugo Chavez & Supermodel Elle MacPherson Have in Common?

They both love to read wacko, far-lefty, pan-Islamist, America-hating “linguist” and academic Noam Chomsky.
Yes, that’s right. Previously, we wrote about how and that she enjoys reading his work and watching a documentary about him. She said she liked his book “Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance (The American Empire Project).” The woman is as clueless and stupid as she is beautiful.
Now, kook Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez is touting Chavez, too–pimping the same book–Chomsky’s “Hegemony or Survival”–at the U.N during his obnoxious speech there, this morning.

3 Anti-American Stooges: Elle MacPherson, Noam Chomsky, Hugo Chavez

That says a lot about Chomsky–a nut whose most prominent readers are an airhead and a kook.
Drudge calls it the Chavez Book Club. We call it the Granola Book Club. Fruits. Nuts. And Flakes.
Remember that, the next time you see MacPherson’s bod in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. Nice house, no-one’s home.

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18 Responses

Chumpsky is to intellectualism, what Hitler was to human rights.

FreethinkerNY on September 20, 2006 at 1:25 pm

Elle MacPherson is living proof beauty and brains don’t necessarily go together. What’s that old saying? Don’t judge a person by their looks? Sometimes there’s nothing behind their looks to admire.

NormanF on September 20, 2006 at 1:30 pm

How sad that such a great looking person can have such an empty head.
As for Noam Chomsky-when will he be deported to Pyongyang or Tehran already? His writings are best used for toilet paper.

ISLAMSFORLOSERS on September 20, 2006 at 1:36 pm

Elle just wants to seem intellectual by name dropping bombsky

Descent on September 20, 2006 at 2:31 pm

Matt Damon, too (he mentions NC in Good Will Hunting, I think).

Jeremiah on September 20, 2006 at 3:24 pm

Les see the difference between Hugo and Elle well if you put a bag over his head he’d look just like Jane Fonda ?, old, out of touch and just as stupid.

mark on September 20, 2006 at 4:08 pm

you couldnt write this stuff, really!!!
can you imagine the tears the game musical chairs caused these people?!! Not everyone has a chair!!!!
Face it, America is a land of rich fat lazy liberals and us. We can either try to save them or save ourselves. I say we save ourselves and forget the slobs exist. They have made their “choice”. Ha!

playertwo on September 20, 2006 at 4:09 pm

by the way, elle is fat.

playertwo on September 20, 2006 at 4:10 pm

Maybe they name drop Chumpsky to sound “smart”. I doubt Elle could get through one of his books. Maybe we should advise her that if she wants to read a real book on totalitarianism, maybe she should read Hannah Arendt. I’m sure that’s way above Elle’s head though. She should lay off the drugs.
I’ve read a few excerpts of Chomsky and only the most devout Stalinist could believe that crap. I felt dumber after reading just a few parts. Don’t worry, I didn’t buy any of his books, there was an example of his outrageous claims from a Frontpage Magazine article.

Minnie Mouse on September 20, 2006 at 7:23 pm

I read a book called “Models” by a Fashion Photographer who described Models as “Silly Cows”. I don’t believe they have low IQs, just undeveloped intellects. It goes for the men, too, I have spoken to a few that put the “D” in dumb. Unless you can sleep with one eye open, I wouldn’t say anything these girls could hear, they are some of the meanest creatures alive. I should know my mom was one when she was single.

code7 on September 20, 2006 at 8:23 pm

I dropped my membership in the Quality Paperback Book Club when they started pushing Chomsky’s book. He won’t get a dime from me. Anyone who supports him won’t either.

MarkD on September 20, 2006 at 10:19 pm

Just think of Hugo Chavez in a thong reading Chomsky.

Jack Bauer on September 21, 2006 at 5:46 am

To Mark D. I agree with u re this book club. They always feature books by left wingers such as Zinn Al Frankin etc.

Tim on September 21, 2006 at 5:21 pm

What Do Venezuelan Loon Hugo Chavez & Supermodel Elle MacPherson Have in Common?
They’re all idiots? But I would bang Elle

KOAJaps on September 21, 2006 at 6:14 pm

how very strange, coming across this website, where people seem to be criticizing chomsky, macpherson and chavez simply as they disagree with current american policy. whats wrong with that? is it unpatriotic to have political views that don’t coincide with those of the ruling party? ridiculous. Are German citizens who protested against nazism ‘unpatiotic’. maybe at the time they were thought of as such, but they merely had the best interests of their country at heart. as does chomsky, although there are some who argue that he does so for selfish reasons. as for elle, by referring to her as an ‘airhead’ you simply perpetuate the jingoistic rhetoric that chomsky himself points out is used to crush dissident opinion and free speech.Who cares if she is name dropping? dont tell me you havent ever tried to give a good account of yourself when asked about your literary/musical/political tastes. Chavez- he is simply protecting what belongs to the venezualan people-oil, and not american oil companies- no-doubt all the people who have commented on this site agree with guiliani’s chest beating prose about the ‘threat’ these developments are to american interests. well obviously they are a threat, but the u.s has no right to be angry about it. Next time you post a comment please try and be constructive and actually try and convince me these people are ‘airheads’ etc, and dont just state they are simply because they criticize the current administration. and yes, actually chomsky is a ‘linguist’, in fact he is possibly the most respected one of the last 50 years

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