June 9, 2010, - 4:20 pm
Once Again, Pope Blames Israel for Christian Arabs’ Probs
It’s the same ol’, same ol’ “blame everything on Israel” BS coming from the Vatican. You’d think that with Christians under attack and being persecuted everywhere in the Islamic world, the Pope would take a hint. But you would be wrong.
The Pope apparently finally woke up to the plight of Catholic Arabs and other Christians in the Middle East, but doesn’t quite get why they’re in the mess they’re in. The Vatican–while mentioning “political Islam” and its “extremist current”–also doesn’t miss a chance to claim Christians are fleeing the Middle East, in part, because of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the first cause cited in a Vatican working paper released during Pope Benedict XVI’s pilgrimage to Cyprus to repare for a meeting of Mideast bishops.
But here’s the thing. Catholics and other Christians in Israel have more rights and religious freedom than anywhere else in the Mid-East. Yet, due in no small measure to decades of Vatican contempt for and attacks on Israel, the Christians have always sided with the Muslims who now torment them. In fact, historically, through the centuries, the Christians bet on the Muslims against the Jews. Well, they bet wrong, and now anti-Semitic karma is a bitch.
Remember, this is the same Pope who sat on stage with an open recruiter for HAMAS and said nothing about it when he attacked the Jews, the same Pope who put on a terrorist scarf of hate.
Here are a few clues for the Pope: Israel is not the reason Chaldeans (Iraqi Catholics) are fleeing Iraq in droves. Shi’ite Muslims are. Israel did not kidnap and murder the Chaldean archbishop. Muslims did. Israel is not the reason there are no Catholic churches in Saudi Arabia. Sunni Muslims are. Israel is not the reason Palestinian Catholics are nearly extinct in Gaza and soon to be extinct in Bethlehem, the city of Jesus’ birth. Sunni Muslims are. Israel is not the reason Maronite Catholics in Lebanon are persecuted and murdered by Hezbollah/Harakat Amal. Shi’ite Muslims are. Israel is not the reason that Catholics in Syria are under attack and that their church is now the Al-Umayyad mosque. The Muslims–Shi’ite/Alouite and Sunni–are.
Pope Benedict, Israel has no responsibility for any of the attacks on Catholics throughout the Muslim world. Muslims bear almost all of that responsibility . . . and a good chunk of it goes to the Vatican and the various Popes who pandered to Muslims and attacked Israel. They bet on the wrong side. And now–and forever–that side (Islam) will go out of its way to murder Christians, just as it does Jews.
Sadly, the Vatican will not wake up completely. But it’s a fact: Muslims have killed more Christians than Jews. You don’t avenge that mass murder by cuddling with the Charles Manson of religions.
The funniest thing about the Pope and his Vatican’s Mid-East paper is that they claim that the plight of Mid-East Christians is ignored. You know who ignored it the most? The Pope, that’s who. He was more concerned with attacking Jews. And that same old blame gets, once again, thrown into the mix.
Glad the Pope finally woke up (sort of) to Islam’s attack on Christianity. Sadly, it is too little, too late.
Tags: Catholic Church, Christians, Islam, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian, Political Islam, Pope, Vatican
I have NEVER heard this Pope say anything smarter than a four year old would say. Debbie, why are you expecting ANYTHING from this pedophile?? He’s not worth it.
MS on June 9, 2010 at 4:29 pm