July 1, 2010, - 5:46 am

Please Help DebbieSchlussel.com Continue & Show Your Support

By Debbie Schlussel

DebbieSchlussel.com has now been in existence for five years.  In those five years, you’ve read my thousands of entries, posts, exclusive columns, and breaking stories you won’t read anywhere else–whether it’s stories about Islamic intolerance and encroachment on America and the rest of the West, Israel’s part in that fight and its struggle to survive, or our side in the culture war as we try to preserve our country and Western society from within.  We’ve tried to keep costs down and only once asked for your support over those five years and literally thousands of hours of exclusive investigative reporting work and dedication of heart, soul, and mind.  Although we operate on a spartan existence and budget compared to most sites of this magnitude, we need your help to continue, to update, and to expand and improve. That includes donating by clicking on the yellow “Donate” button on the right-hand side of my site and/or purchasing a regular subscription.  We’d really appreciate your help.  You can also help this site by contacting my advertising team to promote your business with an ad on this site.


Over the next few months, we’ll be expanding, offering new and exciting (and mostly free) opportunities to read and hear my exclusive commentary and analysis, including a live online show.  And you’ll be reading more new and original items, including exclusive breaking stories, scoops, and my original movie reviews which tell you what’s really in the movies so you save your money and time and protect your kids.  Later today, I’ll be sharing another new exclusive on Iranian immigration defrauders who, sadly,  have been granted and are about to be granted U.S. citizenship over the protests of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents.  And we have many such items on deck in the coming days, weeks, and months that you won’t read or see anywhere else. But we need your help to continue to present this information and do this important work.

My site is also growing more and more each day, as I continue to bring you breaking stories and original content that you can’t find anywhere else (unless others steal it, which is so often the case, unfortunately). But you read it here first, whether it was my exclusive scoop, back in early March, on Barack Obama’s new ICE official and pro-illegal alien troublemaker Harold Hurtt, a story later regurgitated last week by the also-rans in the mainstream liberal and conservative media AFTER Obama gave him the job.  Or whether it was my work on Miss Hezbollah USA, an MTV personality’s anti-Israel propaganda, my exposure of Barack Obama’s fraudulent Selective Service Registration, and a new and important story I’ll be posting later today you won’t otherwise know about.  Eventually, some of the mainstream media–including even the liberal New York Times–cites my work and this site, but you help get it out there by supporting this site.  And there’s also my pro bono legal work on behalf of good Americans against Muslims who’ve perpetrated litigation jihads against them and fighting–and beating– false criminal charges and frame-up jobs cleverly committed by them.  And there’s so much more of that to come, G-d-willing and with your help.

If there are other ways you can help, please drop me a line. I welcome and encourage your donations to keep this site and its continuing growth and expansion going. Again, please use the yellow donate PayPal button to the right.

Even when new stuff isn’t immediately posted, it’s because we are working on some new and exciting things behind the scenes to help fight the encroachment of Islam on America. Those things involve a lot of time and money, which we have expended and which we’ll be telling you about in the coming days and weeks. Things that deserve and need your support and donations to expand and succeed.

Thank you for your continued readership and for supporting my work!

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8 Responses

I will send you some green back in the near future. Debbie, any thoughts or endorsements on the guv race for the primary?

sharon on July 1, 2010 at 10:39 am

Donation made. Wish it could be more but … 🙁

Moi on July 1, 2010 at 10:59 am

You have perfect timing. I donate several hundred dollars every month to certain causes, and I have a few extra dollars. I was looking for someone. So, donation made!

As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 1, 2010 at 12:16 pm

I assume you don’t, but I want to make sure:
Do you, or will you, sell/distribute the donor information to any political or other organization/cause/group? If I donate, I don’t want to end up on some RNC (or other) mailing list.

D: We never share our info with anyone. Period. DS

David on July 1, 2010 at 2:01 pm

Donation made. Always happy to donate to a good cause, and you are the best cause I can think of. I know its not kosher to ask for money, but once a month you should put up a friendly reminder so people like me won’t forget. I always mean to send money your way but a reminder now and then is always good for business.
Keep up the great work and G*D BLESS.

PS. My uncle found out recently while going through customs in Australia that my ancestors on my mothers side are indeed Jewish. The customs agent asked him his Mothers maiden name (Quashnick)(sp) and with a BIG smile the agent replied “Bet you didn’t know you were Jewish did you?” Needless to say my uncle was pleasantly surprised and asked, “So does that mean I can move to Israel now?” So it appears, both sides of my family history through the women of course are Jewish. Kind of always knew that to be the case, since my relatives escaped Germany before and during the holocaust. Once they arrived here the spelling of last names changed since it still wasn’t safe to be Jewish even in the states at the time.

perception of truth on July 1, 2010 at 3:34 pm

I am happy to support your blog. You provide valuable information that is not provided by others, and when they do provide it, it is either plagiarized or not provided very promptly. The other thing I like about your site is that you are not an opportunist. You do not change your positions for personal gain; you say what you think is right and expose opportunism, even among so-called conservatives. Your knowledge of the Islamic threats to our civilization and to Israel is extremely impressive. Best wishes for your continued success and expansion. Your exposure of frauds like Malkin and Beck is impressive.

Little Al on July 1, 2010 at 5:46 pm

Idea! 😀 Let’s set up a front to solicit contributions from muzzies, presumably to “take DS off the net”. Drachmas will soon flood your coffers and you’ll derive wicked satisfaction from knowing that your endeavors are being financed by the enemies of civilization.

Graty Slapchop on July 1, 2010 at 6:00 pm

Maybe you could edit the blog subject Please Help DebbieSchlussel.com Continue & Show Your Support | Debbie Schlussel to more catching for your webpage you create. I loved the post even sononetheless.

Quick Facts on October 30, 2010 at 7:41 am

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