June 22, 2010, - 12:37 pm

Listen to My Interview on Israel, the Loosened Blockade, Iran & Obama

By Debbie Schlussel

Every day, I do radio interviews around the country and around the world.  Most of them are on terrestrial radio, as I rarely do interviews with online shows.  But, occasionally, I make an exception.  Last night, I did an interview with Jacob K, host of The Bibi Report, on which we discussed Israel, Iran, Islamic terrorism, the Middle East, Barack Obama, and U.S. foreign policy.  In his 20s, the guy knows his stuff, far more so than most of the people on terrestrial radio.  The audio is below.  Jacob is an Orthodox Jew, but the station on which his show appears is “Rapture Ready Radio.”  I do not know why.  For the record, I believe very strongly in my religion, do not believe in “rapture,” and do not endorse that idea.  I do, however, respect the religious observance of Christians.  My interview begins at about 35 minutes in.

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6 Responses

Very interesting interview. I hate to say it but you’re probably right that Obama won’t do anything to stop Iran from making nukes. If he did, it’d only be because he managed to force Israel to accept an imposed 2-state solution.

A friend just got back from Israel and he says that the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria are working towards naturally having their own independent state in cooperation with Israel within 2 years. IOW, if left alone, Israel and those Palestinians will come up with a natural governmental division with some shared economic interests. An imposed solution would likely be bad for both sides.

The weird thing is that there’s such a big naval buildup going on right now in the Persian Gulf and there’s such a big threat emerging from Lebanon, Gaza, and Syria due to the scud missiles with 1-ton warheads and 100 mile range. Israel’s most populated areas will soon be at risk and that seems unacceptable. Maybe nothing will be done about Iran but something sure needs to be done about these other threats. Then, Iran needs to be dealt with.

Something else that came up in the interview was the attitude among liberal US Jews towards Israel. That seems to be changing, as recent polls suggest, as a result of Obama’s attitude towards Israel. People are waking up. Next time, Obama won’t get nearly the Jewish support he did in 2008. If I’m any example, you don’t have to be religious to get a clue.

Ron on June 22, 2010 at 6:54 pm

Excellent interview, Debbie. I agree with your prediction that the Obama administration won’t be letting up on going after Israel. (that is, no matter what Israel does, it’ll never be enough.)

And, with that in mind, that Tony Blair is on tv news, strutting and preening and congratulating himself — so pleased with himself and his so-called “humanitarianism” (while demonizing Israel)– whenever I think of perfidious Albion, I think Tony Blair (ditto for that other Tony — Tony Hayward — two peas in a pod — liars, and deceivers.) I can just imagine Tony Blair on a yacht somewhere smiling and grinning when HAMAS starts up its genocidal murder campaign against Israel.

J.S. on June 22, 2010 at 9:36 pm

Re: J.S. at 9:36 pm:

“Excellent interview, Debbie. I agree with your prediction that the Obama administration won’t be letting up on going after Israel. (that is, no matter what Israel does, it’ll never be enough.)”


I want to put one thing slightly differently from what Debbie said in her interview.

The world’s two rules in regard to Arab/Muslim’s war against Israel:

#1 It’s always Israel’s fault.

#2 If Israel is not at fault, then see rule #1.

Rule #2 is the one that’s usually applied.

JeffE on June 22, 2010 at 11:07 pm

Cheer up. Israel might have lost Turkey as an ally, but at least it still has Elton John.

Daniel H on June 23, 2010 at 2:21 am

You you should make changes to the webpage subject title Listen to My Interview on Israel, the Loosened Blockade, Iran & Obama | Debbie Schlussel to more generic for your webpage you create. I liked the post still.

Schedule on October 30, 2010 at 1:47 am

Debbie, noting Obama’s stalling on helping Libyan rebels I think the likelihood of his administration ever siding with Israel against Iran is zero.

Russel on March 18, 2011 at 1:32 am

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