September 19, 2006, - 11:00 am

“Religion of Peace”: 1 of Sickest Honor Killing to Date

And they are attacking the Pope?! More evidence that he was right:
Today’s Daily Mail details one of the sickest honor killings we’ve seen to date–the deliberate burning to death of a six-year-old girl to get back at her 12-year-old brother over a relationship he had.

A six-year-old girl was killed in an arson attack on her family home by men who disapproved of a relationship her older brother was having with a teenager, a court heard today.
Alisha Begum, the youngest of 12 children in her Bangladeshi family, became the innocent victim of an attempt to warn her sibling off seeing the 15-year-old when a blaze swept through her Birmingham home earlier this year, prosecutors said.
Two men went on trial today at Birmingham Crown Court accused of her murder and the attempted murder of nine of her relatives who escaped from the property in Bayswater Road, Aston, during the fire.
Hussain Ahmed, a 26-year-old dentist, and Daryll Tuzzio, 18, both from Birmingham, deny all the charges, including an additional count of arson with intent to endanger life.
Opening the case, Adrian Redgrave, prosecuting, said: “One hears of so-called honour killings though one may wonder how by any stretch of the imagination there can be any honour in what happened here, resulting in the death of a six-year-old child.”
The jury heard that Alisha’s brother Abdul Hamid, 21, started a relationship with Ahmed’s 15-year-old sister Meherun Khanum towards the end of last year.
Mr Redgrave said their relationship was discovered by her family, who disapproved. Twenty-four hours before the fatal fire, the prosecution said Mr Hamid received a threatening phone call from a man who warned him: “Don’t f*** with my sister or I’ll break your b******s.”
Shortly before midnight on March 10, Mr Redgrave said a masked figure burst through the front door of the family home and sprayed petrol in the hallway before lighting a match.
The blaze spread up the stairs and took hold so quickly that family members, some of whom had been asleep, were forced to jump out of an upstairs window, he said.
Alisha, who was in her bunk bed at the time, did not escape. She was discovered by firefighters who searched the property and died at Birmingham Children’s Hospital the following day. Mr Redgrave described the attack as “an act of pure wickedness”.
He said: “The reason for the setting fire to this house containing that family was clearly, we submit, to get at Abdul Hamid because he had formed this unauthorised relationship with the sister of the first accused (Ahmed).”

Why aren’t there riots about this? Why are there constant honor killings performed by jihadists that prove the Pope right? And where are CAIR and women’s rights groups?
Predictably silent.

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7 Responses

Once again, you are right on target.
I think we need to start marching on our state capitals, city halls, and most of all local MOSQUES — demanding an apology for all the hate from islam, and demanding more domestic action from our impotent elected representatives.
I doubt the lefty MSM would even cover it, unless there was violence.
As a matter of fact, there was a hanging in effigy of UBL in front of the radical Saudi King Fahd Mosque on Sept 10 by members of the United American Committee. I don’t recall seeing anything in the MSM about it AT ALL.
Even if they did cover it, I’m sure their angle would follow the CAIR ‘woe is the Islamic American since 9/11’ line.

Al Jay Z on September 19, 2006 at 11:58 am

I don’t know, Debbie. But there should be mass demonstrations against Koranimals. I wish the American people would get organized and start standing out in front of mosques on Fridays with some truthful signs of our own. Oh, and some pictures would be good too, like the kind on Religion of Peace website where the Iranian woman accused of adultery (that means she was brutally raped) is buried up to her neck and then pelted with stones while her children watch and cheer. I’m sure there would be no shortage of pictures to depict Islam in action.
In my adulthood, I had given up the belief in Satan, but now Islam has forced me to reconsider — I have to admit that Satan is alive and well, and Islam is his spawn.

AmericanJewess on September 19, 2006 at 12:35 pm

    You know your right, Satan does exist but the spawn is not Islam, its narrow minded individuals like you!
    Islam is a religion of peace…there is a difference between culture and religion you un-educated people!

    Go back to school, enlarge the puny brains you have and then decide to comment!
    Dont blame the religion for actions of disgusting criminals…its not like the western world was raised by the Virgin mary….now is it?! 🙂

    Urdad on March 6, 2014 at 10:46 am

But, right after the Muslim attacks on America on 9/11/01, didnít President George W. Bush tell us that Islam is a religion of peace?
He also said that ìÖIslam gave birth to a rich civilization of learning that has benefited mankind.î
And “We see in Islam a religion that traces its origins back to God’s call on Abraham. We share your belief in God’s justice, and your insistence on man’s moral responsibility.”
And when he held a roundtable on September 10, 2002 with Arab and Muslim-American Leaders at the Afghan Embassy, in Washington, he said; “All Americans must recognize that the face of terror is not the true faith — face of Islam. Islam is a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. It’s a faith that has made brothers and sisters of every race. It’s a faith based upon love, not hate.”
The problem of Islamic violence is a systemic one. The prevalence and frequency of these ìhonorî killings speak for themselves. And President Bushís past statements demonstrate that he either doesnít understand the true problem or like other world leaders, he is paralyzed with fear of appearing intolerant. My point is that all non-Muslims in the U.K., the U.S., Australia, Canada, Europe, and Africa, should be prepared to defend themselves, our safety and wellbeing are our own responsibility because our leaders are hesitant to do anything.

Rocky on September 19, 2006 at 1:21 pm

Enoch Powell was right in the 1960’s, when he warned about the effects of Turd World immigration in the U.K. He was called a racist by the scummy Left, when in fact he was a wise man and a visionary. Leftists hate people with qualities they don’t have. Qualities such as wisdom, foresight and the ability to perceive and evaluate objective reality.

FreethinkerNY on September 19, 2006 at 2:54 pm

You Are Awesome….Well Said 🙂

Urdad on March 6, 2014 at 10:49 am

@FreethinkerNY Go kill yourself…..and its *third* FYI

Urdad on March 6, 2014 at 10:52 am

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