August 30, 2006, - 8:22 am

Islamic Terrorism By Auto: 3rd Incident in a Year; “Living While Infidel”

When I first read about a San Francisco motorist who deliberately drove into lots of people and murdered at least one, critically injuring many others and ending in front of the Jewish Community Center (JCC), I wondered what the man’s name was. Was it a Muslim name?
Yes, it was: Omeed Aziz Popal, an Afghani Muslim. The BS reason given by his relatives for his attempt at mass murder of non-Muslims: He was upset over the start of his stressful arranged Islamic marriage. “Religion of Peace” displaying yet more “Peace.” Hate of American Infidel victims had nothing to do with it, right? That’s why he drove far from his home in Fremont to the San Francisco JCC.
And, uh, wouldn’t the stress be on the Afghani bride shipped here to become his instant sex- and house-slave?
It’s not surprising that he turned out to be a Muslim, because Popal’s method isn’t new, in terms of Islamic terrorism in America.
In fact, it’s the third such incident of Islamic Terror by Auto in the last year. You’ve heard of “Driving While Black,” and the alleged “Flying While Arab”? Welcome to Living/Walking While Infidel (or trying to live, anyway).

Islamic Auto Terrorist Omeed Aziz Popal

In March, , an Iranian Muslim–inspired by Allah and hatred for America–purposely drove his Jeep into students at the University of North Carolina.
And in December, , a Palestinian Jordanian Muslim, drove his car into a Home Depot in Arizona, for the purpose of mass destruction of the store and those in it. He wanted to set the place ablaze. He, too, inspired by his anger toward America and his Koran in his trunk.
And then, there are the other incidents of Dr. Wameeth Fadhli, a Muslim medical doctor in Texas, who did a drive-by, “random” shooting of a bicyclist (tip from Sue Bob’s Diary). A Muslim in Baltimore, Mujtaba Rabbani Jabbar, shooting and murdering a Jewish guy at a movie theater. A Pakistani Muslim, Naveed Haq, in Seattle shooting women at the Jewish Federation, murdering one.
But these are all lone, random guys. And all of them just happen to be “mentally unstable” Muslims who deliberately target non-Muslims. Right, ? The latest one ended, by “coincidence,” at the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco, where he mowed over two people–7 are now critically injured, one dead. But it and the Seattle incident and the Baltimore incident (and the before that) have nothing to do with Islamic anti-Semitism.
Right, ? Just asking.
**** UPDATE: KTVU-San Francisco video reports that Omeed Aziz Popal declared himself “a terrorist.” But police say he isn’t. Whatever. Thanks to reader Jeff for the tip.
**** UPDATE #2: Reader Kenneth H. writes:

I know my way around SF very well. The SF
Bay Area news channels and politicians are
being intentionally vague about where/why
the Driver attacked.
A few stations reported that he struck in “Laurel
Heights”. What they are *not* reporting was
why he chose that location. He drove along
the front sidewalk of a new, prominent JCC.
One station rolled video of the crime scene.
The camera showed bicycle wreckage with
a brick wall in the background. The wall was
cut off at the top of the frame – slightly higher
than the mangled handle bars. Actually, the
wall rises two stories. It’s the front of the JCC!
A few stations reported that he also struck
at “California & Fillmore”, a yuppie area.
Unfortunately, none are reporting the precise
spot where he jumped the curb. Two doors before
that intersection, on the same side of Street
the criminal was driving on, is the front of a
rather large, ornate Refom Synagogue (Cong
Sheerith Israel).
The Mayor of SF is saying that the path of
destruction was “random. The reporters are
telling me that the Driver was mentally unstable
(they used the same spin to excuse the Muslim
fellow who shot up the Seattle JCC a fews ago).
I am so sick of obfuscation.
Back in the old country the criminals are not called
deranged. They are called martyrs.

AMEN to that last statement.
**** UPDATE #3: Reader Kenneth H. writes again to correct some of the above:

in a previous e-mail i wrote that Cong Sheerith Israel was
only 2 doors away from the intersection of California & Fillmore.
actually, the Synagogue is a BLOCK from the intersection.
according to yahoo! maps, the block distance is 0.10 miles.
i *believe* that the Synagogue is currently closed due to
seismic concerns. next door to the sanctuary (on California St.)
is the Cong’s social-hall/classroom building. i do not know if
that building was “Open for Biz” yesterday.

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109 Responses

“I still think there is something sinister just because I follow this type of stuff for work. I see these scenarios all the time. The truth will come out eventually on why they were buying the phones.”
Well, if it does, I’d love to hear it. As for now, I’ll play it the American way and assume innocence until proven guilty.

Avalon on August 30, 2006 at 10:38 pm

“$30,000 start up cost is alot of dough for 20 year-olds.”
Minnie, you suggested the $30,000 figure. I suspect it could be less. $15,000 start up for a $20,000 return might be more in the ballpark.

Avalon on August 30, 2006 at 10:41 pm

Good god bruno, PLEASE tell me how we ALL THREE posted at the same time!!!!!
That would mean, i’d have to be in three different locations AT THE SAME TIME!!

Descent on August 30, 2006 at 10:41 pm

Durka Durka Mohammad.
I’ve run a few websites. I know what the story is. I also know that there is no way in hell that “ALL” of you just “happen” to be posting here ALL at the same time trying to pretend that you’re not guilty of the fraud that I know you’re guilty of.

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 10:44 pm

I personally wouldn’t say they are completely innocent but I won’t build the gallows just yet. I too wait for all of the evidence before I make a final judgement. Just like Haditha but the media had the Marines tried and convicted before there was even an investigation.

Minnie Mouse on August 30, 2006 at 10:45 pm

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUSTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 10:45 pm

Minnie, save your breath……you’re talikng to a WALL.

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 10:46 pm

Hot damn, you’re an idiot Bruno. How do you “know that there is no way in hell that “ALL” of you just “happen” to be posting here ALL at the same time”?

DudeSteak on August 30, 2006 at 10:46 pm

GASP! Minnie and Bruno must be the same person! There’s no possible way that these two people could be posting on a website at the same time!

DudeSteak on August 30, 2006 at 10:47 pm

I could have three different computers with an ISP from AOL, Microsoft, and whatever else, operating at the same time. AND, each computer will have a different IP Address because IP Addresses are randomly assigned by the ISP. Therefore, anyone trying to hone in on your identity, would come up with egg on their face because each computer has its own IDENTITY with THEIR RESPECTIVE ISP.
However, the probabilty that each “ONE” of you would post at the same time, with the same agenda is HIGHLY IMPROBABLE!
NOT ONLY THAT…you EACH are trying to explain away your innocence!

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 10:50 pm

Who would go to such trouble just to spoof comments on a website? I think you should consider seeking professional help, Bruno. You aren’t right in the head.

DudeSteak on August 30, 2006 at 10:53 pm

I would hope Bruno would not pick his alter ego as Minnie Mouse, especially after the earlier post on girlie men.
Bruno, I know I probably won’t change any liberal’s minds but I try to always be polite until I have a reason to bring out the big guns!

Minnie Mouse on August 30, 2006 at 10:53 pm

Bruno, running websites doesn’t mean anything. You have no idea what any story is. In fact, you’re kind of an idiot.
You never answered this: if posting on the site around the same time means we’re the same person, how does that not make me you and miniemouse?
Again, there is no way(that I know of) of spoofing typekey’s time server. You, me, minniemouse, dudesteak, and avalon happen to be posting at the same time..why is that so hard for you to believe?
If you’d like to continue to accuse me, I’d like to you to do it by messaging me on yahoo @ thisischristopheronymsgr
I’ve already emailed Debbie and explained the situation to her..she’ll hopefully get back to you tomorrow with the IP addresses.

Descent on August 30, 2006 at 10:55 pm

Hey, Descent,
I already beat you to the punch and e-mailed Debbie a while ago.
You e-mailed her just a few minutes ago, but I beat you to it.
She’s on it!
Dropenzee-dead, fucker!

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 11:00 pm

Bruno, you’ve once again proved your complete ignorance..
I could have three different computers with an ISP from AOL, Microsoft, and whatever else, operating at the same time. AND, each computer will have a different IP Address because IP Addresses are randomly assigned by the ISP. Therefore, anyone trying to hone in on your identity, would come up with egg on their face because each computer has its own IDENTITY with THEIR RESPECTIVE ISP.
First of all, if you have cable or dsl internet YOUR IP DOES NOT CHANGE very often. It will maybe change a total of 3 times a month.
Second, to have 3 seperate IP’s, in the situation that you’ve described would consist of this:
If you think that I’m doing it using cable/dsl internet:
I’d litterally have to have 3 seperate cable/dsl modems hooked into the 3 seperate computers. That will probably cost me around 110 dollars a month JUST for internet. Then, I’d have to go to each computer, and type what I wanted to say. Then, I’d have to run and hit enter on each computer within the same minute.
If you think I did it with dial up:(this ones even less likely!!!)
For this to work, i’d have to have 3 seperate phone lines in my house!!!!!!! And then hook a computer with a modem up to each phone line, and dial out to each isp seperately!!!!!
Bruno, why would I spend soe much time and money trying to do that?

Descent on August 30, 2006 at 11:01 pm

Also, avalon doesn’t seem to be making ANY attempts to prove his innocense, like you claimed. And I emailed debbie at least 15 minutes ago.

Descent on August 30, 2006 at 11:02 pm

Descent said: “Bruno, why would I spend so much time and money trying to do that?”
Ooo! Ooo! I know! Is it because you’re a dirty liberal with an agenda?

DudeSteak on August 30, 2006 at 11:03 pm

Durka Durka Mohammad.
Dropenzee-dead, fucker!
BTW, how are your co-workers treating you lately, hmmmmm?
Feeling a little outcast, maybe?

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 11:03 pm

I still dont’ understand why you ask that bruno. If you attempted to contact my place of employment, then perhaps you should try again, because my “fellow employees” are acting just fine.

Descent on August 30, 2006 at 11:06 pm

Notice how they “ALL” stopped posting all of a sudden. That’s because I e-mailed Debbie while Descent was playing with himself.

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 11:07 pm

You know what guys? I think we should all just stop this juvenile fighting and get together for a common purpose — Making fun of John Travolta.
Check this story out:

DudeSteak on August 30, 2006 at 11:07 pm

Your fellow employess love you as much as they love the PLAGUE!
BTW, Where are the rest of your identities? How come they stopped posting?

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 11:08 pm

Actually bruno, as much as i’m sure you love thinking about me playing with myself. i responding to the email debbie sent me in response to my original one.

Descent on August 30, 2006 at 11:09 pm

August 30, 2006
Islamic Terrorism By Auto: 3rd Incident in a Year; “Living While Infidel”
Printer Friendly
By Debbie Schlussel
When I first read about a San Francisco motorist who deliberately drove into lots of people and murdered at least one, critically injuring many others and ending in front of the Jewish Community Center (JCC), I wondered what the man’s name was. Was it a Muslim name?
Yes, it was: Omeed Aziz Popal, an Afghani Muslim. The BS reason given by his relatives for his attempt at mass murder of non-Muslims: He was upset over the start of his stressful arranged Islamic marriage. “Religion of Peace” displaying yet more “Peace.” Hate of American Infidel victims had nothing to do with it, right? That’s why he drove far from his home in Fremont to the San Francisco JCC.
And, uh, wouldn’t the stress be on the Afghani bride shipped here to become his instant sex- and house-slave?
It’s not surprising that he turned out to be a Muslim, because Popal’s method isn’t new, in terms of Islamic terrorism in America.
In fact, it’s the third such incident of Islamic Terror by Auto in the last year. You’ve heard of “Driving While Black,” and the alleged “Flying While Arab”? Welcome to Living/Walking While Infidel (or trying to live, anyway).
Islamic Auto Terrorist Omeed Aziz Popal
In March, Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar, an Iranian Muslim–inspired by Allah and hatred for America–purposely drove his Jeep into students at the University of North Carolina.
And in December, Ali R. Warrayat, a Palestinian Jordanian Muslim, drove his car into a Home Depot in Arizona, for the purpose of mass destruction of the store and those in it. He wanted to set the place ablaze. He, too, inspired by his anger toward America and his Koran in his trunk.
And then, there are the other incidents of Dr. Wameeth Fadhli, a Muslim medical doctor in Texas, who did a drive-by, “random” shooting of a bicyclist (tip from Sue Bob’s Diary). A Muslim in Baltimore, Mujtaba Rabbani Jabbar, shooting and murdering a Jewish guy at a movie theater. A Pakistani Muslim, Naveed Haq, in Seattle shooting women at the Jewish Federation, murdering one.
But these are all lone, random guys. And all of them just happen to be “mentally unstable” Muslims who deliberately target non-Muslims. Right, Neil Cavuto? The latest one ended, by “coincidence,” at the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco, where he mowed over two people–7 are now critically injured, one dead. But it and the Seattle incident and the Baltimore incident (and the bombing of the Hebrew University of Baltimore before that) have nothing to do with Islamic anti-Semitism.
Right, Neil Cavuto? Just asking.
**** UPDATE: KTVU-San Francisco video reports that Omeed Aziz Popal declared himself “a terrorist.” But police say he isn’t. Whatever. Thanks to reader Jeff for the tip.
**** UPDATE #2: Reader Kenneth H. writes:
I know my way around SF very well. The SF Bay Area news channels and politicians are being intentionally vague about where/why the Driver attacked. A few stations reported that he struck in “Laurel Heights”. What they are *not* reporting was why he chose that location. He drove along the front sidewalk of a new, prominent JCC. One station rolled video of the crime scene. The camera showed bicycle wreckage with a brick wall in the background. The wall was cut off at the top of the frame – slightly higher than the mangled handle bars. Actually, the wall rises two stories. It’s the front of the JCC! A few stations reported that he also struck at “California & Fillmore”, a yuppie area. Unfortunately, none are reporting the precise spot where he jumped the curb. Two doors before that intersection, on the same side of Street the criminal was driving on, is the front of a rather large, ornate Refom Synagogue (Cong Sheerith Israel). The Mayor of SF is saying that the path of destruction was “random. The reporters are telling me that the Driver was mentally unstable (they used the same spin to excuse the Muslim fellow who shot up the Seattle JCC a fews ago). I am so sick of obfuscation. Back in the old country the criminals are not called deranged. They are called martyrs.
AMEN to that last statement.
**** UPDATE #3: Reader Kenneth H. writes again to correct some of the above:
in a previous e-mail i wrote that Cong Sheerith Israel was only 2 doors away from the intersection of California & Fillmore. actually, the Synagogue is a BLOCK from the intersection. according to yahoo! maps, the block distance is 0.10 miles. i *believe* that the Synagogue is currently closed due to seismic concerns. next door to the sanctuary (on California St.) is the Cong’s social-hall/classroom building. i do not know if that building was “Open for Biz” yesterday.
Posted by Debbie at August 30, 2006 08:22 AM
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Debbie, you raised a good point a while back when you said the enemy isnít at the gates, theyíre already inside. You are so right. While the Feds are supposedly concentrating on the threat coming from Al-Qaeda cells in America, they have their heads in the sand (or perhaps in their behind) regarding the true fifth column of Islam. This fifth column of course being the seemingly lone Muslim terrorists living among us. They go to work or school everyday, and wait for the opportune time to strike. I canít believe that they truly are lone wolves. They are part of a loose knit pack with a general strategy of attack. Too many Jewish and Christian Americans arenít connecting these attacks. We need to remember the story of boiling a frog, heat the water slowly enough and the frog will soon die in boiling hot water before it realizes whatís happening.
Posted by: Rocky at August 30, 2006 09:52 AM
Catchy phrase! Anyway, to expand on what Jihad Denial Syndrome means: 1) Ignoring the suspect’s religion 2) Ignoring the suspect’s targets 3) and ignoring the suspect’s ideology. Then there is a prospensity to classify it as unrelated and anomalous incident and to deny the terrorist nature of the suspect’s conduct. Add it all up and JDS, is about looking the other way and denying we’re at war and there are people want Jews and non-Muslim Americans dead, in our midst. We are unable to comprehend in truth all of the above are 1) Muslims 2) who murder infidels as a result of deliberate choice of target and 3) They are committed to Jihad, e.g the victory of Islam over the infidel and that is the ideology justifying their murderous actions. Further, it is part and parcel of a war and there is nothing random about at least three incidents (unless you believe in the Tooth Fairy) in the past year and they are terrorists. The sooner we face reality in America, the better off we will all be. Given the widespread persistence of JDS, the question is when will we begin doing so?
Posted by: NormanF at August 30, 2006 10:27 AM
Thanks for the link to my neglected blog.
I have become particularly afraid lately about the possibility of Mexico aiding our enemies and smuggling in more of these “lone whackos”. As a Texan, I have a deep interest in Texas history and have been reading the 1938 book, The Texas Rangers by Walter Prescott Webb. There is a chapter in there regarding the aid Mexico gave German infiltrators against the US during WWI.
Additionally, though we think that the recent “raids” across the river by what appears to be Mexican soldiers is new–it is actually a very old story in Texas history. Furthermore, the bandito raids of the 1800’s and early 1900’s (said banditos being protected by the Mexican government–and some of the Mexican-Americans on this side of the border) acutely remind me of Hezbollah incursions into Israel.
Al Queda combined with the adherents of Reconquista (a concept that has been alive and well since Texas broke from Mexico and since the US war with Mexico) is a scary prospect to me. Mexico has never been our friend and we should be wary and vigilent on the border. More is at stake than our Government and the MSM lets on.
I wonder if Bush has read his Texas history?
Posted by: Sue Bob at August 30, 2006 11:09 AM
Please note that the SF Chronicle avoided any inference that the maniac might have been a “muslim.”
However the Chronic article mentions an amazing FOURTEEN TIMES that the vehicle was an SUV.
That’ll be the Big Media’s full support of the War on SUVs. Good to know!
Posted by: Jack Bauer at August 30, 2006 11:27 AM
The LIBERAL media are still engaging in “Jihad denial” by not keeping the American people informed as to our REAL enemy. (Gee, what did Jilted Carroll say – “The only way to really address this, to understand better, is to be better informed citizens.” Well, the media is STILL keeping us purposely uninformed.)
These people do NOT come here to become Americans. As I’ve repeatedly said; Muzlums are Muzlumz first, second, and last. Their only allegiance is to Islam. We should throw these barbarians back to their Stone Age shitholes from whence they came.
BTW, that is ONE UGLY BASTARD! Just imagine the gene pool and the spawn he would’ve produced.
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 12:26 PM
Well, what a coincidence. Just another random event from a “depressed” American citizen. What this shows is that the MSM and President Bush and his close circle of advisors STILL DON’T GET IT!
Here’s one sanitized account of this latest incident from our INSANE media which makes the man seem just depressed:
Note to the MSM and President Bush:
Posted by: Phoenix at August 30, 2006 12:26 PM
“Hate of American Infidel victims had nothing to do with it, right?”
Once again, any evidence that it did? Anything at all besides hysterical speculation?
You mention three times in your piece that
the rampage ended at the Jewish Community Center — three times! The article clearly states “The SUV struck two people in front of the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco on California Street, a few blocks from where the rampage ended.”
It was a few blocks away!
You are precious, Debbie.
Posted by: Avalon at August 30, 2006 12:36 PM
(Sorry for the all caps, but I’ve had it with all of this!!)
Posted by: Phoenix at August 30, 2006 12:42 PM
Wow.. todays version of events in the Associated Press article (linked off of Drudge) has even replaced his middle name of “Aziz” to simply “A.”
Now why would they do that?
I also like the comment in the article “No weapons were found on the suspect”
I guess you can’t put a 4000 pound vehicle “on” yourself, but I’d still call it a weapon when you run over 14 people!
Posted by: 75273 at August 30, 2006 12:45 PM
One of Hugh Hewitt’s commenters ID’d the city of Fremont (where the killer’s started his day) as the Bay Area’s “Dearbornistan.” A city named after a great Ameican explorer and the very first Republican presidential candidate (1856).
Remember that name: Fremont. (Too bad it was wasted on Popal.)
Posted by: Jeremiah at August 30, 2006 01:14 PM
Smoking gun on LGF (w/ video): Popal called himself a terrorist (though the testosterone-challenged reporter tries to quash that fact)
Posted by: Jeremiah at August 30, 2006 01:26 PM
This denial by the authorities of terrorism in order to protect the Muslims will only backfire as the public sees these obvious terrorist activities and the ridiculous denial of the authorities and the MSM.
Their excuse for not calling it terrorism is that it wasn’t planned by a group. Why aren’t random acts of violence by individuals following a violent ideology also classified as terrorism?
By the way, we are beginning to see the impact on Fox news of the investment by the Saudi billionaire. They didn’t report on this until it was sanitized.
Posted by: Facts of Life at August 30, 2006 01:50 PM
“UPDATE: KTVU-San Francisco video reports that Omeed Aziz Popal declared himself ‘a terrorist.'”
For anyone concerned with accuracy and the truth, KTVU-TV reported that “a witness” said that the perp called himself a terrorist. KTVU didn’t even report his name.
Debbie, when I read the hysteria and inaccuracies on your website, I can’t help but think that terrorists have truly won you and your followers over.
Posted by: Avalon at August 30, 2006 02:22 PM
In that clip the reporter looks so dismayed at donig his job – reporting that a witness said the T-word. Gee, maybe he needs grief-counseling. (Medic!!) And his floppy combover – not “the answer” – is blowin’ in wind.
(btw, that’s quite the metrosexual handle you’ve got)
Posted by: Jeremiah at August 30, 2006 02:38 PM
To LIBERALS, NOTHING is an act of terrorism. The 9/11 murderers weren’t terrorists, either. They were just a bunch of disgruntled tent-merchants.
I also LOVE the law enforcement propaganda at work, as well.
EVERYTIME something happens, within just a few minutes law enforcement officials say that it’s not terrorism. How the hell do they know without doing an investigation?! They already have their minds made up about declaring way in advance that nothing is terrorism.
I find this very hypocritical and duplicitous because, on the one hand they tell us to keep a sharp eye and report anything. On the other hand, anytime anything DOES happen, right away they say it’s not terrorism. If someone saw how this guy was acting before he did what he did (like his America-hating Muzlum parents), they might have prevented it.
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 03:24 PM
Whatayawannabet the freak is a closet homosexual … knew it would come out when his sex slave/’wife’ arrived and decided to kill himself (suicide by cop [failed]) and make allah proud in his last minutes of life?
Posted by: mercy at August 30, 2006 04:43 PM
“I also LOVE the law enforcement propaganda at work, as well.
EVERYTIME something happens, within just a few minutes law enforcement officials say that it’s not terrorism.”
What is it about the Debbie Schlussel fan club that insists on propogating hysteria and outright lies? In the case at hand, officials did not say this wasn’t terrorism “within minutes.” That’s just not true. In the Houssaiky/Abulhassan cellphone case, the two spent an entire week in jail before authorities said no terrorism. In the Mackinac Bridge case, the alleged perps spent days in jail and were questioned for 7 hours by the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Attorney’s office, the local prosecutor’s office and Caro, Michigan police before they all concluded the three alleged perps had no link to terrorism.
Look, these are the facts of just these three cases. But the poster insists on stating that “EVERYTIME something happens, within just a few minutes law enforcement officials say that it’s not terrorism.”
Why does hysteria trump the truth on this site? Why must an un-American lynch-mob mentality persist when the facts prove otherwise? Why have you allowed bin Ladin and his evil ilk to declare victory over your terrorist-fearing souls?
Posted by: Avalon at August 30, 2006 05:09 PM
Frankie Avalon puked up his froot salad and said:
“What is it about the Debbie Schlussel fan club that insists on propogating hysteria and outright lies? In the case at hand, officials did not say this wasn’t terrorism “within minutes.” That’s just not true.”
1. You’re a liar. It IS true.
2. What you said about all of the other cases is also a lie. The authorities detained them but in EACH case they prefaced (before they began) their investigations by saying, “there is no link to terrorism at this point.” How the hell do they know this without finishing the investigation?!
“Look, these are the facts of just these three cases. But the poster insists on stating that “EVERYTIME something happens, within just a few minutes law enforcement officials say that it’s not terrorism.””
That’s because it’s a fact.
When the airliner went down in Queens, NY after taking off from Kennedy Airport in November of 2001 (right after 9/11) as a result of a tail separation killing everyone on board, the authorities IMMEDIATELY DECLARED it was not related to terrorism (research it, you moron!). Now, how in the hell can they declare such a thing while the airplane was STILL in flames?! The NTSB wasn’t even on the scene.
“Why must an un-American lynch-mob mentality persist when the facts prove otherwise?”
YOU, obviously, have a very pro-terrorist agenda. Are you a Muzlum, or are you just the garden-variety LIBERAL who hates America?
“Why have you allowed bin Ladin and his evil ilk to declare victory over your terrorist-fearing souls?”
Your buddy, bin Laden, hasn’t had any victories! Besides, he’s still living in caves having sex with farm animals. However, I will address your bullshit question: We are Americans (something you are in NAME only) who know the enemy; know its tactics; know how sneaky they are; and know how inventive they are. As Americans, we are always on the lookout for them in order to protect us, our families, and our way of life. YOU, on the other hand, would just LOVE to see this country sink to its knees.
BTW, how many OTHER names do you post under, hmmmmmmm?
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 05:55 PM
Well Avalon, did you know that Nokia Tracfones are the predominant trigger for IED and VBIED in Iraq? Did you know that the chips from these cell phones are used for these explosives as well? Did you know that the amount of IED and VBIED has risen dramatically over the past year? Did you know that you cannot buy Nokia Tracfones in Iraq? So let’s see, the gentlemen who bought the tracfones had 1,000 phones and they threw away the chargers and they drove all the way from Texas to go through Michigan. Hmm, this doesn’t sound like a very smart way to make extra money, unless you are sending them to the Middle East. Who else is going to buy a cellphone without a charger? The FBI didn’t charge them with terrorism, yet because they don’t have enough evidence. Keep in mind the FBI usually can’t prove a terrorism case until after something blows up and then it’s still difficult for them.
Posted by: Minnie Mouse at August 30, 2006 05:58 PM
Great points, Minnie.
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 06:08 PM
“Well Avalon, did you know that Nokia Tracfones are the predominant trigger for IED and VBIED in Iraq? Did you know that the chips from these cell phones are used for these explosives as well? Did you know that the amount of IED and VBIED has risen dramatically over the past year? Did you know that you cannot buy Nokia Tracfones in Iraq?”
Yes, all true, which only fuels the hysterical speculation. But research it further and you’ll find that buying and reselling tracfones is a legitimate and widespread business practice and not criminal. All well documented on the net.
“So let’s see, the gentlemen who bought the tracfones had 1,000 phones and they threw away the chargers and they drove all the way from Texas to go through Michigan. Hmm, this doesn’t sound like a very smart way to make extra money, unless you are sending them to the Middle East. Who else is going to buy a cellphone without a charger?”
They drove up from Texas and made several stops, scarfing up as many cellphones as they could which they could resell in Texas for $5 profit each. Why? The phones are virtually sold out in Dallas. Smart businessmen is what they are, with no links to terrorism.
Read all about it here:
The Mackinac Bridge debacle, the Houssaiky-Abulhassan case, the nut who drove through San Francisco this week, American Airlines Flight 587 — can anyone at all post any SOLID evidence that terrorism is involved? Of course not.
Disregard the truth at your own peril. Live your life in ignorant fear like the poster above and below you and you’ve already handed bin Ladin the keys to your kingdom. Why would you allow bin Ladin and his evil ilk to skew your thoughts so much to suspect that anyone with brown skin, an accent and a bounty of cellphones is out to get you? Be strong!! Do not allow the terrorists such privleges! For the weak-minded character above and below your posts, he’s already sold his soul to bin Ladin. How on Earth can a true American allow bin Ladin such victories?
Posted by: Avalon at August 30, 2006 07:30 PM
To Avalaon (and any other fence-sitters),
“Jihad” is core principle of Islam. Christianity and Judaism have core principles, too, but they do not mandate waging war on those outside the faith.
And don’t fumble after the Crusades (which occurred after Muslim invastion of Europe and haven’t been revived for 900 years)!
So any Muslim, NO MATTER WHAT THE IMMEDIATE REASON – because he loathes Jews, is grumpy about his arranged marriage, has a medically diagnosed mental disorder (as Popal does)… not matter what the reason – is prone to commit unprovoked violence against any non-Muslims (or Muslims perceived to be “collaborating” with non-Muslims). And it’s all in the name of JIHAD (“spiritual struggle”). That’s one potent Hate Potion No. 10.
JIHAD is “the ROOT cause”, “the UNDERLYING cause”, “the REAL reason” for criminal acts like Popal’s.
Posted by: Jeremiah at August 30, 2006 07:55 PM
Don’t worry about proving your so called “facts” Bruno. If you spew the same crap over and over again, maybe that’ll make it true eventually.
Posted by: DudeSteak at August 30, 2006 08:13 PM
While Frankie Avalon was choking down his salami, he vomited;
“The Mackinac Bridge debacle, the Houssaiky-Abulhassan case, the nut who drove through San Francisco this week, American Airlines Flight 587 — can anyone at all post any SOLID evidence that terrorism is involved? Of course not.”
LOFAO! With the exception of Flight 587, can you prove that terrorism WASN’T involved in each of those instances?!
A. Did you visit the mosques where the Muzlums who perpetrated those crimes worship?
B. Did you interview the imams in those mosques?
C. Did you conduct an investigation as to where those Muzlumz got their financing?
D. Did you investigate how those Muzlumz made a living to support themselves?
E. Did you review any of their phone records?
F. Did you review any of their international travels?
G. Did you conduct an investigation into their bank accounts?
Now you’re engaging in duplicity. What you said is NOT the point. You’re trying to change the whole subject. Our point is that in EACH of those cases, the authorities were only TOO eager to jump the gun and declare them NOT connected with terrorism. Now, you’re changing the subject by saying the authorities don’t have enough evidence to prove their case, hence, terrorism is not involved. That’s like saying; because no one “SAW” the earthquake under the Indian Ocean in December 2004 that devastated Indonesia with the tidal wave, there actually was no proof of an earthquake.
Your argument is asinine!
And, just because the authorities can’t prove terrorist ties at this point in time, doesn’t mean that those ties don’t exist.
What a slimebucket!
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 08:20 PM
To TubeSteak,
*******You win the prize!!!!******
To collect your prize all you have to do is don your burqa, travel to Dearbornistan, MI, hang out on a busy intersection at night, and wait for the Jihadists to pick you up! Hurry now! Why wait? You’re already in bed with them.
TubeSteak = Osama bin Laden’s butt-buddy!!!!!!
Hey, they don’t call him TubeSteak for nothing.
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 08:28 PM
The blame for this latest Muslim-Jihadist-Behind-the-Wheel incident rests squarely upon the shoulders of Congress (they’re responsible for these insane immigration laws) and the idiots in the US Federal government (INS, I assume) who let this character into the USA in the first place.
Some of the victims should sue the INS but of course they’ll hide behind convenient government ‘immunity’ clauses. But they should sue them anyway.
Same for the tens of thousands of citizens who are robbed, maimed and murdered by illegal Mexicans each year.
But let’s face it folks–our nation is going downhill at warp speed. It took centuries for the mongrels to overtake Rome, but in just 2 King Busch II regimes (8 years), America is almost finished!
Did anyone see Brian Williams interview with Busch yesterday and today? I only wish that a few good psychologists would offer up some public analysis of his increasingly bizarre behavior and odd verbal stumblings.
He reminds me of a guilty criminal, a mass murderer perhaps, who refuses when confronted, to admit his multitudes of crimes, even though the evidence is overwhelming.
In the Good Book, it says that God hands over wicked men to ‘doctrines of demons’ when they violate His word.
With the blood of over 2600 dead US GI’s and the blood of tens of thousands of dead Iraqis upon his hands–not to mention the immigration betrayal to our nation–I suspect that the not-so-great King Busch is being ridden by the Evil One.
But he probably always has been, since it was Busch himself who said, ‘I pray to the same god the Muslims do.’
And that ‘god’ is none other than Lucifer.
Posted by: joemccarthy at August 30, 2006 08:58 PM
Good one Bruno! You’re my hero.
Posted by: DudeSteak at August 30, 2006 09:12 PM
Hey, Joe,
Let’s not forget the LIBERAL Dhimmicrats, also.
The Immigration and Naturalization Services Act of 1965 radically altered who was, by law (forget about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION), allowed to immigrate to this country. Prior to this DISASTROUS Act, 85% of the immigrants to this country were from Europe, the remaining 15% came from Turd-World shitholes. That act REVERSED those percentages. Since 1965, 85% of immigrants NOW hail from diseased-ridden, uneducated, poverty-stricken, non-skilled, Turd-World cesspools. Only 15% of educated, skilled workers come from European countries are now allowed to immigrate.
THAT said; let’s review what Senator Ted Kennedy said on the floor of the U.S. Senate when this Act was being debated:
Senate immigration subcommittee chairman Edward Kennedy (D-MA.) reassured Congress and the nation with the following:
*”First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same … Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset … Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia … In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think… The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs… In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.î (U.S. Senate, Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization of the Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D.C., Feb. 10, 1965. pp. 1-3.)
Kennedy also claimed: “No immigrant visa will be issued to a person who is likely to become a public charge.” (In other words, not to become a deadbeat on welfare and other social programs.)
Now, I ask you, take a look at the state of our country today! Is any red-blooded American that’s left going to continue to listen to the lies of LIBERALS who want to destroy this country?!
Are we going to let LIBERALS in charge of our national defense?!
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 09:25 PM
Ok Avalon, the profit angle still doesn’t make sense. So they spend however much money on gas and the van rental and they still have to buy the phones and they are only making a $5 profit? Do the math. So they pay $30 x 1,000 phones=$30,000. SO now they make a $5 profit on 1,000. $5 x 1000=$5,000. So it seems they are at least $25,000 in the hole not to mention the gas and rental costs. It’s also not legal to re-sell the phones. You need some sort of a vendors license and you also have to pay taxes on that money. Does this still make sense to you?
Posted by: Minnie Mouse at August 30, 2006 09:35 PM
It’s not like conservatives are doing a great job at national defense, Bruno.
Posted by: DudeSteak at August 30, 2006 09:36 PM
No conservatives are not doing a great job with security because they are being too damn PC! No one has a pair of cajones to say, “No Wahabis, we will not allow your money to come to this country, we will not allow you to train American Imams and we will not allow you to have student visa programs”. This would be a good start but that is too hard for Americans to comprehend, let’s just worry about stupid shite, like who Paris Hilton is engaged to this week and all this terrorism stuff will just dissappear.
Posted by: Minnie Mouse at August 30, 2006 09:49 PM
Hey, Minnie,
Don’t waste your breath on Avalon. At best he’s an America-hating LIBERAL, which means that you can’t talk any sense into him. He hates this country and there’s not a DAMN thing anyone could do to change his mind.
At worst, he’s a fellow Muzlum terrorist, who’s hell-bent on destroying this country just as the LIBERALS want to, albeit, by sometimes different means, but the end product is the same.
We saw all this through the ’60’s during Viet Nam, the Cold War, and now with the war on Terrorism. Forget it. We know you’re correct. We know you’re right. So do they. But that doesn’t mean you’re going to stop them from attempting to achieve their goal of destroying America.
You can’t rehabilitate LIBERALS, just as you can’t rehabilitate Muzlumz. Just as you can’t rehabilitate pedophiles. Just as you can’t rehabilitate rapists (oops, their favorite rapist spent 8 years in Washington).
If LIBERALS haven’t learned from 9/11, then they never will. Just accept it and expose them for the enemies of America that they really are. Expose their hatred, their bile, their hypocrisy, their duplicity.
Expose their love for Communism, Socialism, Islam, open borders, multi-culturalism, public schools that don’t educate, a media that spews lies, a cultural society that promotes degeneracy, and everything else that’s wrong for America.
Forget it! You’ll never convince them!
Remember this: LIBERALS hate religion, but they LOVE Islam!
LIBERALS hate America!
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 09:53 PM
I agree with you Minnie.
Posted by: DudeSteak at August 30, 2006 09:56 PM
Conservatives have ALWAYS been head and shoulders above LIBERALS when it comes to national defense. Even George W. Bush is head and shoulders above a draft-dodging rapist who never retaliated for all of the Muzlum attacks on America during the 1990’s while he was defiling the White House for 8 years with a fat intern shoving Havanas up her twat, and a Viet Nam vet who faked his war records, and who shot himself in the ass with rice, and who bows at the altar of the French government, and the United Nations.
Nice try, asswipe! But, you have no case.
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 10:00 PM
Wanna bet that TubeSteak and Frankie Avalon are the same poster?
Just as Descent and DollarsAndCents were the same poster.
I bet that there are a few of America-hating jihadists/LIBERALS posting here under several names.
Chris, anyone?
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 10:03 PM
Read the hysterical rants from the poster just beneath Dudesteak and witness firsthand the effects of Bin Ladin’s evil mindgames. Can I prove that terrorism wasn’t involved in these cases? The old “can you prove a negative statement” question?
In the Mackinac Bridge case, for instance, the FBI, the U.S. Attorney’s office, the Department of Homeland Security, the Caro, Michigan police and prosecutor Mark Reene all questioned the suspects for seven-and-a-half hours and concluded that these guys had no link to terrorism, but the poster still asks for more proof that they weren’t. This is rational thinking?
Ali Houssaiky and Osama Abulhassan spent a week — a week! – behind bars and were interrogated at length. Finally, the charges were dropped. But the poster has the audacity to state: “And, just because the authorities can’t prove terrorist ties at this point in time, doesn’t mean that those ties don’t exist.”
Who would take this poster seriously?
There’s more. Then the poster ignores the truth again and says “Our point is that in EACH of those cases, the authorities were only TOO eager to jump the gun and declare them NOT connected with terrorism.” (You have to wonder who “our” is in that statement. Who in their right mind would appoint this poster to be their spokesperson?)
The fact is just about every news organization reported that the Mackinac bridge suspects were suspected of terrorist activity by authorities. Look it up here: (title of article: Men suspected of Mackinac Plot. Or here: (Men held in Michigan suspected of plan to attack Mackinac Bridge.)
Same is true in the Houssaiky-Abulhassan case, easily looked up here: (Michigan men held on terror charges.)
These are the facts of the matter, so why does the poster insist on repeating easily refuted fallacies. What drives him/her to post such drivel? Bin Ladin’s mindgames, that’s what, led on by this website. And if that’s not proof that is a blight on responible journalism, I don’t know what is. Bin Ladin has reduced the poster to juvenile name-calling and outright anti-American bigotry. This is what Bin Ladin wanted all along, and the poster fell for it.
Posted by: Avalon at August 30, 2006 10:04 PM
Actually G.W. isn’t better. Try again!
Posted by: DudeSteak at August 30, 2006 10:04 PM
Please look up the IP Addresses of DudeSteak and Avalon. I guarantee you that they’re coming from either the same address or the same ISP, especially when you take into account the closeness in time proximities when they post.
If you allow such fraudulent behavior to continue your blog will degenerate into oblivion because these SAME LIBERALS tried to do exactly the same thing before, albeit using different techniques, such as impersonating me, and as you told me in your e-mail – using multiple identities.
It’s not fair to us honest posters to try to respond to illusionists who try to convey a populist LIBERAL message when those messages are emanating from the same person.
I know when they are perpetrating a fraud, however, other posters may not be that sophisticated enough to detect that they are being played, and, preyed, upon by unethical LIBERALS who post under multiple identities.
Please enact some safeguards to curtail this behavior, otherwise, your site will be hijacked, taken-over, and become a joke.
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 10:16 PM
Thee_bruno, I’m flattered that you’ve kept me in your thoughts. That being said, feel free to ask Debbie if the IP’s match and you’ll find that I’m not behind any of it. Again, if Debbie looks at my IP, she’ll see I’m posting from cleveland..the other two will be from who knows where. It’s more than just me that doesn’t like you, trust me.
Also, if you look at the time stamps, DudeSteak and Avalon posted at the exact same time, 10:04. So, if Debbie see’s two posts @ 10:04, at 2 ip’s, it’s impossible for them to be the same person.
Dudesteak and Avalon, Bruno’s a full-time internet troll with a history of stalking and harassing users on internet newsgroups. I actually found a bunch of archived posts he made on google groups one’s sickening.
And finally, TheeBruno, I’m done with you, and your delusions..I’ve learned to pass them off as nothing more than senile ranting.
If you feel like further claiming that it’s me posting, then go ahead..but I’ve got much better things to do than to argue with ignorant scum.
You know, I think you may get along with Muslims if you gave it a shot, you seem to view people that don’t share you exact line of thought as infidels, just as they do. Maybe you’re the terrorist, hmmm?
Posted by: Descent at August 30, 2006 10:16 PM
Bruno, also, if you didn’t see my post on the Jill Carol thread, I’ve actually personally spoken with Debbie and given her my word that I would treat everyone with respect.
And again, if you don’t believe that, the proof is in the IP numbers.
Posted by: Descent at August 30, 2006 10:18 PM
I agree with him being a full-time troll. I’m kind of surprised Debbie allows morons like this on her site.
Even though he sort of aligns with her views, his extremism goes so overboard that I can’t imagine Debbie would want to be associated with such a loser.
Posted by: DudeSteak at August 30, 2006 10:21 PM
How interesting that you post so close in time that Avalon and DudeSteak posted all night long. What, were you “waiting in the wings”?
Tell us the truth; you are the same person who posts under;
Durka Durka Mohammad.
Come on, sweety, tell us the truth. There is no way in hell all you “posters” can post nearly simultaneously with the same playbook/agenda.
No way in HELL!
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 10:24 PM
“Ok Avalon, the profit angle still doesn’t make sense. So they spend however much money on gas and the van rental and they still have to buy the phones and they are only making a $5 profit? Do the math. So they pay $30 x 1,000 phones=$30,000. SO now they make a $5 profit on 1,000. $5 x 1000=$5,000.”
Minnie, they’d be shelling out $30,000 for a $35,000 return. $30 x 1000= $30,000. They get back $35 x 1000 ($35,000). They’re up 5 grand. Not a bad profit for a trip that could;ve taken 1-2 weeks.
“It’s also not legal to re-sell the phones. You need some sort of a vendors license and you also have to pay taxes on that money.”
You’re right. And Tracfone has been through civil courts about this. Still, the practice is widespread, especially among enterprising college students. I hope you’ll agree that this crime is a far cry from international terrorist activity.
“Does this still make sense to you?”
Absolutely. Now that the math has been sorted out, what doesn’t make sense to you?
Posted by: Avalon at August 30, 2006 10:26 PM
MSM is worthless. Mainly because they jump to conclusions one way or another. The report on sensationalism and what brings them ratings and what is PC. You really have to wait months for all of the facts to come out on a story before you get to the bottom of anything. I happen to think the cell phone guys were up to something, why, because well over 5,000 terrorist attacks have been carried out in the name of Islam since 9/11. Don’t beleive me, go to At the bottom of the website they have a compete list of all terrorist attacks for the past 5 years.
You still didn’t answer me on the whole math quiz.
Posted by: Minnie Mouse at August 30, 2006 10:27 PM
People, notice how Descents’ last comment was posted at the same exact time my last post was sent. Now, ask yourself this: How is it that he was able to read my post and type his response and send it all within the same minute? WhY? Because he’s manipulating the time on his computer. He’s also a phony who was already BUSTED once on this site by Debbie.
Pay no attention to;
Durka Durka Mohammad.
BTW, Descent, by his own admission, says that he’s an Internet security “expert”.
All you posters beware!
Until Debbie rids us of this bastard, this site will degenerate into a joke.
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 10:31 PM
Ok Avalon, I am stupid when it comes to math. $5000 is a profit. $30,000 start up cost is alot of dough for 20 year-olds. I still think there is something sinister just because I follow this type of stuff for work. I see these scenarios all the time. The truth will come out eventually on why they were buying the phones.
Posted by: Minnie Mouse at August 30, 2006 10:33 PM
Bruno, you, me, minnie mouse, avalon, and dudesteak have all posted in a close time period. Does that mean we’re all the same?
I just logged on to check the posts/comments, and saw that you decided you’d start accusing me, and figured I’d set you straight.
Please tell me what gain I have of posting under other user names, if I’m writing normal posts?
DollarsandCents was used to post rediculous flamboyant posts…
the clone of your name was made to do exactly what you think it was used for..
and descent, was to post normal posts.
Also, my writing style is nothing like dudesteaks and avalons.
I’m not sure of what further proof i can offer you
Posted by: Descent at August 30, 2006 10:33 PM
Bruno, let me explain some basic things to you. First, right now, my computer is saying that it’s 6:09 because I’m on a laptop that I haven’t used in a few years. My post doesn’t say it’s six o’clock.
Second, and the most convincing, I could make my time on my computer what I feel like, it’s not going to change what I post as.
Go ahead, set your time to 2 am, then post. It’s still going to have correct time stamp. That’s because the time is regulated by typekey’s servers, not your personal computer.
Posted by: Descent at August 30, 2006 10:36 PM
How does that even make sense that I would post under all those names? Why wouldn’t I post on this one? I was never banned, so no need to create another name. By the way, I never posted as “chris” I just signed off with my name a few times.
Posted by: Descent at August 30, 2006 10:38 PM
You’re a little slow, aren’t you Bruno?
Posted by: DudeSteak at August 30, 2006 10:38 PM
“I still think there is something sinister just because I follow this type of stuff for work. I see these scenarios all the time. The truth will come out eventually on why they were buying the phones.”
Well, if it does, I’d love to hear it. As for now, I’ll play it the American way and assume innocence until proven guilty.
Posted by: Avalon at August 30, 2006 10:38 PM
“$30,000 start up cost is alot of dough for 20 year-olds.”
Minnie, you suggested the $30,000 figure. I suspect it could be less. $15,000 start up for a $20,000 return might be more in the ballpark.
Posted by: Avalon at August 30, 2006 10:41 PM
Good god bruno, PLEASE tell me how we ALL THREE posted at the same time!!!!!
That would mean, i’d have to be in three different locations AT THE SAME TIME!!
Posted by: Descent at August 30, 2006 10:41 PM
Durka Durka Mohammad.
I’ve run a few websites. I know what the story is. I also know that there is no way in hell that “ALL” of you just “happen” to be posting here ALL at the same time trying to pretend that you’re not guilty of the fraud that I know you’re guilty of.
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 10:44 PM
I personally wouldn’t say they are completely innocent but I won’t build the gallows just yet. I too wait for all of the evidence before I make a final judgement. Just like Haditha but the media had the Marines tried and convicted before there was even an investigation.
Posted by: Minnie Mouse at August 30, 2006 10:45 PM
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUSTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 10:45 PM
Minnie, save your breath……you’re talikng to a WALL.
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 10:46 PM
Hot damn, you’re an idiot Bruno. How do you “know that there is no way in hell that “ALL” of you just “happen” to be posting here ALL at the same time”?
Posted by: DudeSteak at August 30, 2006 10:46 PM
GASP! Minnie and Bruno must be the same person! There’s no possible way that these two people could be posting on a website at the same time!
Posted by: DudeSteak at August 30, 2006 10:47 PM
I could have three different computers with an ISP from AOL, Microsoft, and whatever else, operating at the same time. AND, each computer will have a different IP Address because IP Addresses are randomly assigned by the ISP. Therefore, anyone trying to hone in on your identity, would come up with egg on their face because each computer has its own IDENTITY with THEIR RESPECTIVE ISP.
However, the probabilty that each “ONE” of you would post at the same time, with the same agenda is HIGHLY IMPROBABLE!
NOT ONLY THAT…you EACH are trying to explain away your innocence!
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 10:50 PM
Who would go to such trouble just to spoof comments on a website? I think you should consider seeking professional help, Bruno. You aren’t right in the head.
Posted by: DudeSteak at August 30, 2006 10:53 PM
I would hope Bruno would not pick his alter ego as Minnie Mouse, especially after the earlier post on girlie men.
Bruno, I know I probably won’t change any liberal’s minds but I try to always be polite until I have a reason to bring out the big guns!
Posted by: Minnie Mouse at August 30, 2006 10:53 PM
Bruno, running websites doesn’t mean anything. You have no idea what any story is. In fact, you’re kind of an idiot.
You never answered this: if posting on the site around the same time means we’re the same person, how does that not make me you and miniemouse?
Again, there is no way(that I know of) of spoofing typekey’s time server. You, me, minniemouse, dudesteak, and avalon happen to be posting at the same time..why is that so hard for you to believe?
If you’d like to continue to accuse me, I’d like to you to do it by messaging me on yahoo @ thisischristopheronymsgr
I’ve already emailed Debbie and explained the situation to her..she’ll hopefully get back to you tomorrow with the IP addresses.
Posted by: Descent at August 30, 2006 10:55 PM
Hey, Descent,
I already beat you to the punch and e-mailed Debbie a while ago.
You e-mailed her just a few minutes ago, but I beat you to it.
She’s on it!
Dropenzee-dead, fucker!
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at August 30, 2006 11:00 PM
Bruno, you’ve once again proved your complete ignorance..
I could have three different computers with an ISP from AOL, Microsoft, and whatever else, operating at the same time. AND, each computer will have a different IP Address because IP Addresses are randomly assigned by the ISP. Therefore, anyone trying to hone in on your identity, would come up with egg on their face because each computer has its own IDENTITY with THEIR RESPECTIVE ISP.
First of all, if you have cable or dsl internet YOUR IP DOES NOT CHANGE very often. It will maybe change a total of 3 times a month.
Second, to have 3 seperate IP’s, in the situation that you’ve described would consist of this:
If you think that I’m doing it using cable/dsl internet:
I’d litterally have to have 3 seperate cable/dsl modems hooked into the 3 seperate computers. That will probably cost me around 110 dollars a month JUST for internet. Then, I’d have to go to each computer, and type what I wanted to say. Then, I’d have to run and hit enter on each computer within the same minute.
If you think I did it with dial up:(this ones even less likely!!!)
For this to work, i’d have to have 3 seperate phone lines in my house!!!!!!! And then hook a computer with a modem up to each phone line, and dial out to each isp seperately!!!!!
Bruno, why would I spend soe much time and money trying to do that?
Posted by: Descent at August 30, 2006 11:01 PM
Also, avalon doesn’t seem to be making ANY attempts to prove his innocense, like you claimed. And I emailed debbie at least 15 minutes ago.
Posted by: Descent at August 30, 2006 11:02 PM
Descent said: “Bruno, why would I spend so much time and money trying to do that?”
Ooo! Ooo! I know! Is it because you’re a dirty liberal with an agenda?
Posted by: DudeSteak at August 30, 2006 11:03 PM
Durka Durka Mohammad.
Let’s not try to change the subject with John Travolta.
Keep up the bullshit…Debbie’s on it!

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 11:10 pm

I still don’t get it. I get along just well with them. Anyways, i’m not sure where dudesteak and avalon went to. they probably had matters of their own to tend to.

Descent on August 30, 2006 at 11:11 pm

“I personally wouldn’t say they are completely innocent but I won’t build the gallows just yet. I too wait for all of the evidence before I make a final judgement. Just like Haditha but the media had the Marines tried and convicted before there was even an investigation.”
Very fair. Thanks for the civil discourse, seriously.

Avalon on August 30, 2006 at 11:11 pm

Keep up the bullshit…Debbie’s on it!
Trust me, I know, I’ve been speaking with her as well.

Descent on August 30, 2006 at 11:13 pm

Very fair. Thanks for the civil discourse, seriously.
You’re got the nice one.

Descent on August 30, 2006 at 11:14 pm

You know what bruno?
yes, we’re all the same person. I’m dudesteak and avalon, you’ve caught me.
Now, the cool thing is, I won’t get banned, because debbie know’s that I’m really not…i’m just trying to satisfy your delusions.
What I’m going to do from this point on, is simply ignore your posts. If you want to call dude steak and avalon “descent” feel free to.
I know the truth, Debbie know’s the truth, and that’s all that matters.

Descent on August 30, 2006 at 11:19 pm

Hey, posters,
Don’t forget this:
Don’t waste your time responding to:
Durka Durka Mohammad.
They are ALL one and the same.
AND, if on the SLIM chance that they are not the same (they are), then they are a tag team bunch of Muzlumz and America-haters who will try to beat you down. Ignore them/him.
Descent is a half-breed Iranian Muzlum who claims to be an atheist. That’s bullshit because ALL Muzlumz are instructed to lie to the infidel. That’s why, in EACH of his posts, he ALWAYS condemns the Christians (oh, he’ll tell you that he disagrees wit 99% of what the Muzlums do, but he never, ever specifically states what he disagrees with).
He also, by his own admission says that he’s a LIBERAL, yet, he told Debbie that he agrees with most of what she posts. Again, that is a lie because Debbie is a Conservative. Now, ask yourself; How can a LIBERAL be a LIBERAL and agree with most of what a Conservative has to say? Answer: Because he’s a lying Muzlum.
Descent also always takes passages from the Old Testament and twists them to find fault with Jews and Christians (he’ll tell you that he just cut and pasted from some other website without knowing what it meant..but, c’mon…who cuts and pastes blindly? Don’t fall for his bullshit lies.). However, you’ll notice that he NEVER quotes a single passage from the Qur’ and about murdering the infidel. He NEVER, EVER finds fault with the Qur’ an.
The bottom line is this:
Don’t be fooled by this half-breed Iranian Muzlum savage/barbarian. He’s here, just like the rest of his Muzlum ilk, to tear down America.
His mother is an American, his father is Iranian. What better way to get a Green Card than to marry an American?!
Think about it!

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 11:25 pm

Bruno, I only posted bible quotes twice. Also, please total all posts where I condemn christians and then take my total posts period, and then give me the ratio that you get from that.
Trust me, I’m flattered to see that you’re so throughly obssessed with me, but really, I’m done with you. I’d rather spend my time having civilized discussions with minniemouse and her ilk, like the ones her and avalon had, rather than complete idiots like yourself

Descent on August 30, 2006 at 11:37 pm

Screw you, Descent, you lying half-bred Iranian Muzlum scumbag!
I don’t fall for your lies and distortions.
Have fun at work tomorrow, eating at your desk in your little cubicle, all by yourself why you post here and download porn.

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 11:40 pm

Bruno, I’m going to ignore you from now on. I ask that you please do the same for me. I’m not here to talk to you, but other posters on the site instead. Don’t tell them how they should think, let them make up their minds on their own.
You’re more muslim than I’ll ever be, what with your “think exactly how I do, or you’re a worthless infidel/scumbag”, you camel jockey.
Tell your imam I said hi, while your brushing the sand out of your beard.

Descent on August 30, 2006 at 11:43 pm

Wow…racism now too, huh, Bruno?

DudeSteak on August 30, 2006 at 11:44 pm

Oops, I made a typo…
What I MEANT to say was this;
Have fun at work tomorrow, eating your halal falafel at your desk in your little cubicle, all by yourself, while you post here and as you pleasure yourself as you download porn.
BTW, what position do you play at the company’s softball games?
Cheerleader, or benchwarmer. Or, are you too busy reading the Qur’ an?
You’re a loser.
Funny how all those “other” posters stopped posting, huh?

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 11:45 pm

Hey, Descent,
Don’t go away mad….just go away.
Gee, I wonder what Debbie told you in her e-mail to you just now!

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 11:47 pm

Bruno, I’m sure your Imam is very proud of you! Degrading those who don’t think the same as the other wack jobs that follow the religion of piss must be your daily homework assignment. I sure hope you get an A+!

Descent on August 30, 2006 at 11:51 pm

Bruno, I’m sure your Imam is very proud of you! Degrading those who don’t think the same as the other wack jobs that follow the religion of piss must be your daily homework assignment. I sure hope you get an A+!

Descent on August 30, 2006 at 11:52 pm

Hey, Descent,
I thought you said you were going to ignore me?
Gee, yet another lie from a Muzlum to an infidel.
Have fun in your cubicle tomorrow.

Thee_Bruno on August 30, 2006 at 11:55 pm

It’s hard not to make fun of an ignorant Muslzum such as yourself

Descent on August 30, 2006 at 11:58 pm

How’s Tehran this time of year, Mohammad, er, I mean, Descent into Hell?

Thee_Bruno on August 31, 2006 at 12:00 am

You tell me, towelhead.

Descent on August 31, 2006 at 12:01 am

You see, you still can’t keep a promise. You said that you were going to ignore me.
Anyway, you come from Iran, but you don’t want to live in the Land of your Father. Why’s that? The Muzlum thought police too rough? You’re afraid to go out in public with make-up on and being beaten by the Burga Police?
Oh, no, I forgot, because it’s easier to plot against us while you’re here.
BTW, where are all those “other posters” that were posting before?
You really should try out for the company softball team, you know.

Thee_Bruno on August 31, 2006 at 12:05 am

Also, my computer started acting strang all of a mouse is moving on it’s own and several files were deleted, and I’m pretty sure that you’ve hacked my computer. The footprints should show this. Expect to be notified by both my lawyer and your local authorities in about 3 weeks, as I have to wait for the judge to grant the John Doe subpeona to your ISP so that we can get your information, at which points the authorities will seize your computer equipment.

Descent on August 31, 2006 at 12:08 am

By the way, if the footprints don’t match, you need not worry. I’m confident they will though.

Descent on August 31, 2006 at 12:10 am

Don’t wait for that……you’re an Internet security expert. Surely you can glean all that information on your own.
After all, you’re an expert at it from hacking into those porn sites at work and downloading their content, which, by the way, is in direct violation of Qur’ anic law about Muzlumz watching porn (not that Mohammad Atta and his band of murderers had a problem with that).
If you’d like, send me your address and I’ll galdly ship my computer to you so that your Sharia Lawyers can look at it.
What a maroon!

Thee_Bruno on August 31, 2006 at 12:13 am

BTW, where are all those “other posters”?

Thee_Bruno on August 31, 2006 at 12:13 am

After reading through the comments on this, I just had to comment in regards to the IP addressing issues brought up. Thee_Bruno and Descent, to post from 3 separate IP addresses at the same time would be no where near as complicated as either of you makes it out to be. You would not need 3 separate computers logged onto 3 separate internet accounts at the same time, nor would you need 3 separate dsl modems to provide separate IP addresses.
All one would need to do is log into a couple of remote unix shell accounts, load up a lynx browser in each, along with logging on to the site via your normal procedures and voila, 3 completely unrelated IP addresses, using one main internet provider and 2 remote shell accounts, and one computer.

PsychoKat on August 31, 2006 at 2:51 am

But does links support cookies, and text box entry?

Descent on August 31, 2006 at 7:49 am

Yes on both counts, although since lynx is a text only browser rather than windows based, you can’t just point and click within the text entry field to enter your post, instead you maneuver to the field using keystrokes. Cookies are handled normally, you can configure it to request permission, to automatically accept, or deny.

PsychoKat on August 31, 2006 at 8:04 am

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