August 30, 2006, - 11:31 am

Lipstick on Cancer: Extremist Muslim Group Picks Woman “Leader”

All of the mainstream press is abuzz with praise over the extremist Islamic Society of North America’s (ISNA) choice of a woman to lead the group. But the choice of Ingrid Mattson–a female Canadian convert to Islam–as the first woman president of the pro-terrorism group is merely cosmetic.
We’d call the choice of Mattson, “lipstick on a pig.” But since Muslims don’t like being compared to pigs–they just like comparing Jews and Christians to them–out of respect and in the interest of accuracy, we’ll call Mattson’s appointment what it really is: lipstick on cancer.
The fact is that the Saudi-funded ISNA–which has taken over most of America’s mosques and Islamic private schools through it’s affiliate, Saudi-funded North American Islamic Trust–is an apologist for the most extreme, repressive treatment of women in Islam. Under ISNA’s growing influence on and “leadership” of Muslims in America, more and more women are under attack.

The New Feminism?: Ingrid Mattson is New Chief Apologist-ette for Islam

ISNA refuses to condemn these Islamic behaviors that take place against women in the Muslim world, every single day:
* female genital mutilation
* sex-selection abortions of female fetuses
* honor killings of women
* forced honor suicides
* rape of women not a criminal act; women honor-killed for being raped
* women not allowed to get divorced
* women not allowed to own property
* polygamy for Muslim husbands
* temporary Muslim sex marriages, where the woman has no rights to alimony or support
* women not allowed to vote
* women not allowed to drive
* women not considered human; just property
* women not allowed to own property
* women not allowed to leave Islam;
* forced arranged marriages;
* women forced to wear hijabs and face-covering niqabs and burqas;
* women recruited as homicide bombers;
etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam.
ISNA’s new president Ingrid Mattson–as is ISNA’s policy–won’t condemn these practices against women. So her position as ISNA’s president is meaningless. It’s merely cosmetics applied on top of a growing extremist cancer.
Welcome to the new Islamic “feminism.”
Then, there is ISNA, itself. When American convert to Islam Azzam Al-Amriki a/k/a Adam Gadahn surfaced over 2 years ago in FBI wanted lists, I wrote about ISNA , who left his leadership position only recently. Here’s an excerpt:

In 1995, Siddiqi praised jihad and martyrdom in the Kansas City Star. “Those who die on the part of justice are alive, and their place is with [Allah], and they receive the highest position, because this is the highest honor.”
Siddiqi wants the United States to become a Muslim country through “gradual change,” and that shariah (Islamic law) should become our law. “Allah’s rules have to be established in all lands, and all our efforts should lead to that direction,” he wrote in 1996.
He opposes Muslims serving in the U.S. military or defending the U.S. “Islam will not allow a Muslim to be drafted by non-Muslims to defend concepts, ideologies, and values other than those of Islam . . . . A Muslim shall defend non-Muslim lands not,” Siddiqi said in an article entitled, “Basic Principles of Involvement in War in Islam,” in 1991.
“America has to learn,” Siddiqi said at an October 2000 protest outside the White House. “If you remain on the side of injustice, the wrath of God will come. Please! Please all American, do you remember that, that Allah is watching everyone . . . . If you continue doing injustice, and tolerating injustice, the wrath of God will come.”
In 1989, the L.A. Times asked whether he agrees with the death sentence fatwa issued by Iran against author Salman Rushdie. Instead of saying no, he said that it would have to be determined by Islamic law.
Siddiqi is one of the most prominent Muslim leaders in America. Until late 2001, he headed the Saudi-funded Islamic Society of North America. . . .
ISNA is at the forefront of promoting extremist Wahhabi Islam and often uses extremists to take over and seize control of relatively moderate mosques. Sometimes that involves violence, such as a May 1987 scuffle at a Tampa mosque by the family of the now indicted, alleged Islamic Jihad frontman, Sami Al-Arian. In a letter, Al-Arian refers to an official at an ISNA conference agreeing to donate $20,000 to his terror efforts.
While Siddiqi headed the ISNA, the group aided Hamas Political Director Musa Abu Marzook, by giving his legal defense fund a platform at its conferences around the U.S. In an open letter published in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Marzook thanked ISNA while he was in prison awaiting extradition. Marzook was unsuccessfully fighting deportation. Now in Syria, the United States has indicted him.

This is the organization that new woman President Ingrid Mattson takes over. While the human plumbing of its leader may have changed, its extremism is increasing exponentially.

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15 Responses

Yeah, I read this story yesterday. The article states that she won’t be doing anything of any substance. This is only window dressing. It’s a Muzlum propaganda ploy to show Americans that Islam treats its women well, which is a lie. (Notice that they also picked an American convert and not some foreign born Muzlum.) She won’t be leading prayers at the mosque (women are forbidden to do so under Islam). She won’t be joining men in prayer at the mosque (women are forbidden to do so under Islam). The only thing she MAY do is leading prayers for women in a public setting – something she herself said she will rarely do.
So, this is yet another sneaky attempt by Muzlums to deceive the infidel. No matter what scheme they try to pull, remember that you can’t polish a turd.

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 12:15 pm

Hooray! The Dhimmitude Fairy has finally arrived! Hooray!! Ingrid Mattson will make a fine choice to keep softening up the image of The Religion of Murder for all the apathetically ambivolent twits in the United States. I hope that everytime she’s interviewed by a respected news sources they always ask for her opinion on women as 2nd class, indentured slaves under islam.

Yiddish Steel on August 30, 2006 at 12:17 pm

Reminds me of British Al-Jazeera journalist and “Respect” Party activist (Think: George Galloway. Read: accomodation and obedience), the convert Yvonne Ridley.

Jeremiah on August 30, 2006 at 1:08 pm

It’s obvious she has done nothing or will attempt to do nothing, she’s wearing a hijab.

freewoman on August 30, 2006 at 1:37 pm

ISNA is still a terrorist organization no matter how much lipstick you put on it. Siraj Wahaj is still on the board of directors and Muzzamil Siddiqui is still in charge of the Islamic Society of Orange County where Adam Gadhan came from. Not to mention, ISNA is a part of the Tablighi Jamaat, the very radical Paksitani version of the Muslim Brotherhood. TJ has had a footprint in every major terrorist attack since and including 9/11. They try to remain anonymous by not publishing anything or giving any interviews as a representative of TJ but they are well established in the US and around the world. Do a google search and you’ll see what I mean.
John Walker Lindh
Richard Reid
Jose Padilla
Portland 7
Lackawana Six
Madrid Bombings
the recent train bombings in India
the recent plot to blow up the planes out of Heathrow
These are just a few.

Minnie Mouse on August 30, 2006 at 4:55 pm

Oh, I forgot the recent arrests in Canada too.

Minnie Mouse on August 30, 2006 at 4:55 pm

As Minnie Mouse points out: The enemy is living AMONGST us!
And not a PEEP from all those “moderate Muzlumz”.
Silence = Agreement

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 5:37 pm

The Drive By Media won’t praise Debbie Schlussel… She’s an infidel and an Islamophobic conservative. On the other hand, Ingrid Mattson, is a daring Muslim progressive, who has trailblazed a new frontier for women. It isn’t bias. One is a human interest story and the other shouldn’t be seen or heard from… unless she agrees Katrina was a human rights atrocity.

NormanF on August 30, 2006 at 11:15 pm

This IS progress for woman!
You can see her face.
No problem with spaggetti for her -ALLLLLLLLLAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH_ and BooRaa!

Grateful1 on August 31, 2006 at 9:15 am

Waaa female genital mutilation,
Waaa,sex-selection abortions of female fetuses
Waaa, honor killings of women
Waaa, forced honor suicides
Waaa, rape of women not a criminal act; women honor-killed for being raped
Waaa, women not allowed to get divorced
Waaa, women not allowed to own property
Waaa, polygamy for Muslim husbands
Waaa, temporary Muslim sex marriages, where the Waaa, woman has no rights to alimony or support
Waaa, women not allowed to vote
Waaa, women not allowed to drive
Waaa, women not considered human; just property
Waaa, women not allowed to own property
Waaa, women not allowed to leave Islam;
Waaa, forced arranged marriages;
Waaa, women forced to wear hijabs and face-covering niqabs and burqas;
Waaa, women recruited as homicide bombers;
Waaa female genital mutilation,
Waaa,sex-selection abortions of female fetuses
Waaa, honor killings of women
Waaa, forced honor suicides
Waaa, rape of women not a criminal act; women honor-killed for being raped
Waaa, women not allowed to get divorced
Waaa, women not allowed to own property
Waaa, polygamy for Muslim husbands
Waaa, temporary Muslim sex marriages, where the Waaa, woman has no rights to alimony or support
Waaa, women not allowed to vote
Waaa, women not allowed to drive
Waaa, women not considered human; just property
Waaa, women not allowed to own property
Waaa, women not allowed to leave Islam;
Waaa, forced arranged marriages;
Waaa, women forced to wear hijabs and face-covering niqabs and burqas;
Waaa, women recruited as homicide bombers;
Hey bitch, stay home and do your womanly duty, clean the house, bang your old man, lose weight, look hot, shut up, cover your face, shave your pits and poon you fucking PIG! and you don’t have to worry about all these problems. Great job Deb!

KOAJaps on August 31, 2006 at 7:21 pm

It is particularly revolting to me to see a Western woman forsake her own people, the people who gave her life to begin with, the people she shares her very blood with and whose ancestry with them goes back thousands of years can give herself over to the Muslim people. To become one with them against her own people.
Also, nobody likes to talk about this but believe it or not all Muslim women DO NOT see themselves as victims. Many if not most of them perfectly agree with the tenets of the Muslim religion. They seem like victims to us because we are Westerners and we don’t treat our women that way.
The Judaeo/Christian and Western religious and cultural traditions hold women in a higher regard than the Muslim/Arab culture and religions do.
Our women (and I say “our women” meaning ‘as-a-part-of’ not meaning as owned) are not to be considered complete equals with men (the Bible refers to them as being the weaker vessel etc. etc.) but they are NOT to be treated like cattle to be owned either. The truth is that the Western woman is the best treated woman on earth even though the RadFems like to pretend otherwise.
If Muslim women wish to be treated as their religion and traditions teaches that should be their business not ours. If anything, the Muslim women I have talked to think Western women have gone completely out of control sexually and otherwise. Sometimes, I do agree that they have a point on that!

Phoenix on September 1, 2006 at 12:15 am

On a related note, while I damn sure don’t believe in honor killings, just a little bit of god damned honor from Western women would be nice.

Phoenix on September 1, 2006 at 6:06 am

Correction: just a little bit of god damned honor from SOME Western women would be nice. There are still some who act and enjoy being treated as decent ladies. Thank G-d! But it’s no wonder why some Muslims think most of them are just somthing to be humped. What with the shit Hollyweird puts out!
Sorry for the language but KOAJaps brings that out in me sometimes.

Phoenix on September 1, 2006 at 6:14 am

And the type of slutty Western women I’m talking about here are the wenches like Madonna and porn stars etc. Many Muslims may not know it or believe it nowadays but the chastity and sexual purity of the Western woman until marriage etc. have been very long held traditional/religious beliefs of Westerners.
There was a time in this country when every young lady knew the meaning of the white wedding dress. It was a symbol of her sexual purity. She was a virgin.
Unfortunately, today it seems the white wedding dress is now a black leather Teddy. Maybe I’m just a romantic or just hold women in too high a regard. I do know though I would hate to see my daughter, if I still had one, treated like a piece of meat to be used and abused. Or for her to act like a “come do me” Madonna!

Phoenix on September 1, 2006 at 8:53 am

Hey : I have to agree to the truth of most of what Debbie says. But please make the distinction between misguided cowardly so-called moslem men and the teachings of Islam. Presetn-day Moslem men should not be witness on Islam as a religion. Two distictly different issues. Also Islam is not practiced in Moslem nations.
stay well

Mohamed_Fawzi on September 6, 2006 at 4:41 am

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