August 30, 2006, - 1:47 pm
Confucius’ Weird “Sports” Enigma
Weird “Sports'” finale begins tonight: It’s the WNBA Finals.
Confucius say:
What is the sound of one hand clapping? If a tree fell in a forest and nobody was there to hear it, did it make a noise?
Check out what we said about at the start of the “season.”
Tags: America, Debbie Schlussel Weird
i would rather watch the the test pattern on cable channel 456 at 3 am than watch chuga women play basketball. i was once forced to go to a connecticut sun game and felt like they were out to get me, i think it was at a convention of the she women men hating club.oh by the way after watching the game the connecticut sun gave a 100 dollars in casino chip won 600 dollars, free dinner at the eating gallery and a nice harley leather jacket and watch women makeout and grab themselves in front of my wife ,i been told by her that i will not be allowed back because she thinks a got a rise out of it oh well
PNAMARBLE on August 30, 2006 at 7:45 pm