August 14, 2006, - 5:34 pm
Dearbornistan Terror Boy w/Cellphones Not Exactly Down on Bin Laden
One Osama doesn’t exactly dislike the other. And they’re both apparently terrorists.
When it comes to , isn’t exactly down on Bin Laden. In fact, the moral equivalency statements uttered by the 20-year-old caught with multiple cellphones, thousands in cash, and passenger lists and security information from Detroit Metro Airport are downright disturbing.
In 2002, the terror suspect said this about the Al-Qaeda chief, in a Detroit Free Press sports profile:
“He’s fighting for a cause like the United States is,” Abulhassan said. “But he’s killing innocent people and that makes him appear to be a bad guy.”
Fighting for a cause like the United States is? Appear to be a bad guy?
Not exactly a condemnation. In fact, it sounds more like he sympathizes with the guy.
Interestingly, the clueless Detroit Free Press sportswriter, Mick McCabe, gets it wrong when he “objectively” reports that:
Abulhassan is at the opposite end of the good guy/bad guy spectrum.
Four years later, we know that isn’t the case. Yet another giant hint to reporters that they should stick to the facts and leave out their opinions.
And an even bigger hint where Osama Sobhi Abulhassan’s pro-terror sympathies lie. No wonder he, himself, has now gotten caught “fighting for a cause.” In this case, though, he doesn’t just “appear” to be a bad guy.
The evidence is mounting that he, in fact, is. Tomorrow (Tuesday) is his preliminary exam. We’ll hear even more.
Tags: al-Qaeda, chief, Dearbornistan Terror Boy/TracFone Salesman, Detroit Free Press, Detroit Metro Airport, Mick McCabe, Osama Abulhassan, Osama Sabhi Abulhassan, Osama Sobhi Abulhassan, sports profile, United States
I usually find the content here interesting, but the “Dearbornistan” stuff is a little upsetting. Sure, there are some unsavory folks where I come from, but that can be said for any city in this country. To single out a community because of a few bad seeds is unfair and un-American. We are a nation of immigrants – my grandfather one of them. He arrived here – from southern Lebanon – in 1906 and fought in two wars for my freedom, and YOURS. You would never think to associate him with terrorism, nor should you blanket the overwhelming majority of Lebanese and other Arab immigrants and their descendents with that claim. None of us would associate you – with your apparently German surname – with Hitler or the Holocaust. We ALL trace our heritage to immigrants and none among us is without events in the history of our ethnicity that we disapprove of.
As to the “terror” cases this past week regarding the TracFones, it is now apparent (based on the CURRENT reporting of just about every news source – right, center and left) that the FBI and DHS find no credible link to any terror affiliation or plot. Both indicate that no charges are pending or planned against any of them. Apparently, these are simply kids out hustling to make a few bucks.
How interesting.
AmericanFromDearborn on August 14, 2006 at 8:20 pm