August 28, 2006, - 10:36 am

Once a Muslim, Always a . . .: Does FOX News Reporter Have Stockholm Syndrome?

While it’s good that the FOX News crew was released, there are a few questions and points that need to be posited about FOX News reporter Steve Centanni and Cameraman Olaf Wiig:
1) They converted to Islam, so according to Islam they are considered Muslims forever. Even though they were forced to do so at gunpoint, the rule in Islam is not the circumstances of the conversion, but the fact that it took place. Once a Muslim, always a Muslim . . . or certain death. That’s a core tenet of Islam.
That they apparently said the Shehadah, the oath to Islam (also known as the oath of Martyrdom) means that if they ever publicly denounce or renounce Islam–as they appear to have done–that is a mortal sin. And they’re subject to a death sentence for it. Muslims can never leave the faith, no matter how they joined it. Good luck to them. Hope they have good security.

FOX News Cameraman Olaf Wiig & Reporter Steve Centanni

(Photo from SITE Institute)

2) Centanni is said to be very pro-Palestinian prior to his kidnapping, and his comments after his captivity don’t help:

I have the highest respect for Islam, and I learned a lot of good things about it.
I just hope this never scares a single journalist away from coming to Gaza to cover this story because the Palestinian people are very beautiful, kind-hearted, loving people who the world need to know more about and so do not be discouraged. Come and tell the story. It’s a wonderful story.

This completely absurd statement is already being met with cheers from the pro-terrorist Palestinian media, such as this headline from the “Palestine Chronicle”:

Freed Reporters Plead for Gaza Coverage

Ditto for Wiig’s comment:

That [scaring reporters from covering the Palestinians] would be a great tragedy for the people of Palestine and especially for the people of Gaza.

“Beautiful”? “Kind-hearted”? “Loving”? “Wonderful Story”? Hello? . . . These “beautiful, kind-hearted, loving” people support homicide bombings and mass murder of innocent civilians. They just elected HAMAS, a terrorist group, to run their “country.” What a “wonderful story.” Whatever. A reporter who truly believes this cannot accurately cover what’s really going on there. Which is anything but those adjectives.
Hopefully, these are things that were said because Centanni was still with the Palestinians in Gaza, in the presence of HAMAS Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, and wanted to get out unscathed. But we shall see. Keep an eye on Centanni’s reporting from the region from hereon.
3) It needs to be repeated that so many Americans captured by Muslims–including Arab and Muslim Americans in Iraq–have met slaughter and beheading. And yet apparently pro-Islamist journalists, like and reportedly Steve Centanni, are released to freedom. It’s troubling that if you have a certain point of view AND job (ie., reporter) that will help support that point of view, only you get to live. The rest meet certain slaughter.
Why doesn’t that seem to upset anyone? It should upset us all.

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16 Responses

Didn’t you want to vomit whne they referred to the Palestinian people as a “beautiful people”?

Ripper on August 28, 2006 at 11:09 am

I would be dead. them terrorists woud have cut my head off or shot me in the head. Why? If I don’t believe in Christianity or the other hocus pocus, what makes you think I’m going to be forced to believe in Allah or whatever the name is? Also, I thought them Fox reporters were these powerful, strong-minded, conservative warriors for the right? They’re a bunch of loud-mouh pussies.

KOAJaps on August 28, 2006 at 12:24 pm

Thanks for reporting on this. I checked your website often this weekend waiting for your commentary, because I knew you’d be one of the few voices of sanity out there.
The fact is that this isn’t heartwarming, it’s terrifying; for Centanni to make the comments he did, he must’ve gone mad while in captivity.
Their response reminds me of that episode of The Twilight Zone called “It’s a Good Life,” where the villagers of a small town are forced to say how good a little boy monster is so that he doesn’t mutilate them.

S. Rowley on August 28, 2006 at 1:06 pm

What a wonderful, peace-loving religion Islam is. I also like the fact that, as in the Mafia, the only way to leave Islam is through death. Gee, talk about tolerance and inclusion. Hey, wait a minute – tolerance and inclusion is also the big LIBERAL lie, too! Wow, what a coincidence!
I wonder what the LIBS would say if we converted one of the barbarians to Christianity or Judaism with a gun to his head at Abu Ghraib? I also want to hear all of the LIBERAL outrage about how these Fox guys were not treated according to the Geneva Convention.
Another point is: Where’s all the moderate Muzlum outrage? Where’s the statement from CAIR-less about this?
As Debbie said, let’s stay tuned if their reporting gets any more “pro-terrorist” slanted.

Thee_Bruno on August 28, 2006 at 1:09 pm

The Geneva Convention comment above is a non-sequiter, as it that only applies to combat soldiers, not civilians.
FOX is probably not happy about Centanni’s remarks. Look for him to be let go by FOX shortly, but quietly.

Craig C on August 28, 2006 at 2:35 pm

Hey Craig C,
You don’t get it, do you?
You’re correct about the Geneva Convention and its non-applicability to civilians. However, whenever there’s a question about how we should treat terrorists, it’s the LIBERALS who want to shower all kinds of Geneva Convention privileges on them. The terrorists, as you say, ARE civilians. They ARE NOT uniformed combatants of an army supported by a State. So, the same LIBERAL line of reasoning MUST be applied to ALL civilians who are victims of terrorism. I don’t hear any outcry about Geneva Convention standards from these same LIBS when reportes are mistreated or when independent contractors are found by the roadside with their heads cut off.
So if the LIBS want to demand that WE treat CIVILIANS (terrorists) with decency mandated by the Geneva Convention, then I think they should demand the same of Muzlums when they kidnap ordinary CIVILIANS, as well.
LIBERALS hate America.

Thee_Bruno on August 28, 2006 at 2:49 pm

LIBERALS hate America.
(I agree with most everything else you said though)

Descent on August 28, 2006 at 3:25 pm

Yes, really.

Thee_Bruno on August 28, 2006 at 4:18 pm

It’s supposed to be YA RLY!
You lose.
Anyways, I don’t hate America, and I’m a liberal.
(I’ll go ahead and take care of your next comment)
You vomited “Anyways, I don’t hate America, and I’m a liberal.”
Yes you do, blah blah, hate, blah, muszlumaz, blah blah, liberal, blah, conservative talking point 1, yadda yadda conservative talking point 2, blah blah, fear mongering, yadda, your usual “iknowyoubetterthanyouknowyourselfsoimgoingtosaythatyoudefinitelyhateamerican ” rhetoric, blah, blah. Then you wipe, flush, and move on.

Descent on August 28, 2006 at 4:39 pm

LIBERALS impede and throw wrenches in every step we take trying to defeat terrorism. They did the same thing during Viet Nam, and they did the same thing during the Cold War. They’re doing the same things today.
They try to tie the hands of the miltary; they try to tie the hands of this president; they try to tie the hands of the Justice Department; and they try to tie the hands of the courts. They demand that we treat these barbarians under the auspices of the Geneva Convention, which they are not entitled to (terrorists are not entitled to).
LIBERAL media sides with the enemy by publishing doctored photos and not a damn thing they say about it when they get caught. LIBERAL media publish all the tools we are using to fight this war and call for and end to them (data mining, wire intercepts, phone intercepts, etc.). LIBERALS call for the end of the Patriot Act.
LIBERALS gave aid and comfort to the Viet Namese, the Viet Cong, the Soviets, and they’re doing the same thing today.
LIBERALS try to tear down America with open borders, multiculturalism, and Great Society programs that have proven disastrous and costly.
I could go on, and on, and on. YOU, however, can’t string a coherent thought together.
LIBERALS hate America!

Thee_Bruno on August 28, 2006 at 5:48 pm

If their religion is so damn good, they wouldn’t need a gun to get converts.
It reminds me of a Mad Magazine question:
If Communism is such a good idea, why didn’t they put up a picture window instead of an Iron Curtain?

P. Aaron on August 28, 2006 at 8:35 pm

I doubt you will see this but:
IF you claim no _hocus-pocus_ affiliation, why would it be a corcern to tell them what they wanted to hear to save your life?
It you have no moral compunction, how could it be any big deal? A gun to your head just might open you “spiritually”. I find your conviction lacks any real eh,. . . conviction. If any one asks later, to avoid death, you say yeah, I’m a forced convert to the religion of Isalm. There would be no consequences to YOUR soul.
Oleg was raised a Christian, one has to suppose, since his father is a minister in New Zealand. For him there MAY be a real tearing of his soul. Jesus said:
Mat 10:32 So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven,
Mat 10:33 but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.
It is also forewarned to all Christians to be prepared to face physical pain or death for their faith.
It may prove much more will be required than a flippant response for his peace of mind and the affairs of his heart.
I pray for the peace of his soul as well as his physical safety. And of course Steve’s.
For those that see no “spiritual consequences” such as you profess, I have to wonder just how firm you might stand for a belief, or lack of one.

Grateful1 on August 29, 2006 at 10:43 am

I doubt you will see this but:
IF you claim no _hocus-pocus_ affiliation, why would it be a corcern to tell them what they wanted to hear to save your life?
It you have no moral compunction, how could it be any big deal? A gun to your head just might open you “spiritually”. I find your conviction lacks any real eh,. . . conviction. If any one asks later, to avoid death, you say yeah, I’m a forced convert to the religion of Isalm. There would be no consequences to YOUR soul.
Oleg was raised a Christian, one has to suppose, since his father is a minister in New Zealand. For him there MAY be a real tearing of his soul. Jesus said:
Mat 10:32 So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven,
Mat 10:33 but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.
It is also forewarned to all Christians to be prepared to face physical pain or death for their faith.
It may prove much more will be required than a flippant response for his peace of mind and the affairs of his heart.
I pray for the peace of his soul as well as his physical safety. And of course Steve’s.
For those that see no “spiritual consequences” such as you profess, I have to wonder just how firm you might stand for a belief, or lack of one.
Posted by: Grateful1 [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 29, 2006 10:43 AM”
So do you believe in the Easter Bunny too? I get shot in the head, I die. I get my head cut off Ouch) I die. Where’s Jesus? Oh yeah, he was hanged on the cross.
And anyway, is it not better to die for Christ…or so they say? I die? I’m dead

KOAJaps on August 29, 2006 at 6:12 pm

“If their religion is so damn good, they wouldn’t need a gun to get converts.”
Right, they should use the public schools to state the flying spaghetti monster created the world…
Here’s the point: you all would be mewling for mercy and do anything to get out of there. Real tough sitting back here, you 101st Keyboard Kommandos, and criticism someone in a life or death situation.
Then again, I bet y’all think you can win a war against a TACTIC. And then again I’m sure you would understand if from the 60’s to 90’s the Brits had bombed Chicago, New York, or Boston for being money pots for IRA… hey, they’d only be using your TACTICS now. Oh and they’ve been so effective…
Of course, you all seem to know exactly how someone should react to abduction, because I’m sure there wouldn’t be a stream of brave yellow forming a pool at your feet.
Oh, and please just get to what you really want to say.. a good palestinian or muslim is a dead one… it would save us all time with your beating around the bush…

RppPolyp on August 30, 2006 at 4:51 pm

Besides the attack on my faith, I ask again…Why would it be of any concern to you to utter some hollow statement they want and go home?
For you there is no consequence to your soul, political ideals, or conscience.
What would be the problem?
RppPolyp: “a good palestinian or muslim is a dead one… it would save us all time with your beating around the bush…”
Here’s a thought, how do you negotiate with those whose goal is to convert or destroy you? The Islamics’ religion forbides intregation, only dominance. They understand violence. They die as martyrs – get all the things in their paradise they are denied here, rivers of wine and sexual bliss. What do you offer that beats 72 virgins to a poverty stricken teen who is sexually repressed his entire life.
Not ALL, just enough to get the point accross. ‘Live a modern life and live with others’. Look at Gaddafi- Libya, a rocket through his bedroom window at 4 A.M. kinda helped change his attitude.

Grateful1 on August 31, 2006 at 9:05 am

Kidnapped Fox Newsmen Let Us Down By Not Dying

By converting to Islam at gunpoint two kidnapped Fox News journalists failed to meet the network’s high standards.

Jon Swift on September 2, 2006 at 9:05 pm

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