August 30, 2006, - 8:22 am
Islamic Terrorism By Auto: 3rd Incident in a Year; “Living While Infidel”
When I first read about a San Francisco motorist who deliberately drove into lots of people and murdered at least one, critically injuring many others and ending in front of the Jewish Community Center (JCC), I wondered what the man’s name was. Was it a Muslim name?
Yes, it was: Omeed Aziz Popal, an Afghani Muslim. The BS reason given by his relatives for his attempt at mass murder of non-Muslims: He was upset over the start of his stressful arranged Islamic marriage. “Religion of Peace” displaying yet more “Peace.” Hate of American Infidel victims had nothing to do with it, right? That’s why he drove far from his home in Fremont to the San Francisco JCC.
And, uh, wouldn’t the stress be on the Afghani bride shipped here to become his instant sex- and house-slave?
It’s not surprising that he turned out to be a Muslim, because Popal’s method isn’t new, in terms of Islamic terrorism in America.
In fact, it’s the third such incident of Islamic Terror by Auto in the last year. You’ve heard of “Driving While Black,” and the alleged “Flying While Arab”? Welcome to Living/Walking While Infidel (or trying to live, anyway).
In March, , an Iranian Muslim–inspired by Allah and hatred for America–purposely drove his Jeep into students at the University of North Carolina.
And in December, , a Palestinian Jordanian Muslim, drove his car into a Home Depot in Arizona, for the purpose of mass destruction of the store and those in it. He wanted to set the place ablaze. He, too, inspired by his anger toward America and his Koran in his trunk.
And then, there are the other incidents of Dr. Wameeth Fadhli, a Muslim medical doctor in Texas, who did a drive-by, “random” shooting of a bicyclist (tip from Sue Bob’s Diary). A Muslim in Baltimore, Mujtaba Rabbani Jabbar, shooting and murdering a Jewish guy at a movie theater. A Pakistani Muslim, Naveed Haq, in Seattle shooting women at the Jewish Federation, murdering one.
But these are all lone, random guys. And all of them just happen to be “mentally unstable” Muslims who deliberately target non-Muslims. Right, ? The latest one ended, by “coincidence,” at the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco, where he mowed over two people–7 are now critically injured, one dead. But it and the Seattle incident and the Baltimore incident (and the before that) have nothing to do with Islamic anti-Semitism.
Right, ? Just asking.
**** UPDATE: KTVU-San Francisco video reports that Omeed Aziz Popal declared himself “a terrorist.” But police say he isn’t. Whatever. Thanks to reader Jeff for the tip.
**** UPDATE #2: Reader Kenneth H. writes:
I know my way around SF very well. The SF
Bay Area news channels and politicians are
being intentionally vague about where/why
the Driver attacked.
A few stations reported that he struck in “Laurel
Heights”. What they are *not* reporting was
why he chose that location. He drove along
the front sidewalk of a new, prominent JCC.
One station rolled video of the crime scene.
The camera showed bicycle wreckage with
a brick wall in the background. The wall was
cut off at the top of the frame – slightly higher
than the mangled handle bars. Actually, the
wall rises two stories. It’s the front of the JCC!
A few stations reported that he also struck
at “California & Fillmore”, a yuppie area.
Unfortunately, none are reporting the precise
spot where he jumped the curb. Two doors before
that intersection, on the same side of Street
the criminal was driving on, is the front of a
rather large, ornate Refom Synagogue (Cong
Sheerith Israel).
The Mayor of SF is saying that the path of
destruction was “random. The reporters are
telling me that the Driver was mentally unstable
(they used the same spin to excuse the Muslim
fellow who shot up the Seattle JCC a fews ago).
I am so sick of obfuscation.
Back in the old country the criminals are not called
deranged. They are called martyrs.
AMEN to that last statement.
**** UPDATE #3: Reader Kenneth H. writes again to correct some of the above:
in a previous e-mail i wrote that Cong Sheerith Israel was
only 2 doors away from the intersection of California & Fillmore.
actually, the Synagogue is a BLOCK from the intersection.
according to yahoo! maps, the block distance is 0.10 miles.
i *believe* that the Synagogue is currently closed due to
seismic concerns. next door to the sanctuary (on California St.)
is the Cong’s social-hall/classroom building. i do not know if
that building was “Open for Biz” yesterday.
Tags: Ali R. Warrayat, America, Arizona, Auto Terrorist, Baltimore, California, Debbie Schlussel, Fremont, Hebrew University, Home Depot, Jewish Community Center, Jewish Federation, KTVU, Mayor, Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar, Mujtaba Rabbani Jabbar, Naveed Haq, Neil Cavuto, North Carolina, Omeed Aziz Popal, Refom Synagogue, San Francisco, Seattle, SF, Sue Bob, Texas, The SF Bay Area news, University of Baltimore, University of North Carolina, Wameeth Fadhli
Debbie, you raised a good point a while back when you said the enemy isnít at the gates, theyíre already inside. You are so right. While the Feds are supposedly concentrating on the threat coming from Al-Qaeda cells in America, they have their heads in the sand (or perhaps in their behind) regarding the true fifth column of Islam. This fifth column of course being the seemingly lone Muslim terrorists living among us. They go to work or school everyday, and wait for the opportune time to strike. I canít believe that they truly are lone wolves. They are part of a loose knit pack with a general strategy of attack. Too many Jewish and Christian Americans arenít connecting these attacks. We need to remember the story of boiling a frog, heat the water slowly enough and the frog will soon die in boiling hot water before it realizes whatís happening.
Rocky on August 30, 2006 at 9:52 am