August 23, 2006, - 5:23 am

Title IX According to the Dixie Chicks

Football player Eric Butler may be America’s new sex symbol.
But don’t look for him in People Magazine or in provocative poses on pin-up posters. Butler is a symbol of equal rights for the male sex in college and high school sports.
Or, more accurately, he’s a stark example that Title IX–the measure for gender equality in education–doesn’t really mean equal rights in sports. Instead, the federal measure is just a gender-specific katyusha rocket for feminists in the war against men.
Butler’s fight and another case about high school sports in Michigan put the lie to the notion that Title IX has anything to do with equality.
Instead, it’s the “Animal Farm” version of fairness, where all animals in the barn are equal. But some are more equal than others.

Title IX is routinely used to make sure that there are “equal opportunities” for girls and women in sports at colleges and public schools. The Title IX orthodoxy is so strict that the funding, player spots, and even locker room luxuries for women must match to the exact digit those for the men.
But when the shoe is on the other foot–as in Butler’s case–things aren’t exactly equal.
Butler, a former University of Kansas football player, took a year off from college football to take care of his daughter after she was born in 2001. In a day and age when pro and college athletes wantonly father so many children out of wedlock with groupies and girlfriends, it’s admirable that Butler didn’t abandon his child.
But that’s not how Title IX sees it. Under Title IX, female college athletes who become pregnant can take time off and gain up to an extra, sixth year of eligibility for college sports.
But when Butler applied for the same thing, he couldn’t get it. He was told that, under Title IX, only female college athletes get this benefit. Even though he took a year off to take care of his newly-born daughter, the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) says that rule only applies to female athletes. And a federal court won’t issue an injunction to allow him to continue playing this season, while the case is being decided.
So much for equality.
But for a tersely-worded statement, the NCAA isn’t talking or making the tiniest attempt to justify its sexist policies. In the statement the organization said:

The pregnancy exception is explicitly written for female students whose physical condition due to pregnancy prevents their participation in intercollegiate athletics, and therefore is not applicable in this case.

It’s not exactly a way to encourage college athletes who father children to get involved in their lives, instead of abandoning them. And, regardless of the social implications, it’s flat out discriminatory.
But don’t look for Donna Lopiano, head of the Women’s Sports Foundation, to cry over Eric Butler–even though his Mr. Mom act in the midst of a college football career is exactly the type of move feminists swoon over.
Lopiano, the Gloria Steinem of “equality” in women’s sports and a warrior for Title IX orthodoxy, is nowhere to be found on the Eric Butler case. For this usually vociferous “equal rights” whiner, suddenly mum’s the word.
Then there’s the Title IX jihad being fought in the Michigan judicial system, regarding scheduling of boys and girls sports seasons in Michigan public schools. The case against the Michigan High School Athletic Association has implications for every state in the Union and is destined for the Supreme Court.
Feminist sports activists are mad that girls and boys sports don’t play the same sports during the same seasons, each year.
But that’s not a matter of sexism. It’s logic.
Soccer is played on a grassy field that gets muddy and beaten with repeated use. Ditto for men’s baseball and women’s softball. It would hardly serve the interests of high school boys and girls to be playing on these fields at the same time. It would just require more upkeep for overused ground beneath them. And much more expense for school districts that are already overburdened with underfunded budgets.
And there is the question of scheduling. Most schools only have one soccer field and one diamond that serves baseball and softball. How will they schedule after-school practice for both men and women at the same time during the same season? It simply can’t be done.
But logic and logistics, so far, are the big losers in this costly legal fight in the courts. State and federal courts in Michigan have ruled for the feminist sports litigation artists. And Michigan high schools are perplexed on how to comply with this new logistical nightmare as brought to you by Title IX.
Is Title IX really about true equality and fairness in sports?
Eric Butler and Michigan High School athletes can tell you otherwise. To them, it’s just organized sports as run by The Dixie Chicks.

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9 Responses

LOL, Debbie! They should just ban sports, period. Having male only sports is flat out discriminatory. Its a sexist anachronism and has go to go. If sports can’t be truly co-ed, they belong in the history books. The sports feminists should try taking Title IX there and see how long the public – male and female – will put up with a world without sports around.

NormanF on August 23, 2006 at 9:57 am

First of all, let me say that I firmly believe in equal pay for equal work. Not a hard concept to get a handle on, really. But there are some pretty big differences between men and women (and WoW…what awesome differences!). If everything is supposed to be so “equal” between men and women, how come most of the time we don’t share bathrooms? Can women pee in a urinal or write their name in the snow? Do they want to? Can a woman haul a fellow soldier off the battlefield under fire? I knew a female paratrooper who could, and I think she could write her name in the sand too, but probably the exception and not the rule. What is wrong with mens sports and womens sports, clubs, business, etc. anyway? There are women-only clubs, and they continue because most men are perfectly okay with women having their own schtick. I think most women are okay with it too…except those handful of harpies who can’t let people do their own thing…they have to ruin it for others. I’m personnally glad for the differences between men and women…and thank goodness there are plenty of women who are smart like Debbie Schlussel who have excellent differences!

Ziggy Spaz on August 23, 2006 at 11:28 am

Give me a break – over the last sixty years I’ve seen too many “I want equal rights” people and their definition of ‘equal rights and opportunities’. Equal rights to them means give me what I want plus some extras too. I worked my way through six years of college at a federal military depot and constantly heard the females complain about ‘equal pay for equal work’ but then it was ‘too heavy’, ‘too hard’, ‘too cold’, ‘too many hours’, ‘ too late’, ‘too dark’, etc, etc. or it was “the wrong time of the month for that”. My sons had to make room for females on the wrestling team, the football and baseball teams but weren’t permitted to play on the volleyball team because it was “for girls only”. I have seen boys forfeit a wrestling match because some of the holds that they use can’t be used on girls by order of the coach because the hold is “inappropriate”. I have three degrees and work in the social services area and I can’t begin to tell you about the bigotry there when it comes to seperation of the sexes and how men have been driven out of the field because of ‘sexual prejudice’ not ability. I know that equality is the right thing to do and hasn’t been in the past but the swing always seems to go far too much in the other way when the change is made. The attitude is always one of give me equality but let me retain some special privledges too. Sadly, in our society ‘equality ‘ isn’t about being equal it is about ‘power’!!

Grundy on August 23, 2006 at 3:52 pm

Grundy, you said it well. I do not share your experiences, but you are not alone. Your analysis of the whole “equal rights” fiasco is right on the money. It is all about power, the power to force others to accept you even if they do not want to do so. If you think about it, your analysis is true across the board.
Of course, men and women are different. Men have certain strengths and weaknesses; women have others. It is what makes the two genders capable of marriage, child rearing, and procreation.
For any liberals reading this site: Men are superior to women…..

Loser on August 23, 2006 at 11:21 pm

I would like to e-mail you some pictures that I received. You may or may not have seen them. They are quite revealing about the Islamofacsists’ ideals.

Loser on August 23, 2006 at 11:59 pm

And if a man wrote that article, he would be called sexist as well.

Boycott Watch on August 24, 2006 at 3:15 pm

Has anyone ever done research into the benefits of sports for girls. Increased self esteem, reduced chance of early pregnancy and lower dropout rates?
title 9 was designed to benefit girls. however, title 9 isn’t the problem, NCAA rules are the problem.
why are you not speaking out against the NCAA rules, instead of bashing individuals who support women in sports.?

corkscrewy on September 7, 2006 at 4:10 pm

Has anyone ever done research into the benefits of sports for girls. Increased self esteem, reduced chance of early pregnancy and lower dropout rates?
title 9 was designed to benefit girls. however, title 9 isn’t the problem, NCAA rules are the problem.
why are you not speaking out against the NCAA rules, instead of bashing individuals who support women in sports.?

corkscrewy on September 7, 2006 at 4:10 pm

According to a study to be published in the Journal of Athletic Training, in high school soccer, girls sustained concussions 68 percent more often than boys did. Female concussion rates in high school basketball were almost three times higher than among boys.
Girls also consistently took longer for their symptoms to resolve and to return to play. The study, conducted by researchers at Ohio State University and Nationwide Childrenís Hospital, examined data submitted by 425 certified athletic trainers across the United States during the 2005-6 academic year. According to the National Federation of High School Sports Associations, a million youngsters play high school basketball and 700,000 play high school soccer each year; male participation is only slightly higher than among girls.

markjames on October 3, 2007 at 12:30 am

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